Natural Care for Babies and Children with Amandha Vollmer (ADV) and Kelsey Lynne Brown on Blog Talk Radio
Video Overview
In this podcast, Amandha Vollmer (ADV) speaks about natural parenting and childcare. ADV speaks about her experiences with a natural pregnancy, as well as childbirth. ADV also shares what she learned during her experience and implementation of natural parenting. Furthermore, ADV explains why it is important to stand up for your health as well as the health of your child. She encourages her viewers to do their own research to self-educate on natural health and pregnancy.
Additionally, ADV speaks on a variety of natural remedies to help keep you and your children healthy on your journey of natural parenting and childcare. Furthermore, ADV shares her experiences with certain remedies and how they have aided her throughout her parental role.
Finally, ADV explains some of the dangers of MD’s including the medicine they push onto you and your children. Also, Amandha explains how to avoid MD’s and have your childbirth at home naturally.
Notes/Corrections: Amandha is not currently taking patients, she was at the time of the interview. The old website name is mentioned: the new one is Amandha had still yet to learn there is no “immune system” per se but actually an identification system that helps the body understand self vs non-self. Additionally, at timestamp 28:23 Amandha meant to say “Barbara Harper of the Waterbirth International” (Barbara Brennan, whose name Amandha mentioned, is actually the founder of The School of Healing and she is also the author of Hands of Light.” Her meaning of “cure” = to re-establish homeostasis in the body, the more appropriate word is “heal” or “to be healed.”