Heal Cataracts Without Surgery: Using DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) By Amandha Vollmer (ADV)
Video Overview
Amandha unveils how your body’s state influences microbial and parasitic activity, adopting a terrain approach, challenging traditional views on bacteria and health.
The full video can be found here: 👉Full Video
Amandha Vollmer (ADV) investigates how factors like incorrect pH, chronic inflammation, malnourishment, and exposure to toxins—including heavy metals, microplastics, and xenoestrogens—can lead to cells becoming inefficient or dying.
Understand the body’s natural process wherein microbes break down these cells, and explore why parasites, seizing these opportunities, thrive under such conditions.
This insight challenges the conventional view of bacteria and germs, advocating for a terrain theory approach to comprehend their presence in our bodies.