Rethinking Antibodies

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Yummy Doctor Holistic Health Education - Blog - Antibodies

Rethinking Antibodies

Challenging the Myth of Immunology

Lately, I have been feeling like a skipping record. Understanding the function of the terrain is not difficult to understand, yet the mind control seems firmly stuck in place, seemingly trauma bonded to the germ theory illusion. I do understand, however, as we have had over 100 years of false science and propaganda backed by big industry and even bigger egos to wade through. So put your beliefs to the side and dive in.

Let me just put it to you straight, we don’t have an “immune system”. We have a cleansing network, we have a lymphatic system, and we have nervous system feedback lending information about the state of the self. The modern popularization of the term “immune system” was adapted from a lecture given by a doctor describing the lymphatic system (the source can no longer be found) but the inception came in 1890 when von Behring and Kitasato discovered tetanus antitoxins that bound to the toxoid, eventually called antibodies. The irony is that the original discoveries only prove my point. These cells are created to cleanse the body of that which is unwanted. Additionally, they offer tissue repair and recovery. These scientists found that once they are claimed by the “toxin”, they become specific to it but only inside the test tube. This has not been studied inside the living body!

Specialized tissue and our glandular organs work together to identify and label self from non-self. The receptive nervous system and lymphatic tissues in every orifice of the body are present to sample what is incoming to decide whether it is welcome or unwelcome into the body. In reality, your entire body is this cleansing system. There is no separate system, the cleansing action is ubiquitous.

The benefit of creating a whole new branch of pseudoscience, akin to the pseudoscience of virology, is to divorce holism into reductionism. In this way, the false “one germ, one disease” aka monomorphic paradigm could be more easily adopted which is an ideal way to sell “biologics” aka petroleum products such as vaccines and drug therapies. As I have taught before, the beginnings of the germ theory were not born of science, they were created from politics and the manipulation of people to frighten them with the invisible germ. Good for tyrants and great for Rockefeller drug-pushing agents, medical doctors, and so-called specialists.

In science, specialization and the fragmentation into disciplines became more pronounced during the 19th and 20th centuries, especially with the rise of professional academic fields. This shift has been termed disciplinary fragmentation or scientific specialization. Reductionism became prominent during the Scientific Revolution in the 17th century, particularly through the work of thinkers like René Descartes, who sadly advocated for a mechanistic view of nature. Descartes’ famous approach, sometimes called Cartesian dualism, separated the mind and body, fostering a focus on distinct, specialized systems. This mode of thinking has led us to the lost place mankind finds itself in now. Completely divorced from self, nature, and God.

When we are born, our body “samples” the environment and gathers this data to harmonize with the microbes in said environment. We even have a reflex for this which is one reason why babies put everything in their mouths. Eating dirt as a baby is a rite of passage natural reflex to seed the gut terrain with environmental data to help decide which is self vs non-self. I watched in awe as my 6-month-old baby shoved handfuls of earth into her mouth, naturally knowing to spit out any rocks or stones. We also gather important information from the vaginal canal (hence why C-section babies have different gut flora and are generally sickly), mothers’ milk, and skin-to-skin interactions. Our body is taught from nature, not from the tip of a needle.

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The claim that “memory cells” (again, still a theory born of a test tube) are made can be easily explained with this understanding. This is why when we travel to other countries, our bodily filtration systems often need to adapt to that environment and can often create symptoms as this adaptation takes place. Unfamiliarity takes time to identify and sort out via the gut cleansing system (this term includes digestive organs such as the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas as well as specialized lymph tissue i.e. Peyer patches) which can spell symptoms like purging (vomit, diarrhea, sweat, rashes).

Immunology has tried to explain this understanding with the terms innate and adaptive systems and all these fancy “specialized” cells. A big problem lies with the idea of “pathogenesis” and “invaders” being shoehorned into this belief system. In the holistic model of thinking, the understanding becomes simpler, wastes (the unwanted) must be tagged and bagged for removal. “Germs” are involved in assisting this cleansing process and are not an enemy nor a ruthless invader. Full stop. The beautiful way the body manages wastes has turned into a reductionist study, fear propaganda gig, money-making endeavor, and Nobel prize ego massaging that conveniently ignores the most important cell lineage in our bodies, the somatid cycle.

Immunology’s house of cards would crumble to the ground if real science was performed by acknowledging pleomorphism. The same goes if they admitted that what they are calling “viruses” is simply cytopathic effect (the breakdown of cell components) and that no virus has ever been isolated or characterized. Adding to this, if they would face the fact that we have an energy field called the biofield, that would help us understand another myth, that of contagion.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) there is no concept of an immune system. Wei Qi is the energy that controls the opening and closing of our pores and is nourished by the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink. The circulation of Wei Qi is driven by the lungs and respiratory system. This is part of the self vs non-self process. If your skin is cut and exposed, the debris is non-self and must be purged. If foreign material is allowed into a deficient body, there are mechanisms in place to sequester non-self to avoid problems. Cancer is one of these backup protective mechanisms. With this understanding, we can see that cancer is not a disease at all. It is a protective, healing mechanism switched on when needed to corral wastes that cannot be removed by the system due to congestion, lack of nutrition, and an overburdened liver.

This false idea of “boosting” the immune system is a red herring and was tantamount in pushing forward germ theory pseudoscience: the one germ causes one disease ideology that leads directly to the pharmaceutical “cure” to “train” yourself with poisons like vaccines and drugs. Unfortunately, even the natural medicine world embraced this nonsense and still promotes remedies to boost this so-called system.

The support your body needs is proper nutrition and the unblocking of meridians and organ systems to ensure the body can remove unwanted wastes and perform its never-ending repair and tissue turnover. Nothing needs “boosting” in someone who is exhibiting symptoms, the body is overburdened and/or lacking key nutrients to perform its wise duties optimally.

Here is Dr. Stefan Lanka’s statement and article on antibodies:

“Medicine, immersed as it is in the idea of poison and anti-poison, believes it has found the anti-poison par excellence in small proteins defined as globulins. It postulates that if someone is ill and then heals, it is thanks to his defenses, his antibodies. In fact, when we are injured, the body produces globulins and sends them to the affected area – which has lost energy and is becoming acidified – small globules that “flatten” and intertwine to create new tissue and repair the damage. These globulins are defined as “antibodies” and are assumed to perform a function that they do not actually have. The idea that there are specific antibodies that bind only to specific proteins as if each antibody were a key designed to bind to a specific lock – to the protein of the pathogen – is a flawed assumption and any biochemist specialising in proteins knows this.

In a fresh blood sample, no specific binding can be demonstrated. This only works in test tubes and under very specific conditions. There you can get a reaction with a few proteins and a binding globulin, a staining reaction. This is how ELISA and Western blot tests work. And it was because of these tests that millions of people contemplated suicide when they tested positive for HIV or suffered a chemical holocaust when they took AIDS drugs. In short, medicine claims that there are specific antibodies that fight supposed viruses and this is not what happens in the body. It is one more self-deception to add to the list that researchers have provoked with their laboratory work and sustain the erroneous theories that we have been assuming for 2,500 years. Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy already wrote in 1956 – in the first volume of his book Sociology – that cancer was being researched in the light of the erroneous theories of Louis Pasteur as if it were rabies.

An important part of the current prevailing understanding of cancer is that the immune system is too weak to cope with it, hence billions of euros have been spent on research into RNA vaccines for cancer which have achieved precisely nothing – because the concept of genetics has now been totally disproved – but was the starting point for the SARS-CoV-2 genetic vaccines. However, neither in the case of cancer nor in the case of non-existent viruses are vaccines going to do any good, because the theoretical foundation of modern medicine is wrong at all levels, especially as far as the immune system is concerned.”

You can read more from Dr. Stefan Lanka about antibodies here:

My friend, Dawn Lester discusses it here:

In my video above I ask the question, does the presence of antibodies mean you are sick or protected? It can’t be both. There are many problems with the antibody theory that must be addressed, otherwise we cannot claim to be scientific or honest.

Then we must ask, what are we even talking about when we speak of antibodies? Are we sure we are seeing what we think we are?

A quote from Mike Stone’s article highlights the isolation problem:

”Like the equally fictional “viruses,” the effects observed from unnatural processes created in a lab were construed as evidence for the existence of unseen entities that were somehow involved as the cause. In the case of the “antibody,” this began with the mixture and manipulation of blood from different species where the effects created were used as indirect evidence of existence. There was no purification (free of contaminants, host materials, pollutants, etc.) and isolation (separation from everything else) of these so-called “antibodies” at any point in time in order to study and experiment with. These lab-created effects were used by researchers to dream up the concept of an imaginary causal entity regarding how it looked, formed, and functioned. This whole process was instigated by the work of Robert Koch disciples Emil Von Behring and Paul Ehrlich. While Von Behring presented the lab-created effect, it was Ehrlich who presented the presumed cause when he laid out his side-chain theory of “antibody” production and his conceptual drawings of what French biologist Felix Le Dantec termed the “imaginary invalid” in the early 1900s.”

His article also mentions one of the English-speaking world’s leading authorities on monoclonal antibodies, Harvard Medical School professor Clifford Saper. He stated, “No, there is no such thing as a monoclonal antibody that, because it is monoclonal, recognizes only one protein or only one “virus”. It will bind to any protein having the same (or a very similar) sequence.”

The idea of antibodies seems to have spawned from biochemical reactions in a Petrie dish and a tall tale to fit the germ theory narrative. The whole idea is scientifically and morally disingenuous.

So what about all those antibody (serology) tests?

Same scammy pattern, and the same misaligned result. Seroconversion simply means you are in active cleansing mode and the tests may be able to detect that. It cannot diagnose or prove much of anything else, yet people are using these tests to diagnose themselves. It is madness. Here are a few holistic translations of common terms used today in the media, by medical doctors and those who practice modern witchcraft, err I mean, scientism:

PCR tests can amplify anything, randomly. It’s, basically, gambling. The more inflamed one is, the more broken cells, shocked bacteria, and pleomorphic somatid changes = more nucleotide wastes (also more antibodies, which aren’t anti-anything, they are waste shuttling systems, generally battery-powered and peptide linked.)

They match their computer-generated sequence based on biased assumptions to your own endemic RNA wastes and boom: tested positive.

“Treatment” consists of adding some of those nucleotides that they have to multiply via growing by shocking bacteria and forcing them in a specific direction of matching RNA outcomes. What this means is they manipulate the medium to create the answer they want aka making up the math and then playing it in reverse. They then mix it with metal-based sterilizing compounds. Metals are excitatory inside the body which elicits a “result” in an antibody test. When vaccines were administered without metals (adjuvants), they had no response so they needed to invent responses.

Also, used are bacteria shocking and preservative agents, like antibiotics, which cause bacteria to self-preserve either by sporification, phage production, or producing fungal branches, as pleomorphic organisms change when their environment changes, to adapt and switch functions (fungus sequesters metals), as well as adding a cocktail of agents (toyed with via “research” and a lot of vivisection) to evade the body’s blood systems that remove poison (bypassing our mechanisms of protection and detox), leading to a jolt to our electrical systems, a shock to the tissues and a walling off response (this explains fast tumours) plus blood clotting and thereby blood flow and regulation dysfunctions from destabilizing H3O2.

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The draining of free hydrogen will massively reduce electrical current and bodily communication systems and can explain witnesses of instant death post-vaccine. Further “treatment” is anything that still feeds the ever-hungry, greedy, and maniacal big pharma hungry ghost, that ensures a stronghold of suppression, in the hopes it will stay down long enough for time to elapse and the easy denial of cause and effect (reduction of liability). When the suppression fails to hold back the symptoms (which are the body’s method of regaining homeostasis and finding its self-cure), then more or other interventions are pressed in, trying to suppress it even harder. The treatment, then, is the absolute road to gaining access to the afterlife.

The “becoming ill” is the result of the body working hard to overcome the suppressive assaults it was just given. If you stop immediately and begin to actively detox, there is a chance of survival.

Intubated: Suppression has failed, jaws of life required, electrical systems failed, structured water, depleted, induce coma. If they leave them alone, they could survive, if they keep on “trying” new drugs, usually they get to meet their Maker.

Passed away 2 days after the COVID “test”:

The scoop of data swab used for DNA collection and to apply sharp nano-shards into the mucosa, slowly irritates the ears, nose, throat, and eyes causing inflammation which can lead someone to believe they are getting “sick” via mucus formation, sneezing, congestion (and could cause fever) and also lead to other consequences. Constant, relentless nosebleeds are one such example. Unrelenting brain fog, another. Oh, and death.

If you take a test, you’ve failed the test.

In light summary:
Immune system – no such thing, we have cleansing systems.
Antibodies – chemical reactions to poisons, only specific once bound in a test tube, may relate to the somatid cycle (may be pleomorphic). Once the wastes are gone, so too are these alleged particles (that haven’t properly been isolated, just as viruses haven’t). Not ever studied inside the living body.
Antibody Tests – a measure of the level of detox the body is currently in. Random. Does not implicate a virus. Foundationally irrelevant.

With love and truth, ADV.

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Amandha D Vollmer (ADV)
BSc, Herbalist, Reiki Master,
Holistic Health Practitioner,
Degree of Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

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