Think Critically, Live Intentionally
Video Overview
Amandha reveals the power of questioning assumptions, urging viewers to challenge beliefs, think critically, and embrace a more mindful, intentional life.
The full video can be found here:
Full Video
In this video, Amandha Vollmer (ADV) encourages viewers to challenge their own assumptions and the influence of societal beliefs.
Amandha emphasizes the importance of questioning not just what we assume to be true, but also where these beliefs originate—whether from authoritative figures, popular opinion, or long-standing traditions.
These assumptions can often stem from logical fallacies. Amandha explains that we must adopt a habit of deeper questioning and critical thinking, which will lead to a more mindful and intentional approach to life.
COURSE: Your Holistic Self-Assessment:
Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE):