
Amandha Vollmer Holistic Living

Health, Nutrition & More

It’s Not A Germ or Gene

It’s Not A Germ or Gene

If you keep thinking it’s a germ or a gene, you’ll miss the real reasons: scant nutrition, toxic exposure, emotional stress. Even injuries, subluxations and miasms can fit into these categories. A hereditary miasm will form from one of these three issues and pass down energetically to the child. Injuries happen when we are out of alignment in some way, or it is written miasmatically. EMFs also tuck into toxic exposures. It is unreasonable to avoid all these exposures and situations, but knowing what it is and isn’t helps us get to the true root cause: the resolve and the rebalancing.

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💉 24 Censored Documentaries Exposing the Medical Fraud of Vaccines 💉

💉 24 Censored Documentaries Exposing the Medical Fraud of Vaccines 💉

If any of these links are broken—because they are actively scrubbing truth from the internet—please find a replacement and share it in the comments, and if you know of other powerful documentaries on this topic, feel free to drop a link, as well. The more we share, save, and repost, the harder it is for them to erase the truth! The level of censorship we’re up against is staggering, and the only way to fight back is by working together. The propaganda and brainwashing campaign didn’t start yesterday—it began decades ago with the frauds Pasteur, Jenner, and the Rockefeller Foundation.

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Self-Validation and Overwhelm Management Tools

Self-Validation and Overwhelm Management Tools

As a highly functional and intellectual woman with a wide range of interests and skill sets transitioning through menopause and digesting sudden onset complex PTSD from back-to-back traumas in 2024 (and truthfully still digesting multiple losses the convid shit-show threw at me, like the near complete abandonment from my family and local community), I have found myself having to pause and slow down, something my type A personality, “doer”, perfectionist self despises. One cannot go through a metamorphosis without stopping. To cope and manage my life I have had to allow myself pause and learn new skills to manage the overwhelm. I have had to stop people-pleasing, over-giving, over-explaining, and putting myself last.

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Glycine: An Amino Acid Hero for Balance and Renewal

Glycine: An Amino Acid Hero for Balance and Renewal

In every moment, your body is orchestrating an intricate dance of repair, detoxification, and renewal, yet many of its most essential tools often go unnoticed. Among them is glycine—a humble yet profoundly impactful amino acid. Glycine doesn’t seek the limelight, but its influence touches nearly every system of the body: aiding in the repair of tissues, balancing blood sugar, calming the mind, and even enabling the liver to process and eliminate the daily influx of environmental and metabolic toxins.

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Rethinking Antibodies

Rethinking Antibodies

Lately, I have been feeling like a skipping record. Understanding the function of the terrain is not difficult to understand, yet the mind control seems firmly stuck in place, seemingly trauma bonded to the germ theory illusion. I do understand, however, as we have had over 100 years of false science and propaganda backed by big industry and even bigger egos to wade through. So put your beliefs to the side and dive in.

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76 Vaccine Studies and More

76 Vaccine Studies and More

Many of you ask me for specific information to help your loved ones understand the dangers and risks of vaccines, so I have pulled together a smattering of resources and studies for you in one location to help you out.

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A Note on The Failed Green Movement

A Note on The Failed Green Movement

There is no real “green movement.” Like all of our systems, they have been hijacked. Simply look at the resources they need to use to create these false “green” technologies. The worst is the arson they cause to destroy our sacred forests because there are lithium or other deposits they want to mine for their expensive EV batteries, and chopping down trees like what they are attempting with the ancient Joshua Trees to build ugly, soil-destroying solar farms (dew forms on the panels and evaporates instead of forming on the ground creating desertification). They are deliberately plundering farmland (also they want us to starve).

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DMSO Wild Yam Cream

DMSO Wild Yam Cream

Our world is full of xeno-estrogens, heavy metals, phthalates, microplastics, and many other endocrine disruptors wreaking havoc on our hormone systems, for children, men, and women. So I got to work formulating something never before created, a topical hormone-balancing cream with DMSO as the delivery system (and as an extraction method). I would have to say this is the most complex formula I have invented, to date.

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HPV – The Virus that Wasn’t

HPV – The Virus that Wasn’t

There has been another wave of attacks on the fertility and intelligence of our youth across the country through the use of the poisonous and unnecessary HPV Gardasil vaccine. Misinformation and propaganda about this vaccine are being spread in schools by unpaid agents of the pharmaceutical industry, namely teachers, principals, and parents, as well as paid agents like politicians, doctors, and nurses. Not only is the Gardasil vaccine regarded as one of the most harmful on the market, but there also is no such thing as a human papillomavirus virus.

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Vitamin D: Reclaiming its Rightful Place in Health and Medicine

Vitamin D: Reclaiming its Rightful Place in Health and Medicine

I have a dream we can live off the land, breathe in the fresh air, full of electricity that bathes our bodies in perfection, a world where man and animal live in vibrational perfection with nature, where a fundamental principle of life is to respect and never poison or pollute our bodies or our world.

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The Magnetite Crystal In Your Nose

The Magnetite Crystal In Your Nose

Follow your nose, it always knows! Remember that? Well, there is more truth to that than you know! Were you aware we have a CRYSTAL in the human skull serving as a rudimentary compass?

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Learn to Opt-Out At Airports

Learn to Opt-Out At Airports

Recently my partner and were traveling to the U.S. since they finally opened the border to the non-poisoned (jabbed)..aww, shucks, thanks so much!

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Chemtrail Geoengineering EVIDENCE United States Patent and Trademark Office

Chemtrail Geoengineering EVIDENCE United States Patent and Trademark Office

With the recent attack on Lahaina, Maui – yes, I said attack (DEW weapons), we need to work as hard as we can to wake people up to the long-running agenda to enslave every man, woman, and child. Every day, each of us must take some action to expose and stop these maniacs who have been destroying innocent lives, stealing resources, faking climate change, faking pandemics (when there are no viruses), faking outer space, and lying about literally everything. These thugs are a bunch of low-life Satanic baby eaters who should have had a visit with the guillotine long ago. Why we continue to tolerate them, as they have slowly taken over almost every government, the entire media, and every 3 letter agency, is beyond me. Children at Lahaina shouldn’t be burning alive, these motherfuckers should. Most of those children that “went home” from school early were most likely trafficked by FEMA and The Red Cross – also, of course, completely owned by this evil cult.

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The Power of Terahertz For Healing

The Power of Terahertz For Healing

It was not my intention to hold back on my own experiences or the experiences of others regarding the powerful healing being witnessed by the use of Terahertz (Thz) frequencies.

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There is No Spike Protein

There is No Spike Protein

There is no mRNA creating a spike protein and certainly no coronavirus. As I’ve been saying since the beginning, this show is just that, an illusion, a con, a trick.

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How to use NATPRO Progesterone Cream

How to use NATPRO Progesterone Cream

One of the first things to understand when first using progesterone is that it is not an overnight fix, it can take anything from 2-6 months, possibly longer, before positive results are achieved. Time and patience are needed!! One must expect all sorts of ‘strange things’ to take place as the body adjusts, only once progesterone has become the dominant hormone will things start to improve. Most of these ‘strange things’ are Estrogen Dominance symptoms

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Your Cold is the Cure

Your Cold is the Cure

There are no contagious germs, just contagious habits. Knowing that your expressive symptoms are the body’s mechanism for communication and healing is something “big harma” doesn’t want you to be empowered with. Are you full of toxins and are operating nutritionally deficient? Well, there’s your trouble.

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Subversion and Solutions

Subversion and Solutions

A neo-Marxist interdisciplinary social theory pushed forward via intellectual nutjobs who founded The Frankfurt School in 1923 has been a major factor in the subversive take-over silent war tactics we are witnessing today.

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The Ivermectin Double Cross

The Ivermectin Double Cross

Since 1998, I have been studying and experiencing in various manners the nature doctor path. I bloomed into visual arts as a child. I was a writer. I danced. Then my calling came. First, I began with the study of animals, then of plants and man. In nature and in the lab. Then chemical and mathematical, which taught me the natural methods of synergy and helped me train my pattern recognition.

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DMSO for Strokes

DMSO for Strokes

DMSO should be used in the treatment of all stroke patients. DMSO has a number of properties that make it valuable in treating any problem involving the brain.

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Synthetic Scents and Your Health

Synthetic Scents and Your Health

Synthetic fragrances can have a negative impact on our health. The compounds used to create these fragrances are known or suspected endocrine disruptors, meaning they tinker with our hormonal health and can trigger disease states.

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The Expiry Date Con

The Expiry Date Con

Homeopathic remedies, spagyric tinctures or any alcohol based tinctures last for years and generally never rot. I have unique homeopathic remedies that I use again and again from over 15 years ago that are still vital and helpful.

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What Is Pyrrole Disorder?

What Is Pyrrole Disorder?

If you have a child with autism, please read this. Were you aware that 46-48% of children with autism have Pyrrole disorder, also known as Pyroluria?

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Borax, Boron, Boric Acid and Your Health

Borax, Boron, Boric Acid and Your Health

Years ago I began compiling and saving research about boron, knowing that the pharma industry was increasing its suppression of natural medicine via cancel culture. I am glad I saved this research to present to you now.

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$50 Discount Zeolite Offer

$50 Discount Zeolite Offer

What if you could be free of debilitating fatigue, keep your heart in great shape, conquer cancer naturally, and clear away brain fog to experience renewed clarity and focus?

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Germ Theory vs Terrain Debate Notes

Germ Theory vs Terrain Debate Notes

The germ theory has been derived via a pseudoscientific sleight of hand with no validation. Doctors and scientists are indoctrinated into a germ theory dogma, akin to a religion, appealing to authority, with no valid science whatsoever to back up their beliefs.

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There are no Diseases

There are no Diseases

“There are no specific diseases only specific disease conditions” said the brilliant nurse Florence Nightingale....

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Disinformed Consent ~ by Shawn Siegel

Disinformed Consent ~ by Shawn Siegel

We are living in the age of disinformed consent. Parents assume their doctors and their public health authorities are providing them with all relevant vaccine information, and nothing could be further from the truth.

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How to Heal a Broken Hip without Surgery

How to Heal a Broken Hip without Surgery

A broken “hip” in an elder is a very common occurrence in our culture, sadly. The standard diets & sedentary lifestyles cause chronic inflammation and nutrient deficiencies leading to brittle bones. Making things worse, our elders are almost all on one or many pharmaceutical drugs, depleting their nutrients even further.

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Regarding Diabetes

Regarding Diabetes

The cause of diabetes is THICK, TOXIC blood. This is from toxins from lifestyle (vaccines, pesticides, chemtrails, chronic stress, etc), diet (GMOs, trans fats, sugar), often inviting parasites as the root causes.

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How We Really Get Sick

How We Really Get Sick

It’s Not What You Think How is it that we become ill? What mechanisms are in place to help the body heal and deal with...

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Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE)

Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE)

This blog post is for Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE). It includes examples of modifications and the purpose is to demonstrate how it is possible to facilitate and affect the tremor response as it moves through the body.

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Dr. Franchi and Italian FOI’s Prove No Covid Viral Isolation

Dr. Franchi and Italian FOI’s Prove No Covid Viral Isolation

Dr. Maria Rosaria Capobianchi, Director of Virology, Istituto Nazionale per le Malattie Infettive Lazzaro Spallanzani (National Institute of Infectious Diseases Lazzaro Spallanzani), Italy failed to provide or cite even 1 record re purification of the alleged COVID-19 virus aka “SARS-COV-2”

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Drugs: A Note about Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine

Drugs: A Note about Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine

I know many people are supporting the drugs that the controlled opposition is pushing on people, and I understand why, I understand that you care about what is going on and about people and for that we are in alignment and I support that in all that I am.

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How To Introduce the Vaccine Topic

How To Introduce the Vaccine Topic

The first thing I suggest to a new parent doing their due diligence on vaccines, is to read a vaccine insert. They can be found online. After you have read a full one, ask yourself this: “Does this sound like health to me?” Also ask yourself, what DO I know about health?

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Vaccines – The Right To Make A Decision

Vaccines – The Right To Make A Decision

Whether you’re pro-vaccine, anti-vaccine, or fall somewhere in the middle, the questions you need to ask yourselves are as follows: Do you want to live in a world, where you cannot freely refuse a medical procedure that carries risk of injury or death?

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The False Idea of Herd Immunity

The False Idea of Herd Immunity

As thinking people, we need to dig deeper and see if what we are being told is true.

In other words… Does the vaccine REALLY work? We are told it does, and we are also told we need to get the vaccine in order to protect “herd immunity.” We are told it is safe and effective while the deaths and injuries from this dangerous cult-like ideology are swept under the rug or brushed aside as “for the common good”.

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Breast Cancer False Diagnosis

Breast Cancer False Diagnosis

Of all the many scams by the fake health industry (medical cartel), one of the biggest I see is regarding the breast cancer false diagnosis. I have had many patients claiming there is a lump in their breast, usually women peri-menopausal and no one tells them it is a normal and natural change in breast tissue from menopausal hormone changes.

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NAC is the Ticket

NAC is the Ticket

On the Connection Between Graphene Oxide Found in "Covid Vaccines", Electromagnetic Fields, Blood Clots & Severe "Covid" Symptoms | How to Remove Graphene Oxide From the Body – NAC (N-acetylcysteine)

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Crrow777 Radio Show – Episode 324

Crrow777 Radio Show – Episode 324

In this era your health and spiritual concerns are under a full frontal onslaught from the very places tasked with protecting your well-being. If you are not actively defending your spiritual and health-life, you are at the whim of lifeless corps-orations that have no concern for the living.

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If Your Doctor Insists That Vaccines Are Safe, Then Have Them Sign This Form

If Your Doctor Insists That Vaccines Are Safe, Then Have Them Sign This Form

The average person that consents to a vaccine injection, either for themselves or for their children, genuinely believes it is for the betterment of health. What they are not aware of is that even their doctor is likely unfamiliar with the toxic ingredients contained in vaccines which can immediately begin to degrade both short- and long-term health.

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Letter to decline PCR testing at work

Letter to decline PCR testing at work

You have recently told me that I am now required to consent to weekly PCR testing at work, to determine my SARS-CoV-2 status. This letter is to inform you that I decline consent to the same for ethical and other reasons which I set out below.

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Health Effects of Boron

Health Effects of Boron

Boron is essential for the integrity and function of cell walls and for the way signals are transmitted across membranes. Boron is distributed throughout the body, with the highest concentration in the parathyroid glands followed by bones and dental enamel.

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Natural Pet Care

Natural Pet Care

Food grade diatomaceous earth can be dusted on fur and a little bit stirred into some wet food to prevent/kill fleas and mites (rub it into the ears). You can also sprinkle it onto carpets/beds, leave over night and then vacuum. Don’t over do it as it can cause dehydration. Ensure plenty of fresh water is available.

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The decision to wear a mask is highly personal and should not be universally mandated; measures that are meant to protect the community are ineffective if they hurt individuals in that community. Time For Accountability – Yummy Doctor – Amandha Vollmer Blog

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CDS/MMS Protocols

CDS/MMS Protocols

This protocol is for beginners, for those who are hesitant or insecure, for small issues or for general maintenance. More experienced people will find a protocol to fit their needs

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The Virus Deception

The Virus Deception

They will say “that is your opinion where are your sources?” I post sources and they say “all you post is someone else’s work”. I feel sorry for the minds of these people.

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DMSO Protocols

DMSO Protocols

There are many protocols for its use. It can be used internally (especially if you are treating the oral cavity, the esophagus and the colon (in an enema, properly diluted)) but mostly externally, as it is fully transdermal (meaning it will go through the barrier of the skin!)

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Amandha Vollmer Biography

Amandha Vollmer Biography

Always seeking knowledge and truth, Amandha soon realized deeper, hidden information which propelled her into continually active research in many varied topics including various forms of law, politics, history, religion and science.

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Dismantling House Resolution 327

Dismantling House Resolution 327

I was really happy that Sallie Elkordy asked me to refute HR327 in a written document. I had been invited onto her Radio Show to refute this resolution, which we did, you can listen to this HERE.

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Chronic Dry Skin Healing Protocol

Chronic Dry Skin Healing Protocol

There is a dry skin cycle that occurs. Excessive external dryness coupled with heat and/or excessive washing with soaps, the use of various chemicals in commercial skin lotions, can lead to the deterioration of the skin’s natural barrier leading to rapid evaporation and loss of flexibility.

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Holistic Protocol for Shingles

Holistic Protocol for Shingles

Shingles is a painful expression of the nervous system. It is on the rise in not only the elderly but now also in younger people and children, something never before seen in history, due to in part, the chicken pox vaccine and the levels of toxicty coming at us from every angle.

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A Simple Cure For Arthritis and More

A Simple Cure For Arthritis and More

So many of our simple, natural remedies have been suppressed and made illegal by the Carnegie/Rockefeller/Morgan industrial medicine empire. So many in fact, it would take me years to talk about them all.

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Therapeutic Organic Sulfur Crystals

Therapeutic Organic Sulfur Crystals

The cells of the body are chronically inflamed and retaining the byproducts of metabolic processes. Sulfur needs to be present In order for these toxins and wastes to be removed from the body.

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Get Off This Drug and Save Your Life: Blood Pressure Medication

Get Off This Drug and Save Your Life: Blood Pressure Medication

The way MDs and even NDs are taught to check for hypertension is a very poor test: the almighty blood pressure cuff. This tells you just about nothing other than the body is toxic/stressed which you could tell just by talking to the patient for 10 minutes, or heck, even looking at them.

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The Pepper-Neely Anticancer Proposal

The Pepper-Neely Anticancer Proposal

As I am refreshing my research into natural cancer cures for an upcoming talk, I was reminded of this important piece of history, a reminder to all that the upper echelon of corruption stems back hundreds of years and continues still to this day.

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Cancer Cures

Cancer Cures

Medical establishment has been captured and made to be biased to serve the interests of the pharmaceutical corporations. Cures are suppressed in the name of profit and competition.

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Low Breast Milk? Try Beer!

Low Breast Milk? Try Beer!

I don’t think I need to tell you that alcohol is bad for both mother and baby, right? In fact, alcohol has the opposite effect on breastmilk production, so that is just counter intuitive. There are beers on the market with the alcohol removed, this is the only beer I would ever recommend to a nursing mother.

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Fluoride: Industrial Snake Oil

Fluoride: Industrial Snake Oil

There are no excuses anymore, as the evidence that shows industrial fluoride is nothing more than a poison that damages health in many ways. Its been a 50 year long mistake, are we really going to let this myth and fraud continue?

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10 Things to do Instead of Yelling

10 Things to do Instead of Yelling

As parents, it can be way too easy to slip into a pattern of yelling way more than we like.
Not only does this create a scary, toxic environment for everybody, but it’s not even effective.

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Arthritis is Toxicity

Arthritis is Toxicity

To heal arthritis, detoxify the organ systems, increase key nutrients and balance the immune system. Assist all the routes of elimination to work properly once again.

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Low Milk Supply 101

Low Milk Supply 101

Here is some valuable information to calm a new mother and help her understand breastfeeding, milk production and how to be sure your beautiful body is behaving how it’s designed. The good news: it probably is!

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Liver Health – Castor Oil Pack Procedure

Liver Health – Castor Oil Pack Procedure

In our modern world of toxins from air (chemtrails, smog), soil, food (gmo’s, pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, other drugs), water (chlorine, fluoride, chemicals), vaccines, perfumes, dyes, heavy metals, radiation fall out, emf’s, stress, hormone imbalances, alcohol and drug use and the list goes on, our liver burden is astronomical.

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How To Cloth Diaper by YumNaturals

How To Cloth Diaper by YumNaturals

The sheer number of diapers being bought, used, and disposed of in our trash are truly mind-boggling. Industry statistics indicate that as many as 18 billion disposable diapers are used in the U.S. per year and this is based on 1988 stats – the end products of a market valued at more than $3 billion.

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YumNaturals: Holistic Lifestyle

YumNaturals: Holistic Lifestyle

We all have a unique, individual expression to bloom and this is my way of being in alignment with Source and Mother Earth, to walk my path, and share with you all these gifts and blessings.

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How To Use and Choose Baltic Teething Amber Correctly

How To Use and Choose Baltic Teething Amber Correctly

Unfortunately, as with many things natural, they are often untested. As a result we can have a difficult time knowing dosages, limits and individual applications. Therefore, we see varying results. Some mothers say their Baltic amber jewelry works incredibly on their child for teething.

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