Are You Still Using a Microwave?
Video Overview
Amandha discusses the often-overlooked risks associated with using microwave ovens, advocating for a healthier lifestyle that avoids the potential dangers of non-ionizing radiation.
The full video can be found here:
Full Video
Amandha Vollmer (ADV) talks about the lesser-known hazards of using microwaves, urging viewers to reconsider their daily use. With a focus on the scientific principles that govern microwave technology, she highlights how the non-ionizing radiation emitted by these appliances can contribute to a range of health issues.
The video details how prolonged exposure, especially from older models with compromised door seals, can lead to diseases, including those affecting the retina.
Through compelling arguments and evidence, Amandha makes a case for the elimination of microwaves from our kitchens to prevent unnecessary radiation exposure.