Is Your Vagus Nerve Blocked?
Video Overview
Discover how the vagus nerve affects digestion, coughing, and stress relief. Amandha reveals natural tips to restore balance and improve your well-being.
The full video can be found here: 👉Full Video
In this enlightening video, Amandha Vollmer (ADV) explains the crucial role of the vagus nerve—the largest cranial nerve in the body—and how it supports your body’s “rest and digest” functions.
This video explores how sensory overload can disrupt vagus nerve function, leading to issues like poor digestion and persistent dry coughs. Amandha offers valuable insights into why these symptoms may stem from nerve-related imbalances and emphasizes the importance of addressing the root cause rather than just suppressing symptoms.
If you’ve struggled with gut issues, lingering coughs, or respiratory discomfort, this video provides essential tips to restore balance and improve your well-being naturally.