The Wide Awake Show chats with Amandha Vollmer
Video Overview
On The Wide Awake Show, Amandha Vollmer discusses the Rockefeller Medical System and its role in suppressing information about natural remedies and healing to maintain control over society.
Amanda explains that the Rockefeller Medical System was established not to promote human health but rather the opposite, a fact of which many people remain unaware. She argues that suppressing symptoms with drugs and pharmaceutical interventions is not the appropriate approach to treating ailments. In this video, Amandha, leveraging her extensive knowledge and research, elucidates her stance on this issue.
Amandha delves into the therapeutic potential of DMSO and its efficacy in treating various health conditions. She recounts a scenario where a friend suffered severe burns from an oil accident. While aloe vera provided some relief, blisters still formed. Amandha contends that the application of DMSO could have significantly reduced the pain and possibly prevented blistering. She also shares personal anecdotes about how DMSO has benefited her and her daughter in past injuries.
The video also touches upon the importance of managing ego and emotions. Amandha discusses the need to recognize when one’s actions are driven by ego and emotions and the importance of gaining control over them rather than being controlled. She reflects on her own experiences in identifying aspects of ego in her interactions with others.
Amandha raises concerns about recent abnormal weather patterns, challenging the assumption that the increased cloudiness and lack of sunshine are natural occurrences. She attributes these changes to bioengineering and chemtrails, which deliberately obstruct sunlight. Amandha introduces a solution for countering the artificially induced weather—a technology she uses called a cloud buster, aiming to liberate ourselves from chemically engineered weather conditions.