Myth of Contagion, What Makes People Sick, Antibiotics and DMSO
Video Overview
Amandha has educated thousands, illuminating the truth about health and disease, the true biology of humans, the fallacy of germ theory, and the myth of contagion. Amid the current COVID “pandemic,” Amandha has risen as a prominent voice, challenging the absence of scientific evidence for the existence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and asserting that virology is inherently unscientific.
In this interview, we discussed the following topics:
– The myth of contagion
– The true causes of illness
– Chickenpox
– Antibiotics
– DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide), a remarkable medicine derived from trees. Notably, in Russia, DMSO is freely available in pharmacies, in stark contrast to other countries where Big Pharma has succeeded in vilifying DMSO, concealing its extraordinary healing properties from the public.