Sol Luckman Interviewed by ADV

Sol Luckman Interviewed by ADV

Video Overview

Over 10 years ago I found the work of Sol Luckman. It was a joy to interview him. I love synchronicity. After we recorded this podcast, the very next day, up popped one of my posts in Facebook memories from a decade ago about DNA and crop circles. I emailed it to him and he wrote back: Funny you sent that article. Here it is in 2010 in my ezine:
I thought that was marvelous on so many levels.

His brilliant T-shirts can be found here: (the astrologer he mentioned)

The Human Bioenergy Blueprint

The science of muscle testing (Applied Kinesiology or simply kinesiology) employs muscle response tests to determine allergies, emotional blockages, and even the truth or falsehood of given statements.

For the purposes of this introduction, it is simply necessary to emphasize that muscle testing, properly utilized, can be a powerful tool for gathering and evaluating information that has been validated in numerous studies.

My partner Leigh assisted me throughout the development of Potentiation and the Regenetics Method. We performed literally tens of thousands of tests with clients who had come to us suffering from various chronic ailments.

At the time, over eight years ago, we were offering a form of energetic allergy elimination derived from Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique and an offshoot of NAET called BioSET.

One of our most important realizations about traditional allergy clearings was that these techniques employ a typically “Western” focus on the physical—even though the techniques themselves use pure energy!

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Amandha D Vollmer (ADV)
BSc, Herbalist, Reiki Master,
Holistic Health Practitioner,
Degree of Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

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