The Importance of Detox by Amandha Vollmer (ADV)
Video Overview
Detoxing is a crucial aspect of life, and detoxification is an essential first step towards living a healthier lifestyle.
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Amandha Vollmer (ADV) discusses the detoxification process. She explains that our bodies are continuously working to expel waste and toxins. However, when the body becomes congested with toxins, it may struggle with detoxification, leading to various symptoms as the body attempts to cleanse itself.
She points out the importance of understanding that failure to eliminate wastes and toxins through detoxification results in their storage within the body. This storage is a defence mechanism against these harmful substances, which need to be removed to maintain health. It’s crucial to stay diligent with our detox routines. Prolonged retention of wastes and toxins can lead to chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and various acidosis conditions.
Amandha emphasizes that the liver is the key organ in removing unwanted materials from the body. The detox process begins with the kidneys filtering excess waste, followed by the liver’s purification process. The liver then expels these unwanted materials from the body.
Furthermore, Amandha elaborates on the connection between the liver and skin. The liver may use the skin as a means to remove wastes, potentially causing skin issues like rashes and acne.
In conclusion, Amandha asserts, “when people are toxic, they must remove wastes.” Now is the time to enhance your detox regime and reclaim the health you desire.