Amandha Vollmer Holistic Living
Health, Nutrition & More
Scientists Confirm Bacteria is Essential to Proper Immunity
While it can be a challenge in modern society, it is important to allow yourself natural exposure to bacteria in the environment. Something known as ‘grounding’ may be particularly beneficial.
Giveaway for Mother’s Day!
You could WIN this prize pack for mom, worth over $70!!!
Research Showing Essential Oils as Antibiotic Against Tonsillitis Bacteria
Research from France’s University of Angers has determined that certain essential oils are effective in killing the bacteria known to cause tonsillitis.
On Smart Girls & Remarkable Women
As an intelligent, sensitive, empathic woman, I can greatly connect to these words. With further wisdom, I understand that I have introverted and extroverted aspects to my personality and that I can feel isolated all too often.
The Chemistry of Essential Oils
If you tell most medical doctors that essential oils bring about healing with no negative side effects, they won’t believe you. This is because in medical school, students are repeatedly told by their professors that all effective medicines have negative side effects, and if they don’t then they can’t be effective.
How To Become Spiritually Fit
Over a great number of years, I have been gathering knowledge and wisdom in preparation to write a book expressing spiritual fitness at it’s most ideal level. These are aspiration, goals, and deep truths.
Early Gut Bacteria Determines Happiness
This research has multiple health implications as it shows that manipulations of the microbiota (e.g. by antibiotics, diet, or infection) can have profound knock-on effects on brain function.
Homeopathic Remedies for Burns
It can be an alarming thing when your first aid skills are tested and I am glad my training and the internet came to the rescue. Homeopathic remedies can be powerful tools to have on hand. I recommend a healthy amount of them in your first aid kit.
Here is a beautiful mantra for you today. May your pure self ever expand in love….
11 Things I Wish Every Parent Knew
After 25 years practicing pediatrics, and caring for thousands of children, I’ve noticed some patterns that offer me a deeper vision of health. Here are some of those invaluable lessons: