Fibromyalgia: Causes & Natural Solutions

Fibromyalgia: Causes & Natural Solutions

Video Overview

Here was a live Facebook chat where I discuss the cascade of fibromyalgia, how it starts, progresses and ends up and how to make the changes necessary to heal and recover from this debilitating health imbalance.

Fibromyalgia begins as a reaction to stress (either socially (abuse), environmentally (mold) or internally (vaccines)) which puts that person into sympathetic dominance, aka fight or flight mode, chronically so. This leads to an unending state of inflammation which then slows the metabolism leading to weight gain, brain fog and thyroid issues. Once this goes on for a while, gut integrity fails and leaky gut can set in, causing allergies and worsening the mind symptoms, as serotonin production in the gut is hindered. Drugs and antibiotics cause insult to injury, making symptoms worse, the patient migrates from doctor to doctor chasing random symptoms, never getting to root cause: the stress and it’s chronic inflammation. Then the cleansing system (lymph, nodes and associated organs) crashes and they become an open door for parasites and all kinds of infections from external and internal (candida). Everything they take aggravates their condition and they become increasingly distrustful of any doctor or healer. They often give up hope they will ever heal.

There is hope, however. It is a long road to recovery for many but it is doable. It starts with identifying and removing the original stress and it’s trauma, then getting the inflammation under control, healing the gut is next followed by making lifestyle changes with food, gentle exercise, supplements and detox strategies.

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Amandha D Vollmer (ADV)
BSc, Herbalist, Reiki Master,
Holistic Health Practitioner,
Degree of Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

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