SCIENTISM: The Cult of Vaccines ~ Amandha Vollmer, BSc, Nature Doctor ~ Host Elkordy

SCIENTISM: The Cult of Vaccines ~ Amandha Vollmer, BSc, Nature Doctor ~ Host Elkordy

Video Overview

There is a discussion that is not being had that needs to happen. We need to look back at history during the time of the Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory science, who the people were involved and how Germ Theory, even though proven false, was ushered through as postulates so that the drug companies could create named diseases and offer their cures.

Pasteur was a plagiarist and recanted his stance on his death bed, stating “I was wrong, the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything”. However, by this point, vaccines and their poisons were inside the halls of the Rockefeller backed drug institutions & schools and it all fell on deaf ears.

We cannot create “green vaccines”, there is no such thing. Furthermore, the basic understanding of infectious medicine is incorrect from it’s devious inception and the truth of this must come to light. Germs do NOT cause disease. Therefore, the diseased tissue must already be present for infection to be had. Germs change their shape & expression based on the environment they are found in. Therefore, Koch’s Postulates are incorrect: the Germ theory has fallen.

Ironically, vaccines damage the host terrain, leading to all kinds of diseases and infections to take place. Therefore, vaccines are the exact opposite of what the liars have sold to us as preventative medicine. Furthermore, vaccinations have never saved a life and have only created the outrageous chronic disease epidemics we see today, the broken families, the early deaths, the dead babies. All because of a few psychopaths who had a long standing, occult idea of power, control and destruction.

Video Overview Continued

Cult doctrine has infected the medical schools, the corporations and the public at large, for the only thing holding this massive scam together is the indoctrination, brainwashing, propaganda fueled by biased science. It must be realized, in order for this nightmare of human destruction and disease formation to cease, that scientism, not science, has clouded the free thinking, logical minds of scientists and lay people alike, on all levels of this great deception. Also, we must unravel the layers of falsity, get back to accurate history and return logic, wisdom and genuine science to get to the true understanding of the vaccine debacle.

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This was a live blog talk radio interview on 2017-10-26
Original link here:

If you are on the fence about vaccines you won’t be after this interview.

False Germ Theory of Disease:

The Rockefeller Drug Empire:

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Amandha D Vollmer (ADV)
BSc, Herbalist, Reiki Master,
Holistic Health Practitioner,
Degree of Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

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