Understanding How to Align with Nature’s Cycles

Understanding How to Align with Nature’s Cycles

Video Overview

Amandha explains how aligning with nature’s cycles and addressing modern challenges can lead to greater health and holistic well-being.
The full video can be found here: 👉Full Video

Amandha Vollmer (ADV) explores the deep connection between our health and nature’s cycles, emphasizing the necessity of aligning our practices with these natural rhythms for enhanced resilience and well-being.

Amandha discusses the significance of preparing for seasonal changes and the impact of technological advancements, such as the shift in electromagnetic frequencies, on our health. Diving into the core principles of holistic healing, she reveals how the root causes of disease often trace back to inadequate nutrition and the accumulation of toxins.

Through a holistic approach, Amandha advocates for nurturing the body’s natural terrain, improving gut health, and addressing both environmental and emotional toxins, guiding us towards a harmonious and healthy existence with nature.

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Amandha D Vollmer (ADV)
BSc, Herbalist, Reiki Master,
Holistic Health Practitioner,
Degree of Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

Bringing the Wisdom of Nature Education: https://yummy.doctor/
YumNaturals Emporium Store: https://yumnaturals.store/
DMSO Products: https://DMSO.store
Healing with DMSO Book: https://healingwithdmso.com/

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Telegram Chats:
1. ADV’s Main Channel: https://t.me/amandhavollmer
2. ADV’s Legal/Lawful Templates Group: https://t.me/HDoT_Templates
3. ADV’s Local Ontario Group: https://t.me/ontarioawake

Advice Disclaimer:
The website content, including but not limited to blogs, newsletters and videos with Amandha Vollmer are intended for general information only, and are not intended to be a substitute for legal, medical or financial advice, and should not be construed as legal, medical or financial advice applicable to your particular situation. No attorney-client or confidential relationship is or will be formed by use of this website or the contents within.


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