


Most Popular Testimonials

Our Favorite Endorsements!

“Blessings on your day Amandha. You are doing amazing work here on this platform and everywhere….it is just so needed and you have been such a blessing to all because you share.”


Member, Yummy.Doctor

“Amandha is just incredible!! And she is speaking up and showing the fraud of this plandemic nightmare since the very beginning! A great holistic conscious doctor!!”



“I love all your products that I’ve tried, they are all unique, carry this special healing energy and are always fun to use, and they have amazing properties. They are incredible 😍”



“I finally had the opportunity to listen to Amandhas first live and I am PUMPED! So very excited, grateful, optimistic, and better informed every day. Thank you!!!”



“I’m so grateful I found ADV when I did! Unfortunately it wasn’t until late 2021 and I say this because I’ve watched many of her videos from years ago and would have loved that knowledge back then but maybe I wouldn’t have been ready for it at that time. Divine timing I suppose. She has been such a positive influence in my life. Especially when I found a lump in my breast a few weeks ago. I immediately panicked in my mind since my mom had gone through breast cancer 26 years ago (she was the age I am now). I searched in the Healthy Dose of Truth group and found incredibly helpful information through ADVs videos. I discovered that finding lumps in breast tissue around my age (46) is actually quite normal and main focus is supporting detox and balancing hormones. I took pages and pages of notes and felt super empowered to heal myself instead of giving all my power away to the medical mafia who poked, butchered and poisoned my mom to near death. Fortunately she has been cancer free to this day and based on what I’ve learned from ADV I wonder if she ever had breast cancer in the first place.
So much love and respect for ADV ❤️”



“Me too! 😁 I love every product I have used so far, and love that I get to support an amazing truth and freedom warrior, Amandha, and her team in the process. It truly is a win-win. 💞”



“I just listened to last Thursday’s live and I love you even more! Thank you for you vulnerability and letting us be part of you experience with Miloh. He was very blessed to be in your care. …”



“Amazing interview Amandha. You are getting more and more eloquent and precise!”



“No instructions, just to say I’m having great results with 20% + C drops. Allergic conjunctivitis that has bothered me for 3+ years is gone. Vision is sharp again, and colours looked better immediately after the first use. I’m moving up to 40% now, and I’m getting 20% for others to try. I’m interested to see if this can help my astigmatism, too.”

Chris H.

Member, 20% DMSO Eye Drops in Saline with Vitamin C

“Thank You ADV for another great learning tool this live video was…am so happy to be a regular user of DMSO…really believe I’ve never felt better in my life..and at 69 years young that is saying something…
It wasn’t all DMSO but one of the main ingredients along with UT and so many learned protocols from You!!!
Don’t know where I’d be right now without coffee enemas…and a great learning experience I’ve had at HDOT!!”

David G Hazelton


“Amandha i LOVE your Q & A Lives (I listen to the replays)—-you are so entertaining and you educate me at that same time. Sending prayers and peace your way.”



“An oasis in the desert of medical deceit. Always willing to inform and educate. Have learned so much and feel empowered to learn more. Her knowledge is unparalleled. Amazing customer service, products arrive exactly as described. Thank you! Highly recommend!”



“Totally agree. ADV on fire and articulating with pristine clarity the clear NO and raising the torch for self-determination that vanquished fear. True courage when all else seemed so dark, and a gift of courage that helped me to continue when I first saw it. ADV you have a place in my heart eternally just for this, thankyou 🙏”



“holy shit ty so much!

I don’t know why I didn’t think to try it but hubs came home and I couldn’t hide the pain. We ate dinner and after he said ok let’s go to the ER. I said wait, Mdme M said use DMSO. So he got it and no mix I said put 2 drops and I rubbed in. Pain GONE immediately!

I was laying on left side in bed, I moved around and stood up and no pain!

I ♥️ DMSO so much and ♥️ ADV bc she is where I first heard of it and ♥️ u for reminding me to use it…thank u!”



“Thanks Amandha for generously sharing your knowledge with us! …”

Ann Marie


“I have purchased at least 25 of your amazing products and love them all ❤️”



“I love the premium membership. Learning so much from people’s questions and the responses Amandha is providing. It’s almost impossible to get to all the health question on the live but she does her best to answer.

The amount of work Amandha and her team are doing is amazing. 🙏”

Paula M


“Profound words from Amandha! I needed to hear this right now as it just put everything I have been struggling with into perspective, like pieces of a puzzle magically falling in to place. I have found the discussions here a little overwhelming at times but have continued to read through them, needless to say not all as there are so many, as I try to understand what others think and ultimately what I think when it comes to being as strong and healthy as possible. And there is that word! Think, what you think matters, the subconscious mind matters as Amandha explains. Thank you so much for this and your insight!”



Service Testimonials

Our Service Endorsements!

Hi Amandha. Just some feedback for you on this post amandhavollmer.substack.com/p/dmso-for-strokes
I had a stroke (self diagnosed) about two months ago; awoke in the morning with a cracking headache and couldn’t speak properly – probably stress induced so wasn’t surprised. A friend said I sounded drunk (I don’t drink alcohol; as in zero). This was the case for about three weeks then I came across your post; given I had some DMSO (I bought some and your book about 4 years ago for another issue) I thought I would give it a crack. Now doing it every day and have been for over a month. Feedback: within 3 days my speech started to return. Turns rubbish if I speak for too long but it is still improving. Even headache is improving.
Anyway, what really interested me (I trained as a chemical engineer) is I accidentally drunk it the other day without adding water but had added honey (not pasteurized) as usual (normally add structured water – see Gerald Pollock – which comes from an 80m deep well so chem. free; I live rurally) and it was warm (~30C; ambient T ~15C). So I’ve now repeated this three times and the DMSO always gets warm after adding the honey. There appears to be an exothermic reaction going on. I’ve not tested this ‘professionally’ but I thought you might be interested – I’ve not read this anywhere.
Love your work and very grateful to you; without knowing it you’ve probably save my life three times.
All the best.


Member, DMSO

“Dear ADV
I feel indepted again after this must watch.
There is so much more to DMSO, and it’s vital to have this trove of information.
No matter which topic of your videos, they always bring me closer to my Self , open another window …
Thank you from my heart 👌”



“This was an awesome live. Amandha mentioned having one for our group here. That would be awesome as well. :). I am working my way through the course now and learning a lot. I feel like taking this first will really help me with future classes and healing in general. My first thought was like, nah, I got this. I am self-aware enough…ha!”



“Sending lots of energy to ADV right now. I think if we all send energy positive it will balance out when she has to energy lend extra to us with all her wonderful support and guidance. ❤️I see the many comments and the time she takes to respond to so many questions- asking for nothing in return. Giving freely so much. Much love and energy and healing to you ADV. ❤️”

Truth Seeker


“Although I get it’s not everyone’s ‘thing’ UT has made me allergy free this past 1 1/2 years 😉”



“Well I got stung again! And this time I was able to pee almost right away. What an amazing difference. It seems to have stopped the swelling and the pain in its tracks. Immediately! Incredible.”

Audrey Drake


“Dear Amandha! Your knowledge is life saving! You helped me in the past and again, again and again. I am Forever greatful! Thank you.😍”



“When I was ASSigned the diagnosis idiopathic heart failure, my husband said it was the Yaz birth control you had we on!! No no couldn’t have been, we are claiming idiopathic. Here take these FOUR strong ass drugs the rest of your life, and be grateful as before the invention of these you’d be on a heart transplant list at 40 years young. Fuck them, I’ve weaned myself off two and two more to go with the help of this group and all the brilliant knowledge from ADV and yummy.doctor membership ❤️thank you will never be sufficient ❤️”



“And I agree with Amandha! Huge mistake to go to the ER, but when the pain put me on the floor at 3AM unconscious, out!had no clue what it was, (the unknown could be very scary) my husband had no option. It’s sad to say but doctors are not knowledgeable, they don’t cure nothing! You only go there to pay for the time you are there and numb your pain with drugs, which I rejected, then the minute Amandha heard my story, she told me what was happening to me, without seeing me, she knew! And that is what I call a real doctor!! 😅”



“ADV is so right! You can also do a hair lab test for heavy metals to know what exactly you’re getting rid of. I’m in a bit similar situation and recommend the course for the following reason:
An ND has recently started detox on my 3 y.o. without prior prepping and/or prescribing binders to help elimination process. So things didn’t go smooth, I honestly don’t trust now anyone but ADV. Amandha’s heavy metals detox course goes deep into prepping the body and all of the involved systems, cause once the metals start moving a lot of unwarranted symptoms might emerge, you don’t want any of that! 🙏 Another bonus is you get access to a chat with other people detoxing as well, share concerns and questions, Amandha addresses some cases in the chats and/or in her lives.”


Member, Heavy Metal and Parasite Cleanse Protocol

“@BritishBulldawg thanks so much for letting me know. it’s interesting, after considering what Amandha shared and sleeping on it, i woke up feeling the most rested I have in over a month. I took my blood pressure this morning and my reading was the best I had since late November. There’s been a shift and I think Amandha’s personal reply helped to remove a lot of the ambiguity i was feeling about what I’ve been doing.
Thank you @AmandhaDVollmer I have a more precise action plan and feeling really good about it. i guess i just needed your personal reassurance. 🙂
it’s funny, last night, i thought about apologizing for assuming that Amandha would be available to help me personally. not that she wouldn’t want to, of course. i guess must have known somehow that she had already stopped taking clients. I’ll certainly check out the community you mentioned, Brandon.
I also want to thank Amandha for recommending the UNDO meditation app in recent interviews. I just finished chapter 4. So far, it has been quite revealing. It’s nothing like any other meditaion I’ve done before.
Lastly, thank you to all Good Birds for your prayers and great information you’ve shared. I am supremely grateful and blessed. I love this Church! #BestChurchEver”



“It will be 2 years of Shivambu practice for me in January, most of the grey is now gone in my hair 😊”



Straight goods Amandha! Like honest to God freaking pleasure to get to know your work🙏



“I love you Amandha…. not only so much wisdom in your sharing but also so much humour! I find it difficult to keep up with you and the chat here, and so often wonder how you manage, but just wanted to say thank YOU for taking the time to respond to so many questions here but also, not only continuing to educate and inspire those of us who are still here, but even to make us laugh!!!! WOW what an amazing and generous woman you are. I’m soooo in gratitude 🙏🥰❤️‍🔥🤗🌺”



“Recent parcel arrived safely & complete with saline thank you Marianne & Tanya too. And for the wee sample of wrinkle cream… ( I think I’d need a big tub of it!!! 😝).
Products smell so lovely… the bug sprays with essential oils! Wow!
And thanks Tanya for the note of well wishes for the surgery!!! It went well but I’ve canceled the one for my left eye that isn’t so bad yet to give myself time to explore the DMSO & liver cleansing … healing naturally if I can. So important not to mess with artificial parts in the body. First time I’ve succumbed to such a thing.
Thanks Tanya for DMSO info for the eyes… the specific drops… I will check out the website for the liver detox products.

All around excellent help & service!



“Such beautiful words, thank you Amandha! Every time I read your deep heart felt wisdom I feel honored to be here and grateful to receive such powerful messages that I too can use to rewrite my own stories and nourish my own healing journey 🙏⭐️🥰”



“I wanted to stop by and give a little extra love to ADV today. I would like to express my sincere deep gratitude to you, for carrying the torch, in an insane world. You have been chicken soup for my soul since the first video re: covid rant. I hope we can support you, the way you have supported so many! Please lean on us during your time of grief.”



“So I decided to take a health and wellness retreat to Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley and do the course where I could really think and do a deep dive. I just finished it but will be going back through for a second pass tomorrow with my notes. I feel this is a good course and highly recommend it.”



“Excellent conversation! Every time I listen to Amandha I am so inspired and empowered! ❤️”



“Amandha, you are a blessing to me. I followed your advice on gut health exactly 1 year ago. I have been using omega3, cod liver oil, LGlutamine and probiotic 7 and was back to feeling normal by the winter solstice. I stopped coffee and dairy and began eating much healthier. I was almost 3 moonths brutally ill with something no doctor could pinpoint or treat and it was your gut health vid that saved me.”



“He’s all good, thank you for checking up! DMSO does miracles. A chiro fixed him the day symptoms appeared, that released tension and some pain, and an Osteo fixed few things the other day. Other then that, all I did was Magnesium + DMSO + Castor Oil topically for 2 days, a bit of wanding with I Teracare on the 1st day, arnica orally helped with the pain as well. He was up & running on the 2nd day, even though still limping, a bit of limping on the 3rd day, and as if nothing ever happened on the 4th.

I’m so grateful for all you do Amanda! I had 95% of all I needed on me when it happened, and a bit of knowledge just through listening some of your interviews and lectures, reading your TG occasionally. Amazing how knowledge just emerges when needed, should you only stop panicking. So happy I’ve come across you, your work, your groups and community you’re building”



“Hi Amandha, Brandon, admins and membership team. This is Jo (Joella), I can’t thank you all enough for your constant help and support. It hasn’t been an easy road trying to relearn everything I’ve been taught for the last 50+ years. The good thing is I’m teachable and I feel that’s very important. I learn something new everyday. What a fantastic community here and in the membership, if you haven’t joined I recommend you do so. I took Your Holistic Self-Assessment Course over the weekend, WOW…incredible. I’ve learned so much about myself, my future is bright and can’t wait to put what I’ve learned in my everyday life. I’m full of gratitude. A big huge Thank You 😊 🤗♥️”



“Hello Amadha, I just wanted to say thank you! I have always opted out of the TSA scanners for a pat down and ran into the facial scanners recently on two international flights into Florida. Due to your posts regarding opting out of these also it gave me the tools and courage to say no with conviction and also ask questions. Interesting enough the first Immigration Officer told me he would opt out as well and agreed that all the data collection is suspect. I have opted out twice now while travelling, the second officer honoured my request but obviously was more tied to the “system” and asked me why, I told him I was not comfortable with where the data was going and what was being collected and for what exact purpose, I had a legit passport and that was all I needed to travel. Too many people just blindly follow who they see as authourity and do not know they have rights as the frog slowly boils. I am so grateful to people like you who are tirelessly working to inform us. I felt such a powerful feeling of freedom and I have every intention when travelling again to tell as many people as possible that they have rights, many will not care but some may. Giving up freedom for a false sense of security is the ultimate programming to gain control, now it has gone one step further, people are giving up freedom for convenience, go figure! You are appreciated!”



“I was in severe pain this time last year. I went to emerg dept. and they did blood work and a CT scan. It revealed I had enflamed bowel and they ordered a colonoscopy. I thanked them for the tests and left immediately. When I got home, I posted on here and same day ordered the ulcerative colitis protocol from Amandha through support@yumnaturals .. Long story short, I followed the protocol to the tee for 4 months. After the first 3 days, I was feeling altogether healthy, no pain, and eased peace of mind that I had taken back my health without letting them do anything extraordinarily invasive. Thanks to her amazing guidance, I’m now healed. I am still careful not to eat sugars, seeds or nuts, enriched white flour or drink coffee. You’ll be happy you did the protocol.”



“Thanks for taking the time to write this Amandha. 💕

I find it sad that people need it written out for them. It is imperative that people do whatever it takes to develop their inner knowing/ intuition. Learning to go within, doing whatever it takes to decalcify the pineal gland & cleanse the body is a must in these times. Thank you for being a bold advocate for the truth and inspiring force to aid awakening humans out of ignorance. 👼🏻”



Product Testimonials

Our Product Endorsements!

“I appreciated your video on DMSO…thank you for sharing….I have used it over the last 2 years with great success, including curing a bad skin cancer on my leg.”

Michele T.

Member, DMSO Store

“I just got the Licorice Soap from the Yumnaturals store. Absolutely incredible. This soap takes me back home to Italy where the quality of licorice is beyond compare. Not that cheap sugary crap you get at your local corner store or give out to kids on Halloween, I mean pure, from the root, licorice. I leave the soap out and when I walk back into the bathroom the entire room smells like licorice. Honestly, if you have never experienced this level of awesomeness in a soap, you really need to try this one.”


Member, Black Licorice Ombre Moisturizing Artisan Soap

“So.. I am so excited! I received the DMSO Friday. I started using it Friday evening according to Amandha’s instructions… for those that didn’t read my earlier post… I haven’t been able to walk or sit since early March and have been in incredible pain from fracturing my back… this morning my pain is gone and I can walk unassisted without pain! My back is still ‘tight’ but I can walk!! The only other thing I did was see an osteopath on Thursday and after the DMSO last night I had my husband also apply my homemade arnica oil… I can walk! Thank you thank you thank you”


Member, DMSO Store

“Just a quick update: my back is almost healed after 5 days. Frint has a few more days. The dsmo is really spectacular minimizing pain 💋
Amanda – just wanted to give you a huge thank you!! I’ve recently developed what I believe are shingles. First i thought it was a spider that bit me three times on my mid back (t10-12 area). Then it got worse and almost bullseye like… I thought sh!t brown recluse 😬, started mms spray and dsmo. After few days a new tiny rash on my stomach looked like an allergic reaction. Then the pain started … sharp needles/knives … almost like I had perpetual goose bumps. I remembered my grandmother suffering with shingles and after a bit of research and of course consulting Amanda’s amazing library, I accepted it was shingles.

It’s been 5 days, and I’m healing so much faster than traditional medicine would anticipate 3-4 weeks). MMS & DSMO topical spray as many times a day. The DSMO is just spectacular at reducing the pain. I skipped doing it overnight two nights ago and woke up every 2 hours in pain. Last night I sprayed and slept the whole night 👏.

This is in addition to l-lysine, high C & D, magnesium, zinc and B …. And two days ago I began the starting protocol for mms.

I’ve got a little ways to go before this detox runs its course but I’m committed to helping my body help myself.

Three years ago my move to naturopathic healthcare and mms helped eliminate my acid reflux (I was on pills for years to control it with little success. I’ve been doing detoxes ever since. As a child I was ill and was subjected to years of allergy tests and shots , lord only knows how poison I still have in me but these shingles definitely tell me I’ve got more work to do – specifically continuing my liver flushes that I’ve laxed on these last several months.

That’s all = just a huge thank you for putting yourself out there for all of us who were duped by modern pharma our whole lives. Thank you so much.”

Bone Collector Chicago

Member, DMSO Store

“Her book was the start to my son’s healing journey. You, Amandha took him to the finish line. ❤️”

Mountain Mama

Member, Healing with DMSO Book

“Per ‘Healing with DMSO’ pg 86, I used it with castor oil to treat veins on my left leg, knee to ankle.
Using the treatment as a preventative (I don’t have pain), I noticed a significant decrease in size/protrusion. Sorry I don’t recall how long I applied it, most likely regularly for 3 weeks then stop.”


Member, Healing with DMSO Book

“I healed my cat’s epilepsy with DMSO and Amandha’s book. I took him off a big pharma drug he had taken for years and started him on DMSO. He has not had a seizure since. Amazing stuff.”

Shannon 432Hz

Member, Healing with DMSO Book

“Sitting here this morning in tears of gratitude for all the amazing people who seek out the solutions God has already provided and then share them with us. Putting together an anti fungal soak for my dogs this morning and preparing analgesic solution for my dads neuropathy in his feet. Thank you for your book, Amanda. It is bent and dog eared with use!!”

Anita Maddox

Member, Healing with DMSO Book

“For three years, I’ve been taking a teaspoon of colloidal silver solution daily, and I also add a half-teaspoonful to my dogs’ daily purified water bowl. They are coming up on 9 and 8 years old, and their vet says they are the healthiest dogs he sees every year! I’ve been taking this product for a week, a few drops mixed with my morning purified glass of water. I did notice a slight (barely noticeable) hint of a garlic or sulfur taste in my mouth in the morning, nothing I can’t brush away with my homemade toothpaste. I chiefly take colloidal silver to heal the lesions I’m prone to with my Lyme Disease, but also to maintain good internal function, and to aid with my auto-immune diseases. The most immediate improvement I saw was in my skin tone and complexion….NO adult-onset acne this month,and several people commented this week on how young my skin looks, for lady on the eve of her 60th birthday! “

Rosemary B.

Member, DMSO with Colloidal Silver

“Might i add that i used Amandhas colloidal silver last night and my throat is good as new today😁”


Member, DMSO with Colloidal Silver

“Arrived quick! Still experimenting with this.”

Kelly w.

Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

“I LOVE THIS STUFF! Ordered two bottles and on my second now, this has been amazing for scars I’ve had that I have tried for years to get rid of… it is the only thing that has worked for me. I see slow progress, but much more than with anything else I’ve tried. I will be ordering again soon!!”

Katryn V.

Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

“I will buy it again and again. Helps my cavities.”

Shauna R.

Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

“Looooove it. I use it for everything. Aches, sprains, arthritis even an ear infection.”

Anne S.

Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

“I use this for everything! Arthritis, ear ache, allergic reaction, muscle strain. Love it!”

Anne S.

Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

“LOVE this product, I am almost 60 , have begun to see floaters for a couple of years, had lasik surgery 20 years ago and was told by a mainstream……very
young eye tech…….. I was about to get glaucoma, so started with the DMSO and am having excellent results.”

Michele l.

Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

“I used it to treat a nasal infection and cold. it worked very well. i took it orally and put in my nasal passages. Thks”

Mike T.

Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

“I’ve had bad lower back and shoulder problems for years because of plastering,Now using 3 drops in morning
and evening and feel like I’m in my twenties again and not
almost 50!!!!!”

John T.

Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

“The DMSO oil worked great I am seeing positive results in my joints and I am experiencing a better feeling of health . I would highly recommend the product to others .”

William H.

Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

“Amanda does a great job at explaining the benefits and mechanisms of DMSO!!
My wife and I have been using magnesium spray on our arms and then applying a full dropper of DMSO, blended with essential minerals. We do that before going to sleep and found that we are getting a better rest,deeper sleep.”

Jean (John) G

Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

“The 80% DMSO with added nutrients works very well on my back, hamstring and knee aches. Bless you for this ideal mix of ingredients.
My grown son also tried your 80% DMSO on his chronically sore shoulder and got nearly immediate positive results. He is quite happy with it.
While they were here this afternoon, I had a relatively rare and moderately painful hand cramp that caused my hand to obviously distort in pain. I sprayed my hand and wrist with transdermal magnesium spray, followed by the 80% DMSO and rubbed it in a bit.

Within a few minutes the cramping stopped entirely and shortly thereafter I was even able to make a tight fist. Quite remarkable!
I will let you know about my several pre-cancerous scalp lesions. They do appear to be shrinking and healing.
On the other hand, the DMSO doesn’t seem to be that effective with Polymyalgia. But it’s early yet so we’ll give it more of a chance to work.
Thanks so much for your thoughtful treatments.
Hugh and family”

Hugh V.

Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

“We absolutely cannot live without this product in our house. One day I had a cramped hand and a sore lower back with just a drop – 2 drops rubbed in to the area and within 10 mins the pain was gone. Skin irritations and patches of a rash will go away almost instantly. The ways in which to use dmso internally are endless omg it’s a wonderful product that we will never go without! There is an eye drop version of this as well with Yummy Mummy I also highly recommend.”

Raissa D.

Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

I love this product!!! This solution alleviates pain and inflammation quickly. I use it daily. Definitely worth trying.”

Thomas F.

Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

“I’ve reached out back in January regarding the 20% DMSO eye drops package. I just wanted to give an update. The DMSO seems to be working great for my mother. She went for an eye check up as she has glaucoma and is in her late 80’s. She was told that her eyes have improved since her last visit. I’m really happy with the product and the benefits it’s providing for my mom.”

Jesicca M.

Member, 20% DMSO Eye Drops in Saline with Vitamin C

“This is my first time to buy you 20% DMSO eye drop
For friends and family. I believe in yours products, I like you DMSO face cream and your anti aging cream very much.
My skin look smoother softer and gloving. My daughter
use the DMSO cream, her acne’s disappears and her skin
look very nice and globing.
For the eye drop it is very stinky but after that it was
very clear. So overall I believe in all yours products.
I really appreciate you awesome work.
I will tell you the result of the eye drop later.
Again thanks a lot.”

Karuna T.

Member, 20% DMSO Eye Drops in Saline with Vitamin C

“These 20% eye drops do sting for a very short time. I am trying them to see if I can get rid of Arcus Senilis (a gray or white arc on the top or around your eyeball). I have no idea if it will work or not but even after a few days of use my eyes feel great!”

Wendy F.

Member, 20% DMSO Eye Drops in Saline with Vitamin C

“I spent most of the time front of computer, so this drops are like miracle for me eyes.

Anna W.

Member, 20% DMSO Eye Drops in Saline with Vitamin C

“I have incorporated these drops into my life due to mgd disease , I suffer from blocked glands & my eyes are dry chronically. These drops have improved my life”

Karen S.

Member, 20% DMSO Eye Drops in Saline with Vitamin C

“I really believe these drops have helped my eyes. I was experiencing “floaters” and now they are all but gone.”

Gayla T.

Member, 20% DMSO Eye Drops in Saline with Vitamin C

“I absolutely Love these drops. I need to do a kidney cleanse so that I can reap the full benefits of a restored clean organ and less eye issues for the drops to work through. But even in my kidney burdened state. These drops are definitely restoring some clarity to my vision.”

Larry A S.

Member, 20% DMSO Eye Drops in Saline with Vitamin C

“I have been using my 40% DMSO saline solution eye drops for the past three days and I have already noticed a significant improvement in reduced blurring, both with and without my glasses. I can see my laptop screen much better.
This may be placebo at work but having been using DMSO in combination with Chlorine Dioxide internally for the past couple of months, this has greatly benefited my body’s ability to detoxify.
After some recent jogging, I ended up mucking up my ankle ligaments to the extent that I could not walk without a limp as it was so painful. Applying DMSO topically sorted that out really quickly. I know these anecdotal experiences have nothing to do with the eye drops, the fact that DMSO in involved probably points to the positive experience I had with the eye drops as not being placebo but rather, Dimethyl Sulfoxide cleaning up my eye balls.
It is important to note that when initially applied on the eyes, the stinging sensation was felt for about 30-40 seconds, particularly in my weaker left eye. Perhaps this is a sign that the DMSO has its work cutout to remove more sludge in my weaker eye. Doc, perhaps you could shed some light on this?

I can’t wait to see the results of using the eye drops consistently over time and my vision hopefully improving, my eye biology/mechanisms cleaned up, including floaters dissolving in time. In the meantime, I am delighted with my successes so far with DMSO.
Thank you!’

Neil M.

Member, 40% DMSO Eye Drops in Saline with Vitamin C

“Hello there yummymummy. My name is ClaraS. My review on your 40% dmso/saline eye solution product. I cannot believe how this product has worked so far. It has improved my cataract issue by at least 50% so far and I’ve only been using it about 3-4 weeks. I will definitely continue usage and reorder for maintenance. Thank you.”

Clara S.

Member, 40% DMSO Eye Drops in Saline with Vitamin C

“I am so excited about the 40% solution as I have had a cataract for quite awhile and it was really starting to affect my life. I could no longer drive at night or see in the dark at home when getting up during the night. I have only been using it for about 11 days and usually have one day off every five so I am really excited about the long term results as I already can see better in the dark and drove home in the dark without slowing down because I couldn’t see. The cataract is not gone but I feel it may be breaking up as some days it is blurry and others it seems clearer. The vision in my other eye is even better and floaters are diminishing, colours brighter. Very excited. Thank you Amanda this has taken me from stress to excitement.”

Freda N.

Member, 40% DMSO Eye Drops in Saline with Vitamin C

“Just wanted to share a great eye health outcome using your product. I began using your 40% DMSO with Vit C eye drops early March of 2023 for long-standing diagnosis of ‘normal pressure glaucoma’ as the pharmaceutical drops made my eyes red and burn all day long. People were always asking if I was okay as it looked like I had been crying.

I saw my eye doc yesterday as I was beyond frustration with my eyesight. Everything was becoming increasingly blurry. I had seen the eye doc December 16, 2022 and my Rx was -6.75 in the right eye and -5.75 in the left. Yesterday my Rx improved dramatically to -5.75 in the right and -5.00 in the left!!!! Big win in only 9 months. Doc said it’s because our eye lense changes as we age but she agreed this was a huge change.

Sadly though my pressures were up from 14 & 16 to 19 & 22. I’ll continue using these drops vs. the pharmaceutical option and even though the DMSO drops still burn like a bugger when I put them in, it only lasts 15-20 seconds.

Just had to share this great news!”

Judy B.

Member, 40% DMSO Eye Drops in Saline with Vitamin C

“This is an amazing product! I noticed a white protein or mucusy deposit on the inner side of the eye ball, closest to the nose, about the size of 3/4 of a centimeter long, it was hard and was starting to get larger. After I started using this 40% DMSO eye drops with vitamin C, everyday, 1 drop in each eye, the deposit started subsiding, so much so that within 3-4 months of use, the white deposit had reduced by 90%! Incredible! Also within that time, when I stopped using the eye drops to give my eyes a break, the transparent film on my cornea suddenly bubbled up! Not sure if it was because I was living in a SMART city at that time or some other cause, but it was hurting. I started these eye drops again and the pain subsided, as did the bubble on my eye. At first the eye drops feel like a painful splash on the eye that subsides in less than a minute, but it’s a good feeling because you know the product will work. I had also ordered the book, Healing with DMSO, so much to learn. Thank you Amandha! Your products are amazing!”


Member, 40% DMSO Eye Drops in Saline with Vitamin C

“Amandha, can I tell you after about a week of using the DMSO/Vit C drops my floaters are nearly gone? I am so thankful AND happy!! I was trying other drops (Oclumed) that lessened them a bit but the DMSO formula is MUCH more effective!! My eyes feel so much clearer AND “cleaner” if that makes any sense! 🥰” – Laura


Member, 40% DMSO Eye Drops in Saline with Vitamin C

“I’ve used the 40% drops for over a year off and on and previous eye Dr exams noted dry eye, early signs of cataracts and potential macular degeneration. My recent exam noted none of that, very healthy eyes. Thanks Amandha.”


Member, 40% DMSO Eye Drops in Saline with Vitamin C

“Much appreciation to you. I used your dmso dandelion cream yesterday, and it felt extremely healing. I’m sensitive to energy, and the care and love and frequency I felt in this cream was so deeply palpable.”

Britannia M. A. B.

Member, DMSO Dandelion Supreme Body Cream

“Love this!!! This is a staple product everyone should have.”


Member, DMSO Dandelion Supreme Body Cream

“These reviews are so helpful. I started using this on my arms, where I have a lot of white spots and sun damaged skin. I look forward to seeing nice skin again. Thank you!”

Erin H.

Member, DMSO Dandelion Supreme Body Bliss Lotion

“The best body cream you can have
It solve my dry hand and cuticles completely.”

Salma S.

Member, DMSO Dandelion Supreme Body Bliss Lotion

“This lotion is creamy and addicting. The scent of lotion is spicy. I like to use it after my shower before bed on my torso.
I love knowing the ingredients are organic and made with with wisdom amd love. I have benefited physically and emotionally from every product i have integrated from yummy mummy emporium and apothecary.”

Leisa C.

Member, DMSO Dandelion Supreme Body Bliss Lotion

“This body lotion is so awesome! Goes into the skin not greasy at all…and leaves you well hydrated.”

Christina C.

Member, DMSO Dandelion Supreme Body Bliss Lotion

“I love this lotion use it every day”

Suzette R.

Member, DMSO Dandelion Supreme Body Bliss Lotion

“Wow! What a wonderful treat to look forward to after a relaxing bath or even a quick shower. Its not hard to tell this is a product made with a lot of love & thought put into it. Very Pleased!”

Cheryl H.

Member, DMSO Dandelion Supreme Body Bliss Lotion

“I’ve found the perfect lotion! I’ve been making my own oil/essential oil mix for years (as an alternative to store bought lotions) but this lotion is truly wonderful. The first time I used it, my skin was noticeable softer almost immediately.”

Sherry D.

Member, DMSO Dandelion Supreme Body Bliss Lotion

“This sounds like a great product but I can’t speak from experience because there isn’t any dosage recommendations anywhere for high blood pressure/hypertension. This is directly recommended in her Blood Cleansing video: https://yummy.doctor/video-list/blood-cleansing-how-to-begin/
but no specific dosage information is mentioned. I also bought her book assuming the answer would be in there but imagine my disappointment when that information isn’t there either. So I have a bottle of this with no idea how to use it. Can someone please direct me to that information please. Thank you!”


Member, Doctor’s Choice DMSO Liquid 118 ml

“I just opened it this morning. Put it on my hip bone, iliacus, psoas situation. I trust and believe I have found what I was looking for”

Erin H.

Member, Doctor’s Choice DMSO Gel 100 grams

“I really like this gel. It helps with the pain.”

Susan K.

Member, Doctor’s Choice DMSO Gel 100 grams

“Hi Amandha and Yum Natural Folks,

I just wanted to say that I used the DMSO face cream x2-3 on my cesarean scar 6+ months postpartum and the scar has noticeably reduced in size. About a cm on each size and it’s nowhere near as raised as it used to be. It was irritated and itchy and it’s not anymore.

I wanted to leave a review on your store site but I’m pretty sure, because I purchased the cream before the DMSO products got their own site, that I’m unable to.

Anyways, I just wanted to let you know how I used the product and how it worked for me.

Thanks for everything,”


Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Not to mention the price point. This cream is cheaper than most products on the market. Little bit goes a long way”


Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“A luxurious feeling cream that really nurtures and moisturizes the skin. I have rosacea and acne issues, and this cream brings me moisture without triggering any negative responses, plus I think it is definitely making the lines less noticeable.”

Christine P.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“The cream is PHENOMENAL! It is a highly effective formula that performs skin improvement in record time and leaves the skin exquisitely soft and nourished. I find the original scent extraordinary – it elevates the senses and I love it. So it is truly an awesome composition that deserves its name – Face Lift in a Jar! But not only the cream is outstanding – the same goes for the crew at the Customer Service who impress with their professional approach, kind communication and SUPERSONIC delivery (in my case, to the other ‘neck of the woods’ – to good old Europe/the Balkans…yep, THAT was fast). Many thanks!”

Kristina N.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Absolutely amazing! I live in a harsh, dry desert climate that wreaks havoc on the skin. I am in my 50’s and have used so many high-end face creams over the years, and nothing compares to this one. I notice a difference on my entire face, including my forehead and upper lip area. My skin is much smoother and feels more plumped. I noticed a difference in less than a week of nightly use.”

June P.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I am, honest to God, blown away by the (immediate!) performance of both cremes (Wrinkle Reducer and Face Lift in a Jar). I am using them on a daily basis and the result so far is simply stunning. I am a person who has spent large amounts of money for the very, very “best”: not just Estee Lauder and Lancome, but also Chanel and the Swiss La Prairie, which is impossibly expensive, BASTA, NO MORE! These days are over! Amandha’s products have put them ALL where they belong: kicked to the curb.”

Kristina N.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Absolutley amazing! I live in a harsh, dry desert climate that wreaks havoc on the skin. I am in my 50’s and have used so many high-end face creams over the years, and nothing compares to this one. I notice a difference on my entire face, including my forehead and upper lip area. My skin is much smoother and feels more plumped. I noticed a difference in less than a week of nightly use. The cream also smells beautiful. I won’t ever be without it!”

June P.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“This is a fantastic product. Amanda is so talented! Prices are super fair. I will look forward to purchasing from her again.”

Jennifer R.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I love your cream. It’s great. I have been making something similar for many years and it’s nice to take a break from preparing it regularly. Your formulation is very effective. Thank you!❣️”


Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Really loving the cream

I’ve noticed, smother skin, with a pleasant glow. Works well for me as I don’t wear makeup

Thank you”

Ivon G.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Face lift in a jar is amazing !!! My pores are shrinking , skin softer and soft glow I’m loving those stuff !!!”

Jody H.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I’m loving this product from the first use!”

Cindy C.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“My skin feels velvety smooth.”

Jill S.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“After using the Face Lift in a Jar for just two weeks I can already notice a difference. A little goes a long way !”

Lucy H.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I LOVE this cream! It is moisturizing but not greasy, soaks right in with a tingle from the DMSO that feels exhilarating! Thank you Ahmanda for making a clean and natural product with a light scent of lavender, that I can trust and in time will see the benefits of a prettier, healthier complexion! I will be back for more!”

Shauena T.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“A luxurious feeling cream that really nurtures and moisturizes the skin. I have rosacea and acne issues, and this cream brings me moisture without triggering any negative responses, plus I think it is definitely making the lines less noticeable.”

Christine P.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I love this product, “ face life in a jar”. My skin has greatly improved since using.”

Genie L.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“This is my 2nd time ordering face lift in a jar ! I did try something different in between but quickly realized nothing compares . I love the fact that I am not putting any chemicals on my face and getting amazing results . Thank you !!”

Susan T.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“J’aime beaucoup …. Merci!”

Diane L.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Could be the way it feels that I believe I “know” it’s working or the compliments I get or the fact that I’m into my fourth jar, but I would say that this is a most positive experience!
Thanks, Amandha for all you are and do!
Long may you shine on…
Hugs from Denver”

Christine Z.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Absolutely love Face Lift in a Jar
My mom’s face is smooth with a beautiful glow
I can see a huge difference”

Ivon G.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“This is my 2nd jar, I just love this product. High quality for a reasonable cost,( even with the exchange rate conversation to AUD) A beautiful cream. X”

Jennifer T.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I don’t know how you do it!! I have collected 71 birthdays in my lifetime. Most people think that I am closer to 50 than 71. I recently started using “Face Lift in a Jar” face cream–June, 2019–and I noticed veritable improvement right away–July, 2019. The smile lines around my eyes are shallower and they snap back into my surrounding skin when the smile is over. My skin glows, looks very moist and overall looks “tighter”. I love what it’s doing! Every other product I’ve used tried to work on the collagen but I think this one works on several levels at once: cleansing not only the skin but the blood; closing pores and moisturizing; it accelerates the growth of collagen AND ELASTIN. No other products I have used have ever addressed Elastin–but it’s this that gives that “snap back” quality to the skin. This stuff is meaningful. It’s a very serious product, one that I plan on using as long as i can get my hands on it. It’s powerful, effective and has me looking really good. Indeed, I got carded yesterday when I said I was a senior looking for my discount. The clerk was in her 30’s…that’s freaking awesome!”

Miriam L.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Wow, the skin pulls tight almost immediately and it feels good!”

Marty S.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I have only used this cream a few times so far but I really do think it has made my skin look better.”

Amy K.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Been using a short time but noticed a difference especially
Fine lines .. a little goes a long way.. definitely a keeper!”

Jean Z.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“love it! pores tighter and skin has a nice glow”

Cristelle L.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Absolutely LOVE this cream! Keeps skin perfectly moisturized and balanced. My skin is generally dry and in the winter, psoriasis and eczema are an issue. I’ve been using this in conjunction with Yummy Mummy’s Cleopatra’s Secret Bee-auty Anti-Aging Balm and the combo has cleared it up completely! Absolutely amazing.”

Andie P.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I use this every night. Love the smell and the feel.”

Nicky G.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Lovely texture and mixes beautifully. Is it possible that it can help with indented acne scars?”

Nancy M.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Hi, Amandha – I’ve been testing this for about 3 weeks now and I do believe that it’s working! — I’d like to share more after 2 months, but I can say that I like how it feels.
It has a pleasant aroma and goes on smoothly. With the slight tingling, and toning feeling, I can tell that it’s “working”.
I’ve used it on my husband as well and he was impressed after just one application – Thanks for all you are and do!”

Christine Z.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“This is Awesome I Love it, well worth the money. Better than anything on the market and I have bought them all, but now..I have found the best cream ever. Thank You Amandha.”

Monica B.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I really like the feel and smell of this product. As a former (40 year) smoker I have pronounced wrinkles on my face and mouth. This seems to mitigate them. Only been using it for a week but am very pleased so far.”

Nicky G.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Really happy with this cream!
Not only because of the natural ingredients, also what it has done to my skin in a few weeks. I will order more for sure .”

Katarina A.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“My skin loves this product! It feels so moisturized, smooth, and gives me a youthful glow! The ingredients are top notch, even more effective when combined, and DMSO is amazing. I’ll be buying more in the future when I run out! Thank you, Amandha, for creating these awesome products!!!”

Melanie C.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“LOVE this product! My skin is so soft and each day it continues to improve. Thank you!”

Sherry D.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“As a former esthetician, I can say with confidence it is the most healing and skin renewing product I have ever used!”

Ruth S.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Love this! skin feels plumped up and fully nourished by this cream. face has not felt so smooth and soft for a long !”

Carol van H.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I’ve been using the cream for 2 weeks and love how my skin looks like.”

Elena A.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Been using this for 2 weeks.”

Jannina H.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“This is my second time purchasing facelift in a jar. I let my mom try my first jar and she never gave it back she loved it so much! I really love this product. I can see and feel a difference on my skin. Additionally, I wanted to note that my daughter got a little sunburn on her cheeks a few weeks ago. I put some of this on her face and it really helped heal her skin quickly! I love that this is a natural product. Thank you so much for making this and all your other amazing creations Amandha!”

Amanda M.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I love this cream.
This is the fourth time I order it.
It keeps the moisture of my skin and my face feels great.”

Rina K.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Been using for a couple weeks and it’s made a big difference in my skin and has also helped to clear up cystic acne. I love it”

Krista P.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“So far so good! I am really enjoying how soft and supple my skin feels with the “Face Lift in a Jar”! It is very interesting the way it goes on like a face cream, but wait about 5-10 minutes and my skin feels like baby skin!
Thank you for making this formula! I will reorder for sure!”


Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“My face feels incredibly smooth after using this product. I have also noticed that my skin looks younger. I’m 57, and I wanted something that would remove superficial lines that were forming all over my face and neck. When I apply it, I can almost hear my face sigh as the product sinks into the pores, giving my thirsty skin a healthy dose of herbs that soothe and moisturize. Thank you for making this amazing product!”

Cynthia B.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Love this product which I use daily on my face, neck and chest. My skin feels well hydrated and my skin tone more even.”

Laura O.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I love this face cream! This is my intro to using a DSMO product and I have to say I immediately saw and felt a difference. It feels very healing and nourishing.”


Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“This is my absolute favorite face cream…I use it more than once a day because it feels so good but apply nightly for sure! You can actually see the softness happening!”

Lou Ann G.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Great cream. I bought this to help with a skin problem around my eyes. All appears healed now. Thank you. The jar has now disappeared into my wife’s handbag.”

Steve H.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I’m very happy with Face Liftnin a jar. I can’t believe how much tighter my skin is! Great product!”

Jacqueline F.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“This face cream makes my skin feel soft and firm and is as good if not better than other creams I have used. It smells lovely and for a hand made natural product is a very good price. I will definitely be reordering as I like the fact it contains only safe natural ingredients.”

Sue W.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I love this cream.
My face feels very soft and hidrates.
I am planing to order it again and again.”

Rina K.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Just what I expected
Product arrived within a few days. I am happy with this product I would recommend it.”

Claritza P.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Shout out to Amandha. I have been using Face Lift in a Jar for about 2 weeks. Holy moly, this stuff is awesome. I also use Wrinkle Reducer at night. Love these two products. I wish there was a whole body DMSO cream I could lather on every day. My face feels amazing! Thank you so much for these great products! Keep up the great work. Much love to you.”


Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I had 11 lines between my eyebrows. I’ve been using Face Lift in a Jar plus Wrinkle Remover for 2 weeks and the lines are COMPLETELY gone! 33 yrs old”

Michelle Lydia

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I love, love, love your face products! They smell and feel so good, and I love knowing that they are 100% non-toxic. They truly are special products worth every penny. Thanks for the laughter this morning too. I love your sense of humor, and your videos make me laugh every time! 😆🥰”


Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“The most results I’ve found from your incredible skincare stuff are hydration & disappearing of annoying things on my face (both facelift in a jar), a feeling of luster with your whipped body cream on my arms & legs (whipped body butter citrus rose)

Sore muscles and areas of concern, (dandelion dmso body cream).

Any fungal type skin issue, gone.
(Clove fungal lotion)

Your deodorant, which I love so much, has healed me to the point of not needing it as much.

Drinking my urine and rubbing it on my skin has been part of an amazing awakening on how to feed my skin thanks to you and this group.

Dubh tooth soap is great, wound up emptying them into a glass jar for easier access. Also love your tooth powder.
Sometimes I swish with 3% HP.
The list goes on, lol

Culinary herbs, homeopathy, cell salts, detox herbs, orgone…you are bringing it all.

Looking forward to enrolling in your educational program asap!
💐💐💐 Kim”


Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I love face lift in a jar! Feels so amazing on my skin and I get loads of compliments. Now I’ll have to purchase the wrinkle cream as well! All your products are the best!”

Andrea Glew

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I have bought it for my little nephew (a sweet autistic child) who has been suffering from a circular boldness (circular bold spots on the scalp) due to the ‘marvelous’ vaccines. His parents now know better; have been educating them for some 5-6 months already.
I have started to rub the homemade DMSO-hair spray (I have Amandha’s book, of course) on his bold spots since the moment I had come back to Bulgaria (had been living in Germany for 22+ years before). The spots have already started to grow hair, but the original spray, which I bought, seems to work even better (maybe because of the added horsetail & other substances). So this product is MERCILESSLY EFFICIENT & HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!”

Kristina N.

Member, DMSO Horsetail Hair Regrowth Spray – All Natural

“My only regret is that I did not take “before” pictures.”

Marla S.

Member, DMSO Horsetail Hair Regrowth Spray – All Natural

“Very good product !”

Chaftar W.

Member, DMSO Horsetail Hair Regrowth Spray – All Natural

“I’ve tried and used several different hair regrowth products and nothing has remotely come close to working as well as this one! The DMSO allows the ingredients to be absorbed much better. It is very easy and convenient to use (couple sprays massaged in & your good to go). It doesn’t dry your hair out, make it sticky or weigh it down. Just moisturizes your hair with the nutrients that it needs to facilitate hair growth.”


Member, DMSO Horsetail Hair Regrowth Spray – All Natural

“For someone who has fine, brittle, dry hair that will fall out by the handfuls with every change of the season I find this Hair Regrowth Spray a miracle in a bottle. I’m experiencing significantly less hair loss especially after I shower, the baby hairs are sprouting all around my head and I’m looking forward to having healthy hair.”

Nadia M.

Member, DMSO Horsetail Hair Regrowth Spray – All Natural

“Have been using the spray daily since it’s arrival a couple weeks ago. Thanks, by the way, for your prompt service. Too early to notice any regrowth but the existing hair seems to like it. It looks and feels more bouncy and alive. Not sure of the time it takes to notice any regrowth but will be ordering more when I do. Thank you… PS: Love your refreshing & informative you tube videos. You do awesome and inspiring work, Thanks again, Dennis.”

Dennis B.

Member, DMSO Horsetail Hair Regrowth Spray – All Natural

“I absolutely love this unique product! When applying it, I feel my scalp gently tingling, and I can say that my hair looks thicker since beginning to use it! My hair also seems to be growing faster! Nowhere else can you find a product like it! It’s a one-of-a-kind, made with top notch ingredients and Amandha’s expertise. Thank you so much for making this and your other amazing products, Amandha!!! I’ll be buying more when I run out!”

Melanie C.

Member, DMSO Horsetail Hair Regrowth Spray – All Natural

“I have been using ‘Good Night Dream Sleep’ do almost a month now and I find I fall asleep much easier and my sleep is much deeper. No tossing and turning, or waking up several times overnight. A better night’s sleep so I am feeling much more rested when I awaken!”

Teresa F.

Member, DMSO Good Night Dream Cream

“I love this cream because it does what it says 😁 I take my bath and get ready for bed and I put this cream on and voila! I have had insomnia issues due to hormonal imbalance, butt this beautiful cream helps me to sleep!”

Diana S.

Member, DMSO Good Night Dream Cream

“Incredible. Love everything about it and the knowledge of our dear yummy mummy.”

Nicole H.

Member, DMSO Good Night Dream Cream

“Hi Amanda – your calendula & chickweed plus dmso has helped heal the eczema on my hands. Whenever I have a breakout, it’s the only thing that helps. It’s an excellent product. Thank you. ❤️”


Member, Nature’s Skin Eczema Lotion with Calendula Chickweed with DMSO

“Typical of every wonderful product I’ve had the blessing of ordering from DMSO Store this one is no different. Even with my daughter missing the multiple applications suggested her eczema is still clearing up. I’ve began her on a liver cleanse to aid in expelling the toxin. Won’t hesitate to order anything from A.V.”

Clovis M.

Member, Nature’s Skin Eczema Lotion with Calendula Chickweed with DMSO

“Typical of every wonderful product I’ve had the blessing of ordering from Yummy Mummy this one is no different. Even with my daughter missing the multiple applications suggested her eczema is still clearing up. I’ve began her on a liver cleanse to aid in expelling the toxin. Won’t hesitate to order anything from A.V.”

Clovis M.

Member, Nature’s Skin Eczema Lotion with Calendula Chickweed with DMSO

“Brought this on the Camino with me in the spring and never got sunburned walking for hours at high altitudes in the mountains, as well as out in the open areas without shade in the intense sun. I wore a hat and slathered Solar Protect on exposed arms, hands and face daily, confident in this safe and natural protection.”

Sandra M.

Sandra M. , Sun Kissed™ SunCream – Handmade

“This sunscreen smells beautiful and feels amazing I am so pleased with it.”

Freda N.

Member, Sun Kissed™ SunCream – Handmade

“I swear by this product. Not only that it saved me from the sunburns in Mexico, North Carolina and Florida this past summer but it also gave me quite sexy tan 😉highly recommend it”


Member, Sun Kissed™ SunCream – Handmade

“I love this cream! The smell is amazing”


Member, Clove Pure Relief Skin Cream

“This stuff is MAGICAL!! We just went through our 2nd tin and I’m here to get more. We put it on everything. I put it on my upper lip and nose and it prevents chapping or even peeling when I have to blow my nose a lot. My husband put it on a cyst developing on his forehead. It helps with ANY kind of wound or burn. This is an absolute essential item in our bathroom cabinet.”

Vanessa B.

Member, Calendula Salve Wound Care

“I used this diaper cream for my newborn baby when he had irritation, it’s just super, everything healed quickly, and now I use it all the time and there are no problems with diaper rash. I recommend it to everyone, I’m already taking the 2nd jar of a larger size.”

Irina D.

Member, Naked Nurture Calendula Zinc Diaper Cream

“My 3 year old granddaughter loves this. Her boo boo’s get this salve. No cries from her when we put this on! It promotes healing…yes!”

Lou Ann G.

Member, Zinc Sulfur Boo Boo Paste

“I am completely in love with this product! i have used the her face lift in a jar cream for quite a while but i got tired of that garlic smell my face absorbed from the DMSO-just my body chemistry-not the creams fault! now this bee balm is the bomb lol. my face is so happy happy happy. im 44 so these fresh wrinkles need moisture!! i just love those bees”

Natalie S.

Member, Cleopatra’s Secret Bee-auty Anti-Aging Balm

“I love this product, it has kept my skin soft and moisturized even with our daily cold winter walks. I also have to say that after 20 years of trying out so many high end eye serums, this has surpassed all of them with excellent results…no more dark circles.”

Michelle V.

Member, Cleopatra’s Secret Bee-auty Anti-Aging Balm

“love it!!!”

Cristelle L.

Member, Cleopatra’s Secret Bee-auty Anti-Aging Balm

“I have been using this around my eyes. It works better than the expensive eye creams I have tried before. This will last a very long time because I don’t use much. Very happy with this product.”

Tonya D.

Member, Cleopatra’s Secret Bee-auty Anti-Aging Balm

“Love it !! this is the second jar
I like the scent ! Works great under makeup”

Jean Z.

Member, Cleopatra’s Secret Bee-auty Anti-Aging Balm

“Absolutely love this balm!”

Susan R.

Member, Cleopatra’s Secret Bee-auty Anti-Aging Balm

“Feels so nourishing on my skin. Love it!”


Member, Cleopatra’s Secret Bee-auty Anti-Aging Balm

“This is my new favorite product you make! It feels like silk on your skin! I just ordered more for my mom (and myself)! It makes my skin glow almost immediately after applying. Thank you for sharing your incredible gifts with all of us!”

Sherry D.

Member, Cleopatra’s Secret Bee-auty Anti-Aging Balm

“I bought this in preparation for the winter time, when I see an increase of colds in my kids. During the first week of December, it hit them. My oldest and my two year old were presenting different symptoms, but one night, my oldest woke up coughing very severely. I went to see her right away with my homeopathic remedy, my colloidal silver and this Vapour Rub. After I left her room, she never coughed again. A few minutes after her, my two year old woke up coughing severely as well. This time, I only forgot the Vapour Rub. When I left her room, she kept coughing. That’s when I realized that I didn’t put any Vapour Rub on her. I went right back to her and after I used it, I didn’t hear her coughing anymore. If you have kids and you don’t own a jar of this magic, you are missing out BIG time! I also love the fact that it’s safe for babies! Thank you for helping me take care of my family!”


Member, Chest Vapour Rub All Natural Handcrafted

“Once again another amazing product that everyone should have on hand. This stuff is incredible for cuts, scrapes, ingrown hairs or anything that needs a salve. Will never be without this”


Member, Calendula Salve Wound Care

“I’ve used this salve at the first sign of a rash and it has taken away the itch and prevented further development of the rash while healing the beginning redness. Effective formulation!”


Member, Wildcrafted Jewelweed Itch-Me-Not Salve

“Great product helps to soothe itchy and irritated skin”


Member, Wildcrafted Jewelweed Itch-Me-Not Salve

“I got this for my wife in her third trimester and it really helped her lower back pain. She was able to make it through with out any NSAIDS. Awesome product.”


Member, Organic Arnica Salve – Handcrafted, Healing

“Shameless plug. This is an amazing after bite remedy!”

Paul Leschied

Member, Bug-Off Super Salve for Mosquitoes, Blackflies, Horseflies, Deerflies

“This is my first bottle and I’ve used it for a few weeks now. I’m really loving it. It leaves my hair feeling clean and full of body. I have a sensitive scalp but this one does not irritate it at all. Very likely to be ordering more.”


Member, African Black Shampoo

“It does take a little getting used to, as it leaves a slight residue behind but it definitely cleared up my dry patchy scalp issues. Surprisingly enough, I do not have to use a detangler after because there’s no vigorous scrubbing required during shampooing.”

Roula D.

Member, African Black Shampoo

“This is my first bottle of the shampoo ,and with my thick blond curly hair this is the only shampoo that doesn’t leave my hair with a coarse feeling after washing ,I only regret not buying the larger bottle.”

Dwayne J.

Member, African Black Shampoo

“Worth it! Its extremely hard to find Hair products with out chemicals these days.”

Andrew W.

Member, African Black Shampoo

“I put this in my one year olds curly hair and its perfect for separating his knotty hair:)it smells so nice too! The description is exact. Just perfect !”


Member, Argan & Broccoli Seed Anti-Frizz Hair Sheen Serum

“Taking the B complex gives me energy.

Thank you”

Rosalind W.

Member, Biomed B-Complex 60 capsules

“WOW, this stuff really works! I travel a lot and jet lag is a big problem for me. The first night I used it, I was sleep within 15 minutes, and slept the entire night. Woke up refreshed and rejuvenated.”

Herman G.

Member, Biomed Melatonin B6 Spray 60ml

“Amandha, I am impressed! I live in North Florida, USA. We tried it when the yellow flies were inflicting pain on our flip-flop clad sweaty feet and it WORKED! Our next extreme test was in my dad’s mosquito & snake infested swamp. He had to use a heavy stick to kill a moccasin, but the mosquitos were no match for your spray.

If you are considering purchasing some, take my word for it. It WORKS. Order it now. I’m ordering more for Christmas gifts. Thank you Amandha. You are an incredible chemist and human being”

Tammy C.

Member, Bug Off Black Fly and Mosquito Spray

“I’m sure I will be using this product a lot more once I’m into spring/summer here. However, I did get some clothing mite bites due to a new piece of material touching my wrists and I applied this and they’re healing. I’m alternating with Amandha’s Jewel weed Itch-me-Not Condtioning Salve!”

Lou Ann G.

Member, Bug-Off Super Salve for Mosquitoes, Blackflies, Horseflies, Deerflies

“I received my digestive Repair Tisane right after I got a wicked cold. I know it’s a tea for digestive repair, but since I happened to get the mother of all colds, I have been drinking the tea to sooth my very irritated throat. It has a very soothing, almost coating quality to it and seems to cut down the inflammation and pain factor on throat tissues, which is helping me cough less. I like the taste too (I have never been a huge fan of herbal tea, so that also was a pleasant surprise). I like to drink it cold which adds too soothes inflamed throat tissues. I will be purchasing this again before I run out. It’s a winner in my book.”


Member, Digestive Repair Botanical Tisane – Wildcrafted, Organic

“For three years, I’ve been taking a teaspoon of colloidal silver solution daily, and I also add a half-teaspoonful to my dogs’ daily purified water bowl. They are coming up on 9 and 8 years old, and their vet says they are the healthiest dogs he sees every year! I’ve been taking this product for a week, a few drops mixed with my morning purified glass of water. I did notice a slight (barely noticeable) hint of a garlic or sulfur taste in my mouth in the morning, nothing I can’t brush away with my homemade toothpaste. I chiefly take colloidal silver to heal the lesions I’m prone to with my Lyme Disease, but also to maintain good internal function, and to aid with my auto-immune diseases. The most immediate improvement I saw was in my skin tone and complexion….NO adult-onset acne this month,and several people commented this week on how young my skin looks, for lady on the eve of her 60th birthday! Again, another product that will be basic to my alternative medicine cabinet! THANK YOU!”

Rosemary B.

Member, Champa & Myrrh Natural Body Mist

“Amandah, your dubh tooth soap is incredible. Been using for about a month and already notice a difference. 👏”


Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“Phenomenal toothpaste. I have extremely sensitive teeth and my teeth are whiter and brighter than before (without having to use whitening agents that aggravate the sensitivity), plus the feeling of clean is amazing. I can feel the sensitivity starting to subside, too.”


Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“Best product I have ever used on my teeth! I have been using it for 2 years. My teeth went from brittle and cracking to solid. I would always fear eating hard foods but now no fear. The only thing negative to say is I have to clean my sink more often because it coats the sink. That shows me that it does the same with my teeth forming a protective penetrating coating.”


Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“I am loving the cleanliness I feel as I rub my tongue over my teeth. Super clean and Fresh Breath! Glad that the warning to wash out the sink was included as it can stain a little. Perfect in every sense”

La Sandra R.

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“Makes my teeth feel really clean.”

Marsha S.

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“I love this toothpaste. We have ordered 3 times now and I will continue. I have whiter teeth and my mouth feels cleaner overall. Thank you for creating this product!!”

Lisa S.

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“This is my 2nd order of this fantastic tooth soap. We love it and our kids use it as well. It cleans so nicely and your mouth feels very fresh when you are done brushing. Thank you, Amanda!!”

Lisa S. – April 1, 2019

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“Noticibly whiter teeth , so glad to have found something with no additives and chemicals that is whitening my teeth , for healthy gums and fresh breath . Will definitely buy this again.”

Brian E.

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“Love this stuff. Bought more immediately after receiving the first bottle because I don’t want to risk running out!”

Nicky G.

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“This toothpaste really rocks, after 2 failed root canals which led to extractions and super severe infection along with a lifetime of terrible dental work ie bridges, crowns and gum flap surgery….. I started on the DMSO and MMS in my waterpik and this toothpaste is a fantastic addition to the protocol. 2 outside cavities are slowly filling thenselves in with the tooths own matter as well! Only wish it was thicker so as to get it to stay on the toothbrush!!”

Michele l.

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“Make sure to shake the product before use. I am still playing around with thickeners which seem to set fine in the other flavours but not as much with the cinnamon clove! If I make it too thick I can’t get it into the tube so it’s a fine balance. I may need another method of dispensing. Rest assured I am ever working on this issue! Many thanks!


Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“Thank you for creating this tooth soap. My mouth feels so clean, and what I have noticed is my gums look healthier, that is they are noticeably pink. I have also implemented a new diet, which includes the elimination of processed sugar and coffee. All together, I feel my mouth is so much healthier. Highly recommend this tooth soap!!”

Lisa S.

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“Very pleasing to use and excellent cleaning. My teeth feel sparkling clean and the nagging pain in the teeth has greatly subsided. Thanks for an amazing product”

Katie B.

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“My second round on this , awesome !”


Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“love it ! definitely ordering again”

Andrew C.

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“Not yet used by myself but my daughter is thrilled with it”

Carol Van H.

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“Love the way my teeth feel afterwards which is clean, smooth and they do shine. The flavor takes getting use to but surprisingly the cinnamon clove does combat morning breath. Thumbs up!”

Nadja J.

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“I can attest how well ADV’s tooth soap works, I have been using for 6 months now and all sore spots/cavities are gone, it’s an amazing product!”

Paul Leschied

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“I’d have to say her tooth soap is fabulous! 🙏

When I used to drink coffee I had some stains on my lower teeth… but concentrating on that area…the stain is now gone… pulling fresh urine has made my gums super healthy… I have great oral health!”


Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“I tried it once and it worked really well, but am I the only idiot who finds it hard to open the tin? The powder gets stuck in the threads and it wont open! I’m scared to pull too hard as I don’t want the powder to fly everywhere when it opens.”


Member, Natural Tooth Powder

“Hi Amandha, I just have to say that I absolutely love your Tooth Powder. My daughter came to see me this weekend and announced that she is looking down the barrel of 7 cavities in her mouth that the dentist wants to fill. I would really love the topic to be raised as to how this product will repair cavities. The frequency of applications per day in order to achieve this effect. Any info you care to share would be helpful. I did just buy three more (one for me and two for her) so I would really love for her to start using this product and loving it as much as I do. Thanks for all you do @ADV.”


Member, Natural Tooth Powder

“Nice! I use it with the tooth soap.”

Shu A.

Member, Natural Tooth Powder

“I’m repurchasing this Tooth Powder and the Dubh’s Tooth Soap. We use the Powder first then brush with Dubh’s. Teeth are clean and bright. I like how well they work. Teeth feel nicely clean and fresh. Wipe out sink after use as they leave a gray tint to sink. I will continue to purchase and am hoping to see improved result to tooth with a visible cavity. Have been using for about 4 months.”

Barbara H.

Member, Natural Tooth Powder

“What a fabulous soap which lasts long, cleanses the skin perfectly, moisturises it and smells divine too !
Having tried many of Amandha’s handmade products and remedies I am in awe! Nothing compares to their efficacy, hence all my old cosmetics met the same fate – ended in the trash bin.”

Paulina P.

Member, Frankincense & Myrrh Activated Charcoal Artisan Soap

“Love this hydrating handmade soap. So moist and cleansing. Will definitely be on my list for next order.”

Dianne B.

Member, Frankincense & Myrrh Activated Charcoal Artisan Soap

“I’m a Hairstylist and so my deodorant is so important as my arms are hovering over clients all day. I also play a lot of tennis. Living in Florida it’s crucial to have a deodorant that works. I have been using this product for awhile and absolutely love it. The vanilla aroma I smell it all day! It just feels good going on and I know that Amanda puts her heart and sole into all of her products- that is the bonus!!”

Colette M.

Member, Pure and Natural Deodorant with Probiotics

“This is the best product going, love the scent of it to…
Will definitely be buying it again 😊”

Natasha B.

Member, Pure and Natural Deodorant with Probiotics

“The smell is Amazing!!! Loved the fact that it’s natural! But It didn’t last that long after I went about my day. Would have to reapply midday to eliminate any bad odors.”

Chelsae H.

Member, Pure and Natural Deodorant with Probiotics

“I really love this one. When I have tried natural deodorants in the past I end up stopping within a day or so but not this one”

Santoi H.

Member, Pure and Natural Deodorant with Probiotics

“Love how smooth it goes on. Fragrance is great.”

Joyce S.

Member, Pure and Natural Deodorant with Probiotics

“I haven’t used hair Gel since the 90s ,but i loved the sent of sandalwood since forever so I’m trying it for the first time and its absolutely awesome ,i only use it when I’m going on stage when it counts ,along with my homemade deodorant and other essential oils i smell like a hippie and look like Shirley Temple ,what will i do if I’m not able to get more ,guess I’ll shave my head ,love it love it love it !!”

Dwayne J.

Member, Flax + Sandalwood Hair Gel

“Love the results of less hair fall and improvement in joint pain since starting this.”

Kimberly N.

Member, Happy Body Organic Sulfur Crystals 99.9% Pure Premium MSM

“Pure quality A+”

Lawson T.

Member, Happy Body Organic Sulfur Crystals 99.9% Pure Premium MSM

“I ordered this a little large, and inserted a petrified Ivory carved piece to make it unique to me.”

Larry R.

Member, Hazel Wood and All Brown Necklace

“I have had sleep issues for years, now I have the tea at night and it puts me in a restful sleep.”

Karen S.

Member, Herbal Night Time Botanical Tisane Blend

“Great product!! Been on a healing journey for the past few months because I was feeling so unwell…this seems to be helping boost my immune system!!”

Debra Y.

Member, Imu-Gen Phytogen by Genestra 15 ml

“My wife uses the Lavender essential oil with the dryer fabric sheets and very much likes it.”

Peter F.

Member, Lavender Pure Essential Oil

“I absolutely love this tea. I drink it daily and love the aroma and taste of it. A small amount will do!”


Member, Lymphatic Drainage and Support Tisane

“I really enjoyed this product, I think it helped heal some deep splinters/finger sores i had. My only problem was the bottle somehow unscrewed itself or just had a weak seal cause within a week of starting to use it, it had spilt the entirety of the bottle in my purse and was wasted 🙁”


Member, Natural Hand Cleanser with Colloidal Silver and Pure Essential Oils

“I use this in my smoothie, it has lots of nutrients, instead of taking my supplements, I use spirulina for diversification, as taking the same supplements for more then 2.5 years gets too much for my stomach. One full tea spoon in 500g of smoothie, great breakfast”

Ina M.

Member, Organic Spirulina Powder 113g

“Very high quality A+”

Lawson T.

Member, Pau D’Arco Powder, Wild Harvested

“Great stuff my organs are feeling a lot cleaner. It’s amazing!”

Robert M.

Member, Pekana APO-HEPAT Spagyric remedy 50 mL – Liver Support

“Can feel tingle in tongue as it’s going in. Feels like it’s working a couple weeks in…..”

Michael J.

Member, Pekana APO-HEPAT Spagyric remedy 50 mL – Liver Support

“I’ve been giving these drops (Cardinorma, Coro-calm and Clauparest) to my dog for a mitral valve prolapse condition, along with a couple other things that Amandha recommended. I was able to take him off his vet prescribed medications with no real problems, he seems to be getting better every day. I notice a huge difference with the Pekana drops, my dog is calmer and more independent, has less anxiety issues and gets deeper sleeps.”

Conrad Z.

Member, Pekana CLAUPAREST Spagyric Remedy 50 mL – Circulation

“Great product!! I will definitely be reordering this to help clean up any toxins that we are dealing with!! I swear by these Pekana products!”

Debra Y.

Member, Pekana ITIRES Spagyric remedy – Lymphatic System

“Amazing product for anxiety & panic attacks!! I love having this on hand for those times when I feel overwhelmed & I don’t travel without it!! I have given a dose to family & friends that are feeling a lot of anxiety & they are amazed that it works so fast to restore a feeling of peace & calm.”

Debra Y.

Member, Pekana PSY-STABIL Spagyric Drops 50 mL – Anxiety

“Thumbs on all the spagyric products!”

Susan R.

Member, Pekana RENELIX Spagyric Remedy 50 mL – Kidneys

“Great product!! I will definitely be reordering this to help clean up any toxins that we are dealing with!! I swear by these Pekana products!!”

Debra Y.

Member, Pekana TOXEX Spagyric Remedy 50 mL – Detox

“Love the taste and very moisturizing.”

Freda N.

Member, Pumpkin Patch All Natural Moisturizing Lip Balm

“My Wife loves them. Thank You”

“My wife has now been using these fabric dryer sheets and is very happy with them. She will continue to be using them. She adds some Lavender essential oil to them which she also likes very much.”

Peter F.

Member, Purecosheet Reusable Fabric Dryer Sheets

“Next week, it will be the 10th anniversary since I was bitten multiple times by Lyme Ticks in my town of Newmarket, while biking on forest and open grassy field paths. This wretched disease turned my life upside down, blinded me (until I had double strabismus eye surgery a year ago this week, after waiting 29 months for my surgery), crippled me, and caused me to lose my job and become unemployable. I would not wish LTD on ANYONE!
I’ve been a very vocal activist and awareness raiser about Lyme Disease for nearly a decade. Things have changed so much since I acquired Lyme. There was only one kind of Lyme Tick in the region in 2008; now, there are at least 11, and the latest one, Powassan, is almost always fatal in 12 – 18 months. There is no real cure for Lyme, and it chiefly attacks your neuro-muscular functions. I only know 2 other people who have had Lyme longer than I have, but they are very ill at the moment, I have lost more than 5 dozen friends to LTD.
The demographic most likely to be bitten and infected is the 2 to 22 year old group. Lyme affects kids worse than adults!
There are many ways to prevent yourself and your family from being bitten by ticks, and that is to use safe, natural, effective repellents.
I am a Monarch Butterfly Nanny who rescues, raises and releases dozens of Monarchs every year. I have to tramp through forests and fields to find eggs and larvae on the milkweed leaves, putting me at great risk for being bitten again (as well as my dogs). So now I spray all exposed skin areas (except eyes) with Tick Off Essential Oil Repellant which has pleasant aromatheraputic fragrance, and it keeps not only ticks away, but I noticed that I’m not bothered by mosquitoes, deer flys and ants, as well.
Highly recommended. Keep a bottle in the console of your vehicle, another at home, and a third in your purse, so you are “always covered”. I uses mine on my dogs underbellies, as well.”

Rosemary B.

Member, Tick Off Aromatherapy Repellent Spray

“Garlic mullein ear olive oil with vitamin e worked like a charm. My son woke up with an #ear ache last night that really bothered him. This morning the pain was gone and he hasn’t complained since.

Amandha thank you for your knowledge and wisdom that you share with the world.❤️💮”


Member, Garlic Mullein Ear Olive Oil with Vitamin E

“I’m on 4th week of Natpro 200mg a day, and day 13 on detox Pekana homeopathic…
My hot flashes (they were all day and night since September) are down to one or two a day!! Migraine free for 13 days .. and the pressure in the back of my neck (intracranial pressure) is gone. I am so incredibly grateful Amandha! Thank you so much for all that you do, you are such a blessing 💞”


Member, Pekana Remedy

“I was just greeted by the scent of Amandha’s handmade clove soap. It took me by surprise which was the special part of it.”


Member, Orange Clove Artisan Soap

“Amhanda I introduce my Mennonite neighbours to silver, DE and dmso! They think I’m medicine woman. I (you) saved my neighbour from having a heart attack!! You are the shit girl!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥#savinglives”


Member, DMSO- Dimethyl Sulfoxide 99.995% Pure Pharmaceutical Grade

“Another win for DMSO. I fell on the ice really hard yesterday and by the end of the evening my knee was feeling good and battered. I did two applications of DMSO with magnesium last night and then a third today. And I’m forgetting it even happened, no pain!! 💥🙏♥️”


Member, 50% DMSO with Natural Magnesium

“Shout out to Amandha and her team. This tea is amazing and what I loved most about receiving my order from her store is how the products felt different. I felt like I could feel the love and care that she puts into her craft.”


Member, Cold And Flu Herbal Medicinal Tisane Blend

“Excellent products. Feels great on the skin and knowing all ingredients are working for me.”


Member, Orange Facial Cleanser & Tonic (Toner) – Handcrafted

“Good morning Amandha, your diaper cream is the best! Sending you love from my wife and I, and Evander, our newborn son. 😊”


Member, Naked Nurture Calendula Zinc Diaper Cream

“Bumped into some great DSMO healing testimonies and I think I own you guys one too 🙂 I chopped of about 1/4 of my toe few months ago, just missed the bone about 1mm (pls be careful with sharp tools barefoot 🙂 So the cut was about half nail down towards the tip, big chunk was missing 😬 I was expecting permanent damage.

I just used salt water to clean and colloidal silver, then after about a week started adding DSMO (first diluted, and then the red solution with vitamins). In about 5-6 weeks toe was back to normal, perfectly shaped and regrown… I’ve never had this kind of injury, but it seemed very fast 😳 a bit of wow effect…

So lots of gratitude Amandha & Team for amazing healing aid! 🙏❤️☀️”


Member, DMSO- Dimethyl Sulfoxide 99.995% Pure Pharmaceutical Grade

“Started applying my Wrinkle remover on my hands & the dark spots are fading!”


Member, Wrinkle Reducer™ All Natural Handcrafted Skin Cream

“DMSO for the sinus inflammation win!! Two neti pots with 20% in saline (1/2 tsp salt to 1 cup water) a few hours apart and the inflammation never came back. Breathed though my nose comfortably all night. Wow thanks for the protocol Amandha! 🙏💕🎉😀”


Member, DMSO- Dimethyl Sulfoxide 99.995% Pure Pharmaceutical Grade

“I have all 3 creams and they are wonderful! Especially love Face Lift in a Jar and will never use anything else on my face. 💜”


Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I experienced incredible healing benefits from DMSO and have purchased multiple copies of your book as gifts and have been educating my family and friends on it. It has changed my life. Thank you.”

Amanda Corbett

Member, DMSO store

“Amandha Vollmer has been a total inspiration to me after discovering her in early 2020. I bought Amandha’s book “Healing with DMSO” as soon as it was released, although I had no immediate health issues at the time. In 2021 I developed a Frozen Shoulder (self diagnosis) and realized there was a section in the book which covered this condition. Within 4 weeks I could notice a difference and within 3 months it was completely healed. Thank Amandha for your amazing knowledge and total sanity within this world of insanity.”

Leiah Ikafa

Member, Healing with DMSO Book

“Yes I’m not a bot I was just saying DMSO gets ride of scare tissue because I know it does and somebody was asking about scare tissue I got ride of scare tissue on my arm after it almost got got off by a chainsaw”


Member, DMSO Store

“Well I gave my neighbour dmso and she took it 2 x a day… also sprayed with magnesium and her heart issues went away !! Thanks ADV. it’s like Frank’s red hot sauce.. I put that sh!t on everything 😜”


Member, DMSO Store

“thank you so much! The lady with the lenses has been rubbing it around her eye to start with. She is blind in her one eye, and after 2 weeks she has started to notice the grey/white starting to change back to blue – her original eye color. I am also cleansing and treating her pancreas with herbal capsules and tea”


Member, DMSO Store

“Thank you so much for writing your book, “Healing With DMSO”, and for all the other amazing research that you share with us. I’ve read through and referenced it so many times it’s starting to get worn. I’m really looking forward to the advanced version of the DMSO book which you mentioned you would write; I’d buy it in a heartbeat.
We’ve already started making many of your recipes and using them.
Last night we made Magnesium Chloride Oil 40% and DMSO(99.995) 60% spray and massaged into the bottoms of our feet before bed – WOW! My wife loved it, she’s had a heal spur really bothering her for a long time and very tender to walk on, and believe it or not, that one treatment not only took away the pain last night but she’s still amazed it still feels so good today. We also slept better than normal.”


Member, Healing with DMSO Book

“I got whipped in the eye clearing lantana on our block, it was nasty and scratched the white part of the eye at about 3pm, washed it out with a water bottle and kept on working until dark at about 6pm. Because I had read the DMSO book I quickly made up the eye drops and used it a bit after 6pm. The eye was sore as nasty, puffy and red looking where it was bashed and one could see the scratch on the membrane. The drops stung for a couple of seconds and by 6.30 it was into full on throbbing mode. By about 8.30pm the throbbing had stopped totally and I was able to sleep quite well. In the morning all the redness was gone and no conjunctivitis like sleep matter in the corner either. No visible signs of the scratch on the eye. Thanks ADM for all your research and producing the book. Have recommended the book to others.”


Member, Healing with DMSO Book

“Per ‘Healing with DMSO’ pg 86, I used it with castor oil to treat veins on my left leg, knee to ankle.
Using the treatment as a preventative (I don’t have pain), I noticed a significant decrease in size/protrusion. Sorry I don’t recall how long I applied it, most likely regularly for 3 weeks then stop.”

Tricia Gunberg

Member, Healing with DMSO Book

“I want to express my gratitude to Amandha.
I learned of Amandha a few months ago and have been gobbling up every bit of information I can from her. I placed my first order in July, wanting to try her DMSO products. From what I’d learned from her talks, I needed to have this stuff on hand just in case. I couldn’t wait for my order to arrive and hastily ordered some 99.9% DMSO and her book through Amazon.
Within weeks of receiving the DMSO and her book, my husband fell ill. He had a high fever and broke out in a rash and had 3 large nodules that had developed on his hand and arm. Desperate to help him, I turned to the DMSO I had bought and diluted and applied it topically. He started to improve right away. I’ve been doing so ever since and he is still getting better.
We are now fairly certain he was poisoned by the phosphate plant dump into Tampa Bay where we live in Florida. He’d been on his watercraft that malfunctioned and almost sank in the bay where fish were already dead and dying from this toxic pollution. He spent much time in the water until he was rescued.
I’m now certain he has a kidney infection from this event. I am continuing to treat him with DMSO and it has been a lifesaver!!!! If not for this, I am certain we would have gone to the hospital out of desperation which TERRIFIES me to think about.
Amandha, I am so VERY GRATEFUL for all of your knowledge you share! It is invaluable and empowering! THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!”

Melissa Gouley

Member, DMSO- Dimethyl Sulfoxide 99.995% Pure Pharmaceutical Grade

“Hello community ❤ I wanted to share a DMSO testimonial for our dog. Our dog Georgie had a very large fluid-filled cyst (like a hematoma/seroma) on her chest/front shoulder. Likely it was due to a blunt force trauma while running in the forest when she hit a log. We confirmed with our holistic vet (he holds the same philosophies as all of us) that there was no other issue. So we put pure DMSO on the cyst 2x per day and massage around the cyst. The very large cyst was completely gone within 3 days!!! It was like watching it vanish before our eyes.”


Member, DMSO- Dimethyl Sulfoxide 99.995% Pure Pharmaceutical Grade

“I started getting regular migraines about a year ago. Like almost weekly. About a month ago I tried putting 6 drops of DMSO is about 1/4 cup of water (I’m on a well) and downing it. It worked. My migraine diminished within the hour. Relief.”


Member, DMSO- Dimethyl Sulfoxide 99.995% Pure Pharmaceutical Grade

“I had a vein burst in ring finger from pulling smth heavy ( i know , not right ).
It usually hurts sharp , then dull for a while; sore for days ; and bruises .
I remembered reading about DMSO use in strokes from Amandah’s book.
I drizzled DMSO straight on the skin and took some internally with water .
It worked ! No pain at all , like nothing happened . The dark bluish spot under the skin barely detectable . No bruise .

Thank you , God 🙏.
Thank you @Amandha 😇”

Borstch Cauldron

Member, DMSO- Dimethyl Sulfoxide 99.995% Pure Pharmaceutical Grade

“I recently twisted / sprained my left ankle. I was limping late at night and the pain became so severe it woke me at 3am. I could not put any weight on it whatsoever (and I have a high tolerance for pain). I began to massage your DMSO w/added nutrients on both sides of my ankle. The pain wasn’t relieved for a few hours and a few treatments, but then complete pain relief. The ankle was inflamed and swollen on both sides as well as the top of my foot. I continued to apply DMSO, the swelling reduced and I could put a shoe on after 5 days and walk normally after 7-8 days. There was no bruising as had occurred in the past. Previous similar injuries took close to 3-4 weeks to get off crutches.
I’ve recommended DMSO to friends and family who have had miraculous results for herpes, shingles and scars.
We all can’t thank you enough!”

Ed B.

Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

“I am absolutely in love with this product. It has done wonders for my skin and healing my acne and scars. I’d tried everything, and after 10 years this is the only thing that worked. Very grateful. Thank you!”

Ashley N.

Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

“This is an amazing product. I suffer with lower back pain, when I use DMSO I have relief in less then 7 minutes. Amazing 😉”

Lorielle S.

Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

“Great combination with the added nutrients, very effective.”

Lawson T.

Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

“I’d probably be dead without this! 😉. It’s a must!!!”

Chandra V.

Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

“Love it! My frozen shoulder is healing nicely…every time I use it my mobility increases.
Thank you”

Lynn M.

Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

“Brings muscle pain down a few notches instantly, helps with spider veins, I believe it is healing my nerves.”

Cristelle l.

Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

“I am still learning about the dmso but I love it, especially the extra nutrients that really enhance it. I have started putting a few drops with a tiny bit magnesium gel around my eyes. I am not sure if that is a good thing but adding it to my regime for my cataract. After putting 40% dmso drop in my eyes I then dab a very small amount around the top of my lid and under my eye carefully. Only been doing it for a short while so might update down the track.”

Freda N.

Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

“I am extremely impressed with the strength and purity of this. The DMSO is high quality and the other ingredients create an nice slip to the product. I am using this daily and it has helped with pain, and I’m hoping it helps with scars from a Dupuytren’s release surgery.”

Bernice F.

Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

“I used this on a rash that I had (eczema) and it is almost gone now. I have done dietary changes as well as use this DMSO blend and I feel like it has helped with clearing it up. I use it on my legs too in hopes it will help me with an issue that I have.
I am going to keep using it and I hope to see more improvements.”


Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

“Just a few drops applied with fingertips on my lower back really helps to ease the pain.”

Peter W.

Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

“Great product. I use topically for nerve pain. A little goes a long way!”


Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

“From USA. Currently using DMSO for one week. Received it very quickly and used it same day. Could taste it after only a few minutes after using it for arthritis on hands and neck. Also use on bottom of feet for diabetic nerve issues. Very excited to use longer. Have less pain and burning.”

Elizabeth D.

Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

“After watching your video on YouTube I thought I’d give the DMSO a try. I use it on arthritis in my hands and back. My husband has started using it too after having shoulder surgery. I also recommended it to my sister who has started using it for sciatica. I really like this product.”

Anna S.

Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

“Product arrived withing a few days.”
I am very please. It’s helping me with join pain in my wrists”

Claritza P.

Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

“I absolutely Love these drops. I need to do a kidney cleanse so that I can reap the full benefits of a restored clean organ and less eye issues for the drops to work through. But even in my kidney burdened state. These drops are definately restoring some clarity to my vision. Amandha you weren’t exaggerating about the initial pinch of the dmso but afterwards the reward far outweighs the momentary discomfort. I’m gonna stick with the 20% dilution I’m sure once I get my kidney in order it will be just what my favorite doctor ordered. Keep doing what your doing Love. Dont you go crochet-ing that new house on a deserted island anytime soon. The work your doing is beyond the necessary insight/healing/revolutionary blessing that we need. I watch at least 2 of your videos a day, and share them with anyone who will listen. Peace Sister.”

Clovis M.

Member, 20% DMSO Eye Drops in Saline with Vitamin C

“These 20% eye drops do sting for a very short time. I am trying them to see if I can get rid of Arcus Senilis (a gray or white arc on the top or around your eyeball). I have no idea if it will work or not but even after a few days of use my eyes feel great! I figure I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. If this does work I will be sure to let you know.”

Wendy F.

Member, 20% DMSO Eye Drops in Saline with Vitamin C

“My eyes feel better, the color seems to have regained it’s vitality, and I’m noticing my vision becoming sharper. It does have a bit of a sting at first, but it quickly turns into a pleasant sensation for my eyes. I will purchase again.”

Lisa W.

Member, 20% DMSO Eye Drops in Saline with Vitamin C

“Has seemed liked it has been helping me along with the eye injection from the Retina Specialist. He’s weening me from it attempting to add 2 weeks between shots. Looking at the grid with the dot in the middle has steadily improved”

Larry S.

Member, 20% DMSO Eye Drops in Saline with Vitamin C

“Hi ! I have just started using my 20 percent Eye solution for about 6 days now. I’m using it because I have Cattaracts . I don’t see a lot of difference yet except I think my eyes don’t water as much . They were driving me crazy with the watering , so that’s fantastic ! I will keep using it and let you know what happens !!! Thanks ! ????”

Connie P.

Member, 20% DMSO Eye Drops in Saline with Vitamin C

“I am so sorry to hear that Canadians can no longer buy this product here. It is an amazing product – the only thing I’ve found that works for cataracts without surgery. It makes me glad I now live in the States!

My husband and I both started the DMSO 40% eye solution near the end of April 2019. It has now been 2-1/2 months that we’ve been doing it, twice a day, along with 1 tsp DMSO in water with magnesium ascorbate (for the vitamin C and magnesium).
The doctors told my husband they won’t do cataract surgery on him: he’s 82 now and the rheumatic fever he had at age 8 affected his eyes, so he’s not a candidate for surgery. As well, he has glaucoma but cannot tolerate the beta blocker meds.
He tells me he can already tell the difference in his vision. Not a lot yet, but noticeable. I feel assured now that he will not go blind. As well, I am beginning to notice a change for the better with my own eyes. Eventually, we will go to the eye doctor for a comparison with our checkup that was done just before we started this regimen.”

Is R.

Member, 40% DMSO Eye Drops in Saline with Vitamin C

“I am very happy to write this review. I attempted making an eye solution myself, only 17%, and it made my eyes cloudy for a while… something wasn’t right. This product – 40% – makes my eyes immediately clear. I am noticing after 12 uses spots / floaters decreasing. I also believe some cloudiness I was experiencing was early cataract development. This seems to be gone already! I am also hoping for improvement in acuity, which had declined recently. I think there is a little bit of improvement, but I will need more time to be sure on this.
HIGHLY recommend this product!”

Jennifer R.

Member, 40% DMSO Eye Drops in Saline with Vitamin C

“I have been using this product for one month for glaucoma, cataracts and floaters. I am working with my Ophthalmalogist in regards to all of these issues and although the eye pressure was not stabilized after one month of use I am thrilled to say it is dissolving my cataracts and floaters. I was advised to go back on the glaucoma eye drops in the p.m. but am continuing to use the DMSO 40% Solution in Normal Saline every other day in the a.m. along with one teas DMSO in 4 oz. orange juice daily.”

Susan B.

Member, 40% DMSO Eye Drops in Saline with Vitamin C

“I have an aggressive form of cataracts that came on within three months of a perfect clean bill of eye health. I would not accept the “verdict” of surgery and looked for other options. Close to the end of June, 2019 I began using yummy mummy’s DMSO 40% eye solution in normal saline. Within less than one week the milky film over my vision nodes in both eyes disappeared. My cataracts still exist, but at least the blinding haze was lifted. Now I am using the drops twice a day with the aim of halting any further cataract growth and then concentrating on reversing them altogether. I am extremely impressed with this product, as I am all that I purchase from yummy mummy. I have noticed improvement in my vision since using the drops, such as being able to use my regular glasses at the computer vs using my computer glasses; being able to read extreme fine print in dim light; and being able to enjoy a couple of hours in the morning without wearing my glasses before my eyes begin to strain. I will keep you posted as to any other progressions. I think this is extraordinary and could be utterly revolutionary in eye care.”

Miriam L.

Member, 40% DMSO Eye Drops in Saline with Vitamin C

“Hi Amandha,

I have been following your advice below, and I am blown away. I would say that my eye is 75% better and continuing to improve. I feel like I have my life back again. I cannot thank you enough!

Per your question, I never used any cannibis products. Alcohol yes, but stopped like you said.

We have already been doing coffee enemas every day for the past 2 years and cannot believe we didn’t do them earlier in life.

I have been using Angostura bitters for now until I can find a good herbal one, hope that’s okay. And I do the castor oil packs every other day.

Again, thank you so very much! You are a blessing!

Kind Regards,
Robert (ASN7676@protonmail.com)”


Member, 40% DMSO Eye Drops in Saline with Vitamin C

“I’m using the 40% hoping to heal floaters and super myopia. So far both are still present. But weird story!!!! My mood swings like a wild pendulum lately. For a few days, I’ll have energy and feel great and then out of nowhere, this deep depression hits and I feel like it’s hard to move. I started the day in this way today. I hadn’t done my eye drops for the last two days. A voice in myself told me to do the eye drops, almost laughing like “at least then you’re eyes will sting and pain will feel like a suitable response.”
I did the eye drops. They barely hurt and it was like an elixir soothed my brain. Suddenly I felt more energy, like some cobwebs cleared.
Maybe this is a weird placebo. But all I can say is I’m so grateful for these wonderful drops!! This wasn’t an effect I was aiming at or even considering possible, but here I am, feeling instantly better.
Something inside me wants another drop. I wonder if you can use it too much? (By too much I mean a second drop in a day)
Thank you Amandha!!!”

Rebecca Marie

Member, 40% DMSO Eye Drops in Saline with Vitamin C

“Great cream. I am so glad to find a natural option with the added benefits of DMSO.”

Kimberly N.

Member, DMSO Dandelion Supreme Body Cream

“I love the cream and will continue to use.”

Margaret D.

Member, DMSO Dandelion Supreme Body Cream

“I love how this goes on my skin after a shower, so soft and silky”

Marsha S.

Member, DMSO Dandelion Supreme Body Bliss Lotion

“Fabulous for arthritic knees. I also have a torn meniscus in my knee and this at least twice a day with some extra DMSO has kept me from having surgery. Can’t go without it!!”


Member, DMSO Dandelion Supreme Body Bliss Lotion

“Love this lotion I use it daily”

Suzzete R.

Member, DMSO Dandelion Supreme Body Bliss Lotion

“I had a rash on my chest and stomach for two weeks. I had no idea what caused it and did not want to pay a dermatologist. I used this lotion twice a day on the rash and it went away in three days. It is very hydrating. Love it.”
“Bliss! That’s the first word that comes to mind. I live in the desert, moisturizing is a MUST. It is very difficult as most things are oily, greasy or wax laden! After the dirt use my ‘lizard’ (skin as we call int here), was gone!!
I can’t wait, to see how much more it will do when I go to other states!”

Tonya D.

Member, DMSO Dandelion Supreme Body Bliss Lotion

“The vibration is apparent the minute you put this on your skin. It stopped pain in my husband’s foot that has a bunch of metal in it. It is amazing!”

Twyla H.

Member, DMSO Dandelion Supreme Body Bliss Lotion

“Love this concoction !
I have dedicated this lotion to my liver. Everyday after shower I rub a generous amount in circular motion over my liver. Feels good, and I like the bitter smell. Will buy more for sure”

Katarina A.

Member, DMSO Dandelion Supreme Body Bliss Lotion

“Love this! So refreshing❤️”

Donna W.

Member, DMSO Dandelion Supreme Body Bliss Lotion

“I had what must have been a tiny ingrown hair broken off in my face for 4 or 5 years (at least) makes a permanent zit, just pusses every few days so you know something is there. This brought it up to the surface and you could see it! In about 3 weeks!”


Member, Doctor’s Choice DMSO Liquid 118 ml

“I read your book and then tried the product on my lower back which was constantly throbbing for months. This is my 4th time applying it, and I have no more pain. My wife is now trying it on her sore shoulder and swears that it’s working. I will be recommending it to friends and family.”


Member, Doctor’s Choice DMSO Gel 100 grams

“awesome gel thank you”

stephanie j.

Member, Doctor’s Choice DMSO Gel 100 grams

“I’ve just received a message from a friend who broke both her arms in a motor cycle accident 6 months ago. She’s been in perpetual pain since the accident & subsequent surgery to pin the shattered bones, the left hand pins had to be removed as infection set up internally. I suggested DMSO gel for pain relief, sent her Amandha Volmer’s book Healing with DMSO & she then worked out what was best for her.
Her verdict on DMSO is ‘It’s absolutely amazing. Stings when I first put it on but then really calms the pain. Incredible stuff.’
@AmandhaDVollmer thank you from a lass who has been on ineffective opioid pain relief for 6 months & now has an effective alternative meaning that she can wean herself off the pharma meds.”


Member, Doctor’s Choice DMSO Gel 100 grams

“I have been using “Face Lift In A Jar” for 2 days now. I’ve put it on in the morning and evening.
I love it!”

Marisa H.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“My skin seriously feels like silk, the fine smile lines around my eyes are going away and the sun damage spots on my cheekbones are fading! “

Rose M.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“My skin seriously feels like silk, the fine smile lines around my eyes are going away and the sun damage spots on my cheekbones are fading! “

Jean Z.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Love this product. I’ve been using only this face cream for the past year and the results are great!”

Fabien B.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I absolutely love this face cream. I’ve only been using it a short time but I see results already! My crows feet are not as noticeable, and my skin seems to glow! This cream isn’t greasy and hasn’t caused any acne breakouts at all for me. Usually any type of cream does in a very short time. I highly recommend this and will keep using it.”

Wendy F.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“One of my favorite products from Amanda so far because my face is so soft after using it.”

Kimberly N.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“This stuff is amazing. I’ve been using it for about a month now and my skin is noticeably more toned and glowing. I have the original scent and it is just lovely. This cream goes on so nice and is not greasy in the slightest. My mother in law always tells me I’m going to wrinkle my face if I frown or raise my eyebrows… she now has a jar coming to her house so she can stop worrying. Thank you Amandha for your amazing products!”

Brittany H.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Hi again, I love this face cream and will be ordering another couple of jars (1 for a friend). Its so light and not greasy! I’ve only been using it for a couple of weeks but can see a difference in my face already, looking much fresher!”

Maureen M.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Hi again, I love this face cream and will be ordering another couple of jars (1 for a friend). Its so light and not greasy! I’ve only been using it for a couple of weeks but can see a difference in my face already, looking much fresher!”

Maureen M.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“My favourite skin care product ever. From the texture and smell to the face that my face is deeply moisturized but isn’t left feeling heavy. It keeps my skin clear, healthy and glowing. I recommend this product to everyone.”

Michelle V.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I absolutely love this face cream! It feels silky smooth going on and has a pleasant smell, my skin already looks healthier with an even tone and somehow brighter complexion. I will purchase again and again, and again. Thank you YummyMummy!”

Lisa W.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“love the way it makes my skin feel”

Marsha S.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Love it .. it’s great for scars and healing”

Jean Z.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Your products are amazing! I laugh at store products with big names Big prices and big promises! Your products are clean straightforward and they work… They actually do what they say they will do and I will never run out of them I always have an extra jar in the refrigerator and I keep my daughter well supplied as well!!! You’re as awesome as your products!!!!”

Dee B.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Absolutely love this cream. I’m doing a few bits and pieces along side using it and my skin is looking better than it’s done in years.”

Ann L.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I love this cream and all Dr yummy’s product .”

Salma S.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“It really helps with the scars

I had shingles left scars this has made a big difference

Brilliant Amandha!

Please open a place in the states !!!”

Jean Z.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I don’t know if my face looks lifted, but my skin certainly looks brighter and better. A little bit of this goes a long way. Much better day cream than the one I have been buying at the local health store. Very happy with this cream.”

Tonya D.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I love this product! I had run out and was thrilled when it arrived. In the few days prior to it arriving my face did not have the same glow or tightness that I notice when I am using Face Lift in a Jar. My skin feels softer, smoother and has a healthier glow once again.”

Teresa F.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Second time ordering. It’s light and smooth. Love the scent.”

Robert N.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I’ve been using this face cream for about 6 weeks now and am noticing subtle changes. I love the cream and the fact that it contains DMSO and will order again. Thank you!”

Alea R.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“This cream is amazing. Gets rid of some wrinkles and clears the skin. Love it!! Thank you!!”

Elena A.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Love the ingredients – softens my skin and prevents wrinkles! Love the smell!”


Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I love this cream, very hydrating and let you with a very soft skin. My advice would to use it during day time since it’s too rich to use it as a night cream.
I use it as well for my breast and works wonder.”

Chaftar W.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I really love this product. I’m 65 years old and I love the way this product tightens my skin.
Thank you yummymummy!!!

Celeste D.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I absolutely LOVE this product. I use it everyday. My skin has never looked as good as it does now. I also use it on my little girl. She has some OCD/Anxiety that causes her to pick her face. It healed her face so quickly..”

Nicole G.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“This is a fantastic product. I think it is the best skin care cream I have ever tried. My skin is noticeably softer, smoother, and incredibly hydrated. My fine lines are also fading. The essential oils smell nice and cover any trace of DMSO. I will definitely purchase this product again.”

Summer W.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Another excellent product!! My face is smooth, moist and lines seem to be fading. 😍”

Pamela S.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Love the cream. It is just right for my skin type and because it is all natural I feel like I am doing something good for my skin.”

Chris S.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I have no idea how the major brands charge what they charge for the face cream they sell that does nothing but age the face! I can feel a tightening in my forehead immediately with face lift in a jar. My skin seems glowy now”

Tracey L.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Third time purchasing this product. It’s awesome!”

Ruth S.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Wow enough said”

Arnold V.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I love the new formulation!”

Faye V.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“It’s a wonderful product ! I’ve been using it only 2 1/2 weeks now. I feel a tingling minutes after applying , and my face appears tighter. I love it !”

Eugenia L.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I am 60 & have super dry skin that still breaks out. Finding a moisturizer that works on the dryness but doesn’t aggravate breakouts is not easy. This is the only one that actually works on both issues. My skin is clearer, moisturized & less blotchy. My makeup goes on much smoother & I don’t need to use as much. Bonus benefit, has also helped my dry, cracked cuticles. Will definitely order more!”

Debra T.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I use this as an overnight cream and I am very pleased with the results experienced in a very short time. Skin feels tighter and hydrated.”

Dianne B.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I love Face Lift in a Jar. It smells great and it makes my skin feel great.”

Liz M.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“beautiful texture, beautiful fragrance, very healing and very economical. Will order more when finish. thank you making it.”

Tatiana S.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I love this product it is so nourishing and keeps my skin looking hydrated. Only been using it for couple weeks and love the way it feels and how great my skin looks. Thanks so much”

Freda N.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face CreaFace Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSOm™ – All Natural with DMSO

“What a fantastic product for the face and neck. It is rich and you need very little to support the skin and create a dewy effect. I don’t use it all over as I still have a few mercury fillings and I avoid my jaw. Still where I’m able to use it, I’m very pleased.”

Bernice F.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Omg, can’t say enough good things about this! I have very sensitive skin and this has actually helped clear up my skin and moisturize tremendously. Never stop making this stuff! ????????????????”

Lacy K.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“OMG this product is beyond amazing! I’m an o-natural kinda gal and have never really use much in the way of face creams, but this one is appropriately named! Thumbs up from me.”

Tracy B.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I noticed a difference in 2 weeks. Highly recommended ♥️♥️”

Chandra V.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Smells great, texture very nice as well. I have used it twice and so far so good. No allergic reaction to DMSO. Thank you and I will order more soon.”

Mary P.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I enjoy using DMSO facelift in a jar. Right after putting it on it makes my face feel all tingly,refreshed and tightened. Thank you for your invention. Susan Gourde’”

Susan G.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Love this product use it every morning
And night mixed with my other creams .
Really hydrating . When wake up skin is still
Hydrated . When did 3 hr flight still hydrated .
Really nice thanks ????”

Judy S.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“My most favorite, favorite face cream ever! I use this every night after I remove all makeup or lotions from my face and neck; then apply Face-Lift-In a Jar. It makes my face and neck so soft and smooth; let alone all of the healing benefits! So love this!”

Lou Ann G.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“It took about 3-4 weeks for my order to come to the United States from Canada. I have mostly been using it at night like I heard Amandha say in one of her online videos. The scent is a little different than I expected but I wouldn’t say it’s bad. I really like the texture and the way it feels on my skin. I’ve been using it about 4-5x per week for the last 2 weeks. I need to work on improving my own skincare routine but so far I am pretty happy with the results. I can definitely tell that my skin is more hydrated long term. Most other products I have used instantly hydrate but then quickly wear off. This really lasts. I really like this product and I will definitely be ordering it again!”

Amanda M.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“OMG. It’s wonderful. My face feels n looks so much better in just a month. Love.”

Joyce S.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I love this product

Also my siters who are overseas are having great results with it.”

Claritza R.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“Fabulous cream that gets right in and goes to work. Beautiful scent. Amanda has done a great job with this product!”

Loretta W.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“So far amazing, saw results the first time I used it last night and wore no makeup today. Skin stayed even toned so that was great. Looking forward to more results as time goes on. It definetly tingles a bit. Smells wonderful! ????????????????”

Melanie B.

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I have all 3 creams and they are wonderful! Especially love Face Lift in a Jar and will never use anything else on my face. 💜”

Deana Marie

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“On Brown Spots/Age Spots:
Since using Amandha’s Face-lift in a jar mine are fading a lot.”


Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I don’t know about the hair spray but since I’ve started using her Face-Lift-in-a-Jar, my eyebrows are bushier. I always put it on them..and my eyelashes too. 😁”

Mountain Mama

Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I started the DMSO facelift in a jar 2 weeks ago. It is doing wonders for me.”


Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I use this and it’s amazing! Has reduced my hair fall hugely and I can feel it getting slowly thicker. Lots of new growth around my hairline.”


Member, DMSO Horsetail Hair Regrowth Spray – All Natural

“My 3rd bottle ,i really dont need a hair regrowth elixir,but ill use any form of snake oil that tingles my scalp and smells like peppermint ,and wait for it ,that taste ,what is that ?WOW DMSO is making my brain do a hippie dance ,i will be ordering this for eternity and beyond ,gurls got talent”

Dwanye J.

Member, DMSO Horsetail Hair Regrowth Spray – All Natural

“I spray it after shower, on the roots, I see a big difference now my hair is not going oily the second day, so I can have it 3 days in a row without washing it and without looking dirty”

Ina M.

Member, DMSO Horsetail Hair Regrowth Spray – All Natural

“I love very much all your true knowledge information’s in your videos and I thank God for people like you and I wish you the best
God blessed you”

Marcel R.

Member, DMSO Horsetail Hair Regrowth Spray – All Natural

“I love all the products I have bought from you”

Arnold V.

Member, DMSO Horsetail Hair Regrowth Spray – All Natural

“I was anxiously awaiting this products arrival to put it to the test. It delivered more than expected! My hair felt thicker, fuller, soft and looked shiny after one application. I love it!!! 💖”

Pamela S.

Member, DMSO Horsetail Hair Regrowth Spray – All Natural

“My hair stopped falling out. it is growing longer were it has not grown for years. Thanks to yummy mummy. ann chernok 7246284861 pennbookfan@gmail.com”

Anne C.

Member, DMSO Horsetail Hair Regrowth Spray – All Natural

“Bought this for my ad after seeing it on your YouTube channel..he said after 1 wash he had little-no hair fallout in the shower where normally he’d have clumps. Needless to say, he’s obsessed!”

Jessica M.

Member, DMSO Horsetail Hair Regrowth Spray – All Natural

“Been using it for 2 weeks and Hair stopped falling out in little clumps while I shower!”

Cristell l.

Member, DMSO Horsetail Hair Regrowth Spray – All Natural

“Having only just started using the product ,the seems to be quite a bit of faster growth happening .
A little early to say yet but I am betting that based on what I am seeing ,this product could be a godsend .”

Angelo M.

Member, DMSO Horsetail Hair Regrowth Spray – All Natural

“MY HAIR grow like never before and I purchase some for my sisters”

Monica V.

Member, DMSO Horsetail Hair Regrowth Spray – All Natural

“I use this lotion for my whole family. We love it. Thank you”

Anna W.

Member, DMSO Good Night Dream Cream

“Certainly a wonderful deep sleep since applying Good night Cream, Love it”

Jennifer T.

Member, DMSO Good Night Dream Cream

“I’ve been using the cream for about two weeks and love the way it smells. I use it during my daily meditations. Helps me to relax and refreshed.”

Herman G.

Member, DMSO Good Night Dream Cream

“This lotion has completely cleared my daughter’s eczema!”

Leanne O.

Member, Nature’s Skin Eczema Lotion with Calendula Chickweed with DMSO

“Amazing results. My daughter has had eczema for most of her life. I bought this product for her as she could find no relief. Her hands were raw and they hurt. Within days the eczema on her hands cleared. After the second week the skin on her hands were like new. Soft and renewed.”
Thank you so much.

Celeste D.

Member, Nature’s Skin Eczema Lotion with Calendula Chickweed with DMSO

“This lotion has completely cleared my daughter’s eczema!”

Leanne O.

Member, Nature’s Skin Eczema Lotion with Calendula Chickweed with DMSO

“Amazing results. My daughter has had eczema for most of her life. I bought this product for her as she could find no relief. Her hands were raw and they hurt. Within days the eczema on her hands cleared. After the second week the skin on her hands were like new. Soft and renewed.
Thank you so much.”

Celeste D.

Member, Nature’s Skin Eczema Lotion with Calendula Chickweed with DMSO

“Solid product. I’m very pleased”

Shauna R.

Member, Sun Kissed™ SunCream – Handmade

“we have had a very hot summer in the UK and skin was
well protected by sunscreen. feels moisturized and no burns at all”

Carol van H.

Member, Sun Kissed™ SunCream – Handmade

“Every product I receive from yummy mummy is amazing. This joint cream smells so good and soothes my sore wrists everyday. My favorite part is it is made with love! Thank you!”

Lisa S.

Member, Joint Care Pepper Rub

“Loving it. Ordering a bunch of this salve as gifts. Right now ordering for my Mom – small one for travel, large one for home. Thank you, Amandha!”

Christine Y.

Member, Calendula Salve Wound Care

“Once again another amazing product that everyone should have on hand. This stuff is incredible for cuts, scrapes, ingrown hairs or anything that needs a salve. Will never be without this.”


Member, Calendula Salve Wound Care

“Really great product!! I use it for cuts & burns…seems to be helping with those awful cracks that we get in our hands in the winter!! Thank you!!”

Debra Y

Member, Calendula Salve Wound Care

“This is a great product. My daughter uses it with her new little gal. She was happy to get another tin of it.”

Teresa F.

Member, Naked Nurture Calendula Zinc Diaper Cream

“I honestly have not used this product yet but love having it my cabinet with all the other amazing products that are so yummy and so healthy. I am really happy I found Amanda and the yummy mummy products I can now order regularly. I love the face creams too they are amazing. Please keep making them Amanda ????”

Freda N.

Member, Zinc Sulfur Boo Boo Paste

“Amazing cream. Even after a full night sleep my face feel and look moisturized!! Love it!”


Member, Cleopatra’s Secret Bee-auty Anti-Aging Balm

“I just got this in the mail today and it makes my face feel so amazing.”

Whittle k.

Member, Cleopatra’s Secret Bee-auty Anti-Aging Balm

“This cream is amazing, the texture and smell I really recommend it great product.”

Dorota G.

Member, Cleopatra’s Secret Bee-auty Anti-Aging Balm

“One of my new favourites from Amanda. This balm is amazingly hydrating and healing! A rough patch on my forehead was gone within 48 hrs. It is very soothing and keeps my skin fully moisturized all day. A little bit goes a long way. Love it!”

Dianne B.

Member, Cleopatra’s Secret Bee-auty Anti-Aging Balm

“Love using this, especially for this time of year, in Northern MN!!! My face absolutely loves the feel and moisture that it provides all day long! Awesome creation!!!👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼💖”


Member, Cleopatra’s Secret Bee-auty Anti-Aging Balm

“I love the way it makes my skin feel. You don’t have to use that much at all!”

Tara L.

Member, Cleopatra’s Secret Bee-auty Anti-Aging Balm

“I love this cream , my skin looks and feel awesome, Thank you 😊”

Marzanna R.

Member, Cleopatra’s Secret Bee-auty Anti-Aging Balm

“My personal fav by far, this bee-utiful balm sinks into my poor winter skin and provides near instant relief. I suffer from eczema and psoriasis, and this creamy-wonderful magic balm has healed my face. The balm is thicker than you’d expect of a face cream, but sinks in without issue and provides all day moisture. A little goes a long way! The faint honey scent, sunshine colour and healing ingredients make me smile every morning!”

Andie P.

Member, Cleopatra’s Secret Bee-auty Anti-Aging Balm

“I purchased this product after encountering a few nurses explaining why Vicks Vapor Rub was super toxic, especially for kids. I remembered this product from Yum Naturals and decided to give it a go. My kids started a chest cough shortly after I received the Vapour Rub. I applied the compound onto their chests and wow! The cough stopped almost instantly and my oldest has never slept better! I will definitely share the info with other moms, friends and family. Thank you for putting together these natural products. It is really appreciated.”


Member, Chest Vapour Rub All Natural Handcrafted

“Loving it. Ordering a bunch of this salve as gifts. Right now ordering for my Mom – small one for travel, large one for home. Thank you, Amandha!”

Christine T.

Member, Calendula Salve Wound Care

“This stuff is MAGICAL!! We just went through our 2nd tin and I’m here to get more. We put it on everything. I put it on my upper lip and nose and it prevents chapping or even peeling when I have to blow my nose a lot. My husband put it on a cyst developing on his forehead. It helps with ANY kind of wound or burn. This is an absolute essential item in our bathroom cabinet.”

Vanessa B.

Member, Calendula Salve Wound Care

“Really great product!! I use it for cuts & burns…seems to be helping with those awful cracks that we get in our hands in the winter!! Thank you!!”

Debra Y.

Member, Calendula Salve Wound Care

“Anything that itches gets this salve immediately and no more itch! I’ll be needing to order more of this along with Amandha’s Bug Off Super Salve soon! You won’t be disappointed!”

Lou Ann G.

Member, Wildcrafted Jewelweed Itch-Me-Not Salve

“This salve is an amazing after bite! Great for mosquito bites.”

Paul L.

Member, Bug-Off Super Salve for Mosquitoes, Blackflies, Horseflies, Deerflies

“I’m sure I will be using this product a lot more once I’m into spring/summer here. However, I did get some clothing mite bites due to a new piece of material touching my wrists and I applied this and they’re healing. I’m alternating with Amandha’s Jewel weed Itch-me-Not Condtioning Salve!”

Lou Ann G.

Member, Bug-Off Super Salve for Mosquitoes, Blackflies, Horseflies, Deerflies

“Not sure if I am supposed to but I also use it as a face wash. My skin freaking love it 🙂”

Nuriya D.

Member, African Black Shampoo

“Just ordered three more bottles. This shampoo makes my hair feel thicker and more substantial then any before in my life, and I’m in my 50s. Also it leaves my hair feeling soft and with a nice glow. I’m not big on the smell – sort of turpentine-y, but it does dissipate on drying. The shampoo is also of thinner consistency than those I’ve used before, so it requires care in application, especially for long hair. Definitely worth a reorder.”

Monica T.

Member, African Black Shampoo

“My hair looks nice and clean.
I am very happy.”

Dana N.

Member, African Black Shampoo

“I love this product! No more frizz! ????”

Krisztina P.

Member, Argan & Broccoli Seed Anti-Frizz Hair Sheen Serum

“Taste good and keeps me healthy.”

Elena A.

Member, Biomed C-Boost Effervescent Drink Vitamin C Mix 200 gm

“My wife used this every day during her pregnancy- went through 4 bottles total. Zero stretch marks.”


Member, Boob and Belly Oil to Prevent Stretch Marks

“Very good product”

Monica V.

Member, Boob and Belly Oil to Prevent Stretch Marks

“I’ve finally found a spray which actually works and has a gentle scent. The wet weather in my area has provided a breeding ground for a lot of mosquitoes and just stepping outside became an unpleasant experience as the bugs immediately swarmed around. This spray just made them stay away and allowed me to enjoy the outdoors again. Thank you!”

Alea R.

Member, Bug Off Black Fly and Mosquito Spray

“This salve is an amazing after bite! Great for mosquito bites.”

Paul L.

Member, Bug-Off Super Salve for Mosquitoes, Blackflies, Horseflies, Deerflies

“Haven’t had to use this for it’s intended purpose yet, but I did have a weird feeling in my ear canal, so seeing that it contained garlic, I rubbed it behind my ear and down my neck 2 separate times, which luckily fully resolved the issue. So grateful!”

Sandra M.

Member, CanCleara Botanical Oil – Safe For Mucus Membranes

“I did not know you could mix these two so I had to try it. I trust anything this doctor makes because no where else will you find so much information, and clear help.”

Terry C.

Member, Champa & Myrrh Natural Body Mist

“Great product!! I truly believe that the two products together are the best medicine!! Love that there are natural products that we can use for healing!! Thank you Dr Yummy!!!”

Debra Y.

Member, Champa & Myrrh Natural Body Mist

“Work great!”

Phi C.

Member, Champa & Myrrh Natural Body Mist

“Hello ! I have to learn how to use this more before I give a review. I haven’t had it that long. So I will let you know later ! Thanks for making this. I have ordered other things and can’t wait to get them. I have always used Colloidal Silver but not with DMSO in it. Thanks !”

Connie P.

Member, Champa & Myrrh Natural Body Mist

“Children’s tea blend tastes great and kids love it!”


Member, Children’s Tea Blend

“love the smell of cinnamon!!”

Joe B.

Member, Cinnamon Leaf Pure Essential Oil

“Been using this product for almost two years as my only tooth paste. Cannot recommend it enough. Used to have on/off pain due to “infection” by my wisdom tooth, never had it since using this.
Great product.”

Nick L.

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“This toothpaste formula healed the beginning stages of a cavity and also the sensitivity in areas in my mouth.
I can now floss my teeth without pain and the gums are lovin-it !
Thank you for making this available Amandha!”


Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“A good toothpaste but hard to squeeze out of it’s plastic container even after shaking it.
This won’t stop me re ordering but I agree it needs another method of dispensing.”

Sheila E.

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“Taste is nice. Expecting great results with it’s continued use.”

Lori C.

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“This stuff is great!”

Eva Nancy S.

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“Tried the star anise flavour this time, since I am taking homeopathic remedies, and it did not disappoint. Same clean and fresh feeling for teeth, gums and tongue. Great stuff!”

Sandra M.

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“Doing wonders for teeth and gums, thanks”

Richard H.

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“Love the way it keeps the teeth real clean!”

Shu A.

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“Love this!!! I use it often, and my mouth feels better for it.”

Tara L.

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“A good and super safe product, the flavor is very agreeable”

Chaftar W.

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“Excellent product!”

Brenden B.

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“This has become my absolute favourite toothpaste, and I have used many natural formulations with none coming close to achieving what this does. It leaves my teeth, gums and tongue feeling so clean and that clean feeling lasts. I will definitely reorder.”


Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“We love this product. Thank you.”

Anna W.

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“Best toothpaste in the world I don’t care what I have on my teeth what color they are It whitens my teeth”

Arnold V.

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“I purchased the orange/peppermint flavor and like the flavor. We use after using the Tooth Powder. Love how clean it leaves your teeth. Feels like they were cleaned by a hygienist. Trying to repair a couple cavities and glad to have found this. Have been using for a few months now and haven’t noticed a big change to tooth but teeth are beautifully white. Will continue to use.”

Barbara H.

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“Love this tooth soap!!! Love the Mint flavor and how good my teeth feel!! I’m seeing a difference in the brightness too after only using 1 week!”

Brenda W.

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“I have been making my own tooth soap for years (since it’s impossible to find quality products in the store), but this one is wonderful! In addition to using this product, I started using dmso and colloidal silver and two cavities I’ve been trying to heal for about a year are VISIBLY healing. The two black spots are almost completely gone! I also had my 11 year old use this product when he complained of a painful tooth and within 10 days he said the pain was gone. Great stuff!!”

Sherry D.

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“Amandha was right plague disappears n teeth feel so clean.”

Joyce S.

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“I tried Amadhas dubh tooth soap for the first time last night/this morning. Trying to phase out the harmful toiletries. First thing I noticed right away was it actually felt good on my gums. Very soothing feeling rather than the minor burning you may feel with regular toothpaste. Trying to reverse gum issues with that, vit c, oil pulling and gum stimulator. Hopefully will have a good update for the group in a few months”


Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“Works very well! Great tooth powder.”

Matthew S.

Member, Natural Tooth Powder

“This is my third or fourth tooth powder. I love knowing the ingredients are supplementing my tooth health as well as brushing them clean. It is a big part of my tooth protocol, helping me heal my gums and teeth. Tastes great too.”

Angelina I.

Member, Natural Tooth Powder

“I love this and use it regularly to help remineralize my teeth.”

Tara L.

Member, Natural Tooth Powder

“You have exactly what I was looking for my family.”

Anna W.

Member, Natural Tooth Powder

“Really good, teeth not as sensitive as they were and looking really clean and white.”

Carol van H.

Member, Natural Tooth Powder

“Leaves my mouth and teeth feeling very clean. I taste a very slight hint of cinnamon I think. Thank you for a great product.”

Wayne F.

Member, Natural Tooth Powder

“I love this soap! Please make more! (been out of stock for a couple weeks now……. I’m sad….LOL…. next time I’ll make sure to order more at one time)”


Member, Frankincense & Myrrh Activated Charcoal Artisan Soap

“First few days I used it it didn’t do much. I loved the fragrance though. I could smell some odor afterwards. So I thought it was just like other “natural” deodorant that don’t last all day. What I didn’t realize was that I detoxing. I decided to give it another go and it was like wow. I made some other healthy changes so it all came together. Now I can’t use any other deodorant. They don’t feel right anymore. Awesome product! Thank you!”

Nuriya D.

Member, Pure and Natural Deodorant with Probiotics

“Omg love this so much, will never use any other since trying this product, well made, love the scent, and it works. Gives me piece of mind knowing all the naturel ingredients. You rock Amandha!!!!!”

Ellen M.

Member, Pure and Natural Deodorant with Probiotics

“I found my new forever deodorant! You hit it out of the park!”

Loretta W.

Member, Pure and Natural Deodorant with Probiotics

“I love the light cacao butter smell, and the hint of patchouli that comes through. Looking forward to trying another scent once this one is finished, although I think this will last a long time since a little goes a long way. Thank you!”


Member, Pure and Natural Deodorant with Probiotics

“This works really well. I apply it once a day and it works all day long. My 15 year old son uses his own and it works for him as well. I’m curious to see how long it lasts.”


Member, Deo Stone – Natural Deodorant Crystal

“I love this product my hair feels so healthy and my fine fly away hair is much more manageable.”

Freda N.

Member, Flax + Sandalwood Hair Gel

“Somehow it’s not heavy like I expected an oil could be. I barely wash my hair once a week, one application and my hair is still not greasy enough to wash but once week.”

Denise P.

Member, Flax + Sandalwood Hair Gel

“Excellent! I love this supplement. I have been getting vivid dreams ever since started taking sulfur. I had a few other interesting experiences as well that I rather keep to myself. Thank you so much for the high quality customer service and product. I don’t typically write reviews for a product but today I am making an exception. Keep you the great work.”

Phillip R.

Member, Happy Body Organic Sulfur Crystals 99.9% Pure Premium MSM

“Himalayan Cedarwood Pure Essential Oil — WELL! I’m duly impressed!
This essential oil has the BEST, NATURAL fragrance of ANY Cedar essential oil I’ve tried in the last decade, at least a dozen different once, which had a sour or bitter smell, unlike this Himalayan Cedarwood oil which is sweet, and the fragrance lingers for a long time. To now, I was merely pulverizing my own local cedar for my Ojibway healing baths, but now I use four drops in my shallow, scalding bath. The fragrance is closets to a walk in a coniferous forest! Again, this is my NEW go-to essential oil. I used it last night in my nebulizer, and I made a linen spray with it, and sprayed my new Russian Ringing Cedar pillows that I took receipt of yesterday. Talk about a HEAVENLY sleep! Cedar has a special frequency that compliments mine. Will DEFINITELY be buying more in future, and telling my friends and family about these products! THANK YOU!”

Rosemary B.

Member, Himalayan Cedarwood Pure Essential Oil

“I love the essential oils she uses in the neem oil and it’s a great lubricant with no side affects. I have very sensitive skin and this product is a great natural birth control. I also use the oil with the caya diaphragm for even better control.”

Madison F.

Member, Neem-Safe Natural Lubricant

“My husband and I have known about, and used neem as a spermicide for many years. This one though…has a much more pleasant scent,☺️👍🏼 Thank you!!!!”

Jessica T.

Member, Neem-Safe Natural Lubricant

“I got this for my wife in her third trimester and it really helped her lower back pain. She was able to make it through without any NSAIDS. Awesome product.”


Member, Organic Arnica Salve – Handcrafted, Healing

“This worked so well I was draining from every orifice including the eyelids. It almost worked TOO efficiently.”

Katharine F.

Member, Pekana APO-HEPAT Spagyric remedy 50 mL – Liver Support

“Love this product!”

Susan R.

Member, Pekana APO-HEPAT Spagyric remedy 50 mL – Liver Support

“Have placed several orders for this product!! I feel that it really assists my liver!! These Pekana diabetics are amazing!!!”

Debra Y.

Member, Pekana Apo-STOM 50 mL Spagyric remedy – Stomach

“A naturopath recommended this product for me,as well as Berberine so that I will eventually drop all of my medications for blood pressure. So far, so good. The MD has lowered my dose 4 times and has totally dropped one of the two medicines completely. I’m very satisfied with the results. And the product came in a timely manner.”

Jutta R.

Member, Pekana CO-HYPERT Spagyric remedy 50 mL – Hypertension

“Love this product!! I use it to help keep by blood cleaned & it really helps my immune system! I have been diagnosed with Shingles & although I am skeptical about the diagnosis I am using Spageric remedies to help me boost my overall health!! So grateful for Amandha to help us to improve our health!!”

Debra Y.

Member, Pekana OPSONAT Spagyric Drops 50 mL – Chronic Infection

“This is a wonderful product to help with kidney care!! So thankful!! I swear by these products to help us restore our bodies!! Very happy!!☺”Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Debra Y.

Member, Pekana RENELIX Spagyric Remedy 50 mL – Kidneys

“Best hydrating lip balm ever. Love it.”

Tonya D.

Member, Pumpkin Patch All Natural Moisturizing Lip Balm

“I have been using this lip balm for the past two weeks and love it. It stays fresh for a long time and is very moisturizing. The Pumpkin Patch was the only one available at the time of purchase, however I will be buying the other flavors when they become available.”

Susan B.

Member, Pumpkin Patch All Natural Moisturizing Lip Balm

“Absolutely love it!”Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Kelly W.

Member, Thieves Essential Oil Blend

“Great product!”

Susan R.

Member, UNDA Tissue Salts – Melange

“Great magical tabs !
Will impress the most skeptical germ freak and traveler.
Good to have as magic trick up your sleeve.”

Katarani A.

Member, Wysi Wipes Multipurpose Wipes – 100 Pack – Just Add Water!

“This stuff smells soooo good. Another win for Yummy!! I love all your products however these soaps excite me the most upon arrival. Hand made, with love!! Can’t beat it.
I also really love seeing my name hand written on the box. It just feels more authentic. And I love knowing I’m supporting a person, a real life momma that’s fighting the good fight.
Thank you Amandah and team, truly, thank you. With love ❤️”


Member, Double French Clay Vanilla, Sandalwood & Aniseed High Lather Soap

“A woman from NY was on the thyroid meds for 20 years. She followed your protocol (Natural Thyroid Health video) and stops the meds. She later had an exam done and her thyroid is fine now. She called to thank you.”


Member, Thyroid Protocol

“I use that too I’m 51 and people think I’m 30 ! It’s amazing I use facelift in a jar and the other one I forgot the name! I think I should make videos showing and proving how amazing Dr Amandha products work ! I also recommend her zen magnesium spray, the face creams , and MAN OH MAN THE HORSETAIL!”


Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“@AmandhaDVollmer bless you healing hands for this Face Lift in a Jar. My face hasn’t looked radiant like this is years! And you just need a tini-tiny bit every day. Ladies, you gotta get this stuff. It’s SO GOOD!!”


Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“So I woke up with a trapped nerve between neck and shoulder this morning. It was very painful and I couldn’t move my head alot. I sprayed with magnesium oil and Dmso, which relieved it a little bit. Then I did TRE and it totally sorted it. I first was a bit cautious because I thought I could hurt myself more, but after the first few shakes I felt the muscles getting looser and carried on. 5min TRE plus another application of mg oil/dmso and it’s totally sorted. Don’t even feel there was a problem earlier 😍🥳


Member, 50% DMSO with Natural Magnesium

“I have lesssened the dark pigmentation patches on my face with a three step process of fresh morning urine followed by facelift in a jar followed by wanding, but the urine and face cream would I think also work on its own”


Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“My 25 year old son is having success with the regrowth spray.”


Member, DMSO Horsetail Hair Regrowth Spray – All Natural

“I had some congestion and pain in my head from blocked sinuses. I did urine therapy and drank one of amandhas tea blends and my sinuses were cleared in two days😄”


Member, Cold And Flu Herbal Medicinal Tisane Blend

“Her toothsoap is outstanding!
If I had to pick one awesome and amazing product….that’s the one”

Outside Dog Marten

Member, Dubh Whitening and Remineralizing Tooth Soap

“Got my 1st soap & it’s fantastic. I can see why ADV is so passionate about her soap making. My skin has always been dry/need to slather lotion on after…….but not with her soap. Also the Vapour Rub has helped with sinus+ear pressure I typically get this time of year.”


Member, Handcrafted Artisan Soap

“Hey, just wanted to follow up on this and say thank you for the advice. I followed a good portion of it and my teeth and ear are feeling a lot better. I went to the dentist and they saw no cavities. I decided not to do X-rays and will continue with the DMSO, oil pulling, raw milk, and other nutrient dense foods. I appreciate all the help and advice. Many thanks.”


Member, DMSO- Dimethyl Sulfoxide 99.995% Pure Pharmaceutical Grade

“Just a quick testimonial of sorts and for me to just stress how awesome DMSO really is.
Yesterday i cut my finger, pretty deep. I ran it under some water and squeezed the skin together to try and stop the bleeding. Sprayed it with dmso and quickly applied a tight bandage. Throughout the night blood would continue to seep through but eventually slowed. I continued to clean and spray with dmso and re bandage.
Removing the bandage today and I’m blown away. The wound has knitted together almost perfectly. I doubt it will even leave much of a scar.
This stuff is a miracle compound and needs to be in everyones first aid kit.
I don’t have enought good things to say about it. I use it on everything and never travel without it. I’m so gratefully for being introduced to it.
Anyway… That’s my 2 cents worth. 🤷”


Member, DMSO- Dimethyl Sulfoxide 99.995% Pure Pharmaceutical Grade

“Shout out to Amandha. I have been using Face Lift in a Jar for about 2 weeks. Holy moly, this stuff is awesome. I also use Wrinkle Reducer at night. Love these two products. I wish there was a whole body DMSO cream I could lather on every day. My face feels amazing! Thank you so much for these great products! Keep up the great work. Much love to you.”


Member, Face Lift in a Jar Face Cream™ – All Natural with DMSO

“I highly recommend it – it is my go-to remedy for a wide range of issues (from oral cavity problems to all sorts of skin irritation). A big plus of this product is that it lasts and lasts … This is my second 50 ml bottle that I’ve bought. I purchased the first one about two years ago and I still have some DMSO in the bottle (stored in the fridge), so it lasts a long time. By the way, please do yourself (whoever reads this) a large favor: buy Amandha’s book Healing With DMSO. I guarantee you, once you start reading, you’ll come straight back to the store and buy all kind of gems, starting with THIS product here. So, this one is a must!”

Kristina N.

Member, DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution with Added Nutrients

Other Testimonials

All Other Endorsements!

“I am excited to report that only after a day and a half using the Iterra wand for eight sessions at 30 minutes..my fury friend is walking on all 4 legs on his own. He’s no longer limping on his back right leg. I’m amazed at what this device has done in such a short period of time!

Please note that drinking structured water and applying castor oil, DMSO with the use of the Iterra Wand is a powerhouse! I look forward to its many uses in the near future.

Thank you Amandha for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with us all, I feel truly blessed!


I Have done two 30 minute Iterra wand sessions so far this morning and in addition to my dog drinking structured water and wanding his spine and all 4 paws, I’ve applied Castro oil and rubbed it in gently for good absorption then added DMSO to the right hip and leg. I noticed immediately, that he stopped panting and had this overwhelming clamness and went to sleep as I wanded him for 30 minutes. When he woke up he was able to stand up and eat his raw organic dog food. He’s still limping…however, I was amazed that he was able to get up on his own at all! I had just received my new wand two weeks ago and was grateful I had it for my fury friend. My plan is to use it until he’s completely healed. I also will be putting transdermal magnesium DMSO spray on his skin and adding Colloidal silver to his water. Very great full I stocked up on this amazing products from Amandha’s DMSO store!”


Member, IteraCare

“I’ve recovered from full body psoriasis in a handful of weeks thanks to ADV!
It’s very much liver.
Omg this place saved my sanity and my body.
I didn’t do everything on this list but i did most of it.
And I did invest in the iterawand, which has been a huge part of my life ever since.”

Sheis Lightworker

Member, IteraCare

“Woah! I also had little pieces of ‘things’ pop out of my skin after drinking wanded water for a few weeks. It definitely pushes stuff out. Knocks me out cold when I use it on my body too, and I sleep heavenly after”


Member, IteraCare

“Plus time on the liver. I was advised 2 hrs because of extent. Minimum I would do in one go is 30 mins, on the back of opening all the points.

I would also add in 5-10 mins on liver and spleen source acupressure points (LV3 and SP3) on each foot too. For good measure.


Sheis Lightworker

Member, IteraCare

“Although I get it’s not everyone’s ‘thing’ UT has made me allergy free this past 1 1/2 years 😉”



“Well I got stung again! And this time I was able to pee almost right away. What an amazing difference. It seems to have stopped the swelling and the pain in its tracks. Immediately! Incredible.”

Audrey Drake


“I would use urine therapy on the face. My nose ALWAYS had skin flakes (kinda looked like I had gotten sunburned and skin was peeling off). I’ve been putting my urine on my face as often as possible for 2 months now – – let it dry & repeat – – – and I no longer have issues. Visibly smooth all over face.”



“Grateful for this channel Amandha! Thank you for all your work. Been doing the urine therapy regularly now and love it. Drink mid morning. Entire thing. Straight and I have seen the healing. Feeling the energy. Feel the clearing. Thank you. Thanks to you ALL!! Lots of love and light!!”



“Love this. I have been working through the teachings and practices in the UNDO app and they have been sooo powerful – I’m noticing big shifts after a short time. Thank you for sharing and for the discount code Amandha!

TRE also helped my mother massively with her fibromyalgia pain flares (all of which have an emotional cause, I have no doubt)”


Member, UNDA APP

“Just picked up my Iteracare classic wand which I’m excited about – wanded some water and was surprised at how different the texture/feeling even was. Felt much more ‘fluid’ if that makes sense. I broke protocol and started wanding one foot for a minute to see if it helps with my cramps and was amazed that when toe curling nothing cramped up in the right foot, while the un-wanded left was cramping up severely. I did a couple of glasses of wanded water and have put it away for now but how long until I can just go crazy and wand every part of my body to see what happens?”

Alex Oberman

Member, IteraCare

“Imagine that all over and IN your lady garden.

‘GRATEFUL’ doesn’t say enough!!!

Sheis Lightworker

Member, IteraCare

“Excellent conversation! Every time I listen to Amandha I am so inspired and empowered! ❤️”



“Coffee enemas 3x per week
Tissue salts 12 in 1 plus my astrological salt
Omega 3 fatty acids
TMG with folate and methyl B12
Cut out nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers etc.)



“Thank you so much for mentioning this app. I got it after reading this post & I am so grateful. It is so beautiful & exactly what I needed. I told my daughter about it too & she will use it. Thank you so much for everything you do & share. It has made a tremendously positive difference in my life.”


Member, UNDA APP

“Urine in the Nettie pot is one of the best things that I’ve done. Such a great way to start the day clearing mucous from nasal passages. Virtually no allergies at all for a year now, mind blowing! Not one person I know has taken up the practice though, 🤷‍♀️ their loss! A couple will put a few drops in their mouth if they’re sick but that’s it.”



“Although I get it’s not everyone’s ‘thing’ UT has made me allergy free this past 1 1/2 years 😉”
