It’s Not A Germ or Gene

Yummy Doctor Holistic Health Education - Blog - It's Not A Germ or Gene Intro
Yummy Doctor Holistic Health Education - Blog - It's Not A Germ or Gene Intro

If you keep thinking it’s a germ or a gene, you’ll miss the real reasons: scant nutrition, toxic exposure, emotional stress. Even injuries, subluxations and miasms can fit into these categories. A hereditary miasm will form from one of these three issues and pass down energetically to the child. Injuries happen when we are out of alignment in some way, or it is written miasmatically. EMFs also tuck into toxic exposures. It is unreasonable to avoid all these exposures and situations, but knowing what it is and isn’t helps us get to the true root cause: the resolve and the rebalancing.

Yummy Doctor Holistic Health Education - Blog - It's Not A Germ or Gene

I see a lot of people, especially mothers, ask why their child is sick or why they themselves are unwell. They start listing off virus names, as if naming them explains the illness, but then are left confused, still trying to understand what is going on. They do not realize that as long as they keep believing in the fairy tale that is the germ theory, they will continue to miss the real root cause of their health issues. They trust their doctors, believing these professionals are trained to understand the body, yet those same doctors keep blaming invisible enemies like germs, genetic defects, or old age. The problem is that all these explanations take the power away from the individual. A disempowered public is fearful, and the fearful are easy to manipulate and control. Enter the conventional, suppressive, Rockefeller medical cult, which launched off the back of maligned men, Jenner and Pasteur, who founded the false idea of germs causing disease.

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Instead of empowering people with knowledge about how the body works, the medical system gives them a diagnosis based on symptoms and prescribes a suppressive drug that may or may not make those symptoms go away. What they are not told is that those symptoms are not random malfunctions. They are the body’s healing process in action. The body is trying to eliminate waste, correct imbalances, and restore function. The presence of bacteria or any so-called pathogen is not the cause of the disease, but rather a result of the body’s natural cleansing mechanisms. Remember, the fly doesn’t cause the garbage, it is just attracted to it, because that is its job. It’s akin to blaming the fireman for the fire. It’s blaming the result of a process for the cause. It’s downplaying the body’s intelligence and labeling expressive symptoms as disease.

When symptoms are suppressed instead of properly allowed to express and resolve, healing is interrupted, and more damage is done. The person ends up with a toxic burden from the medication, further imbalance in their system, and often even more severe health issues down the line. The drugs they take destroy and alter microbes that are vital for survival, disrupting the body’s internal ecosystem and leading to chronic illness. Round and round we go, into the revolving door of being a pharma customer for life and having one’s brain turn to mush from an endless stream of sales propaganda. Good business model, bad model of health… bad ethics, too.

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If people truly understood that symptoms are purposeful and that the body is always working to restore health, they would stop trying to fight their own healing process. They would know how to prevent illness, rather than get pulled into reactive cycles of suppression and pharmaceutical dependency. They would trust their body’s signals, addressing imbalances at their root instead of masking symptoms. Instead of fearing every cough, rash, or fever, they would recognize these as purposeful processes, allowing the body to cleanse and restore itself without interference. True health would no longer be dictated by external authorities but guided by personal understanding, intuition, and a deep respect for the body’s innate intelligence. The real key to health is not found in blaming germs, genes, or fate but in understanding how to support the body’s natural processes so that true healing can occur.

Measles: A Growth and Detox Exanthem, Not a Virus

Parents panic when their child gets measles because they have been taught to fear it as a deadly virus. In reality, measles is a growth exanthem, a natural detoxification and maturation process that is supposed to occur in childhood. It occurs when the body eliminates waste and cellular debris to make way for developmental changes. Same with any common rash, like chickenpox and roseola infantum, for two examples. If the liver can cope, no symptoms will be witnessed. If the liver cannot, a constellation of symptoms is expressed. The media grabs onto this and creates a frenzy of fear so people run to their ignorant doctors who give them one of the deadliest shots on the market, the MMR vaccine.

The rash, fever, and symptoms are not signs of an attack but an orchestrated healing event. Vitamin A deficiency is often a factor in complications, which is why well-nourished children recover quickly, while malnourished children in impoverished areas may struggle.

At the doctor’s office, the child is diagnosed with measles, and the parent is warned about its dangers. The doctor may push vaccination, not realizing that vaccines interfere with the body’s natural cleansing and maturation cycles. This sets the child up for low intelligence (Dr. Andrew Moulden proved that every vaccine produced a mini stroke in the brain), gut dysbiosis and a host of chronic disease states that can take years, or even decades to manifest.

Colds and Flu: Seasonal Detoxification, Not a Viral Infection

Every year, people experience cold and flu symptoms, assuming they have caught a virus from someone else. In reality, these symptoms arise due to seasonal detoxification cycles, exposure to environmental toxins, and internal imbalances. When the leaves of the trees all change at the same time, they haven’t all caught a virus, it is a cycle trigger, preparing for the next stage of life. When the sap runs in the trees all at the same time, it is not a disease, it is a change of need for the organism.

Changes in temperature, dietary shifts, lack of sunlight, hormonal fluctuations, emotional upset, and indoor air pollution all stress the body. The lymphatic system, lungs, and sinuses work to expel waste, producing mucus, fever, and fatigue. People mistakenly believe they caught something from another person, when in reality, their body is simply undergoing a natural housecleaning process.

At the doctor’s office, patients are given a diagnosis of influenza or upper respiratory infection and may be prescribed antiviral drugs or antibiotics. These drugs suppress symptoms rather than supporting elimination, which is why people often feel run down for weeks after taking them. These doctors are so imbecilic, that they give drugs that further nutritional depletions, the exact opposite of what should be done. You have to then recover from the original imbalance, plus the secondary assault. The real solution is hydration, rest, sunlight, grounding, and nourishment, not pharmaceutical intervention telling the body to “stop that.”

Ear “Infections”: A Lymphatic Drainage Issue, Not Bacterial Attack

Children frequently suffer from ear infections, which are often blamed on bacterial infections. In reality, ear infections occur when the lymphatic system becomes congested due to poor drainage, excess mucus, food intolerances (such as pasteurized dairy, oh HIM again, he plagiarized and warped that idea from Béchamp, FYI), and toxicity overload (for example, vaccines (ironic!).

1903: Béchamp published his various letters written in vain to restore the truth to the directors of the “Petit Journal” and “La Liberté”. He denounced “The most brazen plagiarist of the nineteenth century and of all centuries: it is Pasteur” and criticized the press “for propagating the false legend which makes a famous plagiarist a great man”.

Rather than addressing the underlying causes, doctors routinely prescribe antibiotics, which only worsen the problem. The child’s gut flora is destroyed, weakening their ability to detoxify and leading to recurrent infections. The body was simply trying to push out waste, but medical suppression traps it, forcing it deeper into the tissues.

Strep Throat: Detox Through the Tonsils, Not a Contagious Infection

Doctors claim strep throat is caused by the Streptococcus bacteria, but in reality, it is a sign that the body is using the tonsils to expel toxins. The throat becomes inflamed because it is actively filtering waste, responding to stress, poor nutrition or absorption of said nutrition, or toxin exposure: ironically, the MMR can cause this problem. There was once a study I can no longer find (as they keep erasing our history rapidly) that found residue of the measles portion of the MMR inside the toxic tonsils of the vaccinated. That’s called burying the evidence.)

Think of this organ akin to a HEPA filter. When the tonsils becomes clogged, they create inflammation and must clean themselves out, bacteria help that process, present to eat the wastes the body is unable to balance alone, hence the symptoms. Cutting out this vital organ (YES, it is vital, you need it to have vitality!) creates lifelong lymphatic and spleen issues. Ask me how I know.

Instead of addressing the root cause, doctors prescribe antibiotics, destroying beneficial bacteria and suppressing the detox response. This leads to recurring throat issues, chronic congestion, gut problems, expression of the wastes through the face (often on the chin), and eventually surgical removal of the tonsils, further weakening the body’s ability to cleanse.

Chickenpox: A Necessary Developmental Process, Not a Disease

Like measles, chickenpox is another growth and detox exanthem that children naturally go through. The body uses these events to expel cellular debris and build long-term resilience.

The medical system, however, labels chickenpox as a disease and pushes vaccines to prevent it. Vaccinated children often experience shingles later in life due to disrupted and suppressed communication, feedback and release mechanisms. The real cause of any complications is poor nutrition, toxin overload, or interference with the natural healing cycle. Having chickenpox prevents cancer later in life.

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HPV and Cervical Cancer: Cellular Regeneration, Not a Virus

HPV is blamed for causing cervical cancer, yet HPV has never been isolated (aka doesn’t exist) nor has this waste product been proven to cause any disease. The cervix is constantly regenerating its cells, and the presence of HPV is simply a marker of tissue repair, not a pathogenic invasion. It is very common to test “positive” after intercourse, as foreign materials in the area can cause temporary tissue damage.

Factors like hormonal imbalance, toxin exposure, birth control pills, smoking, and nutritional deficiencies are more of the real reasons why abnormal cervical cells develop, think: slow healing. Yet doctors blame an elusive virus and push toxic vaccines like Gardasil, which have caused severe health damage and death in girls and boys (even though boys do not have a cervix but they wanted to expand their market).

Lyme Disease: Chronic Toxicity, Not Bacteria from a Tick

Lyme disease is blamed on a bacterial infection from tick bites, yet many people with chronic Lyme symptoms never had a tick bite. The real cause of Lyme-like symptoms is toxic overload, heavy metal poisoning, mold exposure (not the mold itself, but its toxic breakdown products), and nervous system dysregulation.

Doctors prescribe endless rounds of antibiotics, which destroy gut health and make people sicker. The real solution is deep cleansing, nervous system support, and terrain healing, not war against bacteria.

Cancer: Toxic Accumulation, Not Genetic Mutation

Cancer is framed as either a random genetic mutation or a viral-induced disease. In reality, cancer develops when the body walls off toxins, acidity, and damaged cells to prevent further harm. Tumours are protective, not malicious.

The real reasons behind cancer are chronic toxicity, malnutrition, stress, trauma, radiation exposure, and pharmaceutical poisoning. Epi-genetic issues can be triggered if underlying once the terrain hits a certain tipping point. The BRCA1 gene is often framed as a genetic time bomb for breast and ovarian cancer, but in reality, it is part of the body’s natural repair and maintenance system. BRCA1 is involved in DNA/vibrational repair, helping cells respond to damage and prevent mutations. When there is chronic toxicity, malnutrition, hormonal imbalance, and radiation exposure, the demand on BRCA1 function increases, and if the body is constantly overwhelmed with toxins and stressors, it can lead to cellular breakdown and demise. The presence of a BRCA1 mutation does not mean cancer is inevitable; it means the body’s repair mechanisms may already be compromised due to terrain overload. Instead of addressing these factors, the medical system treats cancer with chemo and radiation, both of which cause more cancer by further damaging healthy cells and increasing toxicity.

At the doctor’s office, patients are told their cancer is due to bad luck, bad genes, or an aggressive virus like HPV or Epstein-Barr. They are pressured into aggressive treatments that poison the body further. The real solution is rest, inner work, detoxification, terrain restoration, and deep nourishment.

Autoimmune Diseases: Cellular Malnutrition, Not the Body Attacking Itself

Autoimmune diseases are framed as the body attacking itself for no reason. Doctors tell patients their immune system (more accurately, a whole body communication and cleansing system) is defective, when in reality, their body is trying to clean up damaged tissues, remove toxicity, and restore function.

Conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis all have underlying causes like gut damage, food intolerances, heavy metal poisoning, microplastic exposure, radiation accumulation, and toxicity overload. Instead of healing, doctors prescribe “immunosuppressants” that shut down natural repair processes, making long-term health even worse. It’s the same gambit, suppress the symptoms and declare a cure (except you need to be on that medication for life!)

How Mistaken Thinking Happens in the Doctor’s Office

The same pattern repeats in nearly every case. A person experiences symptoms, goes to the doctor, and is given a diagnosis based on symptom suppression, not root cause resolution. Doctors do not look at the body as a whole, barely consider environmental toxicity, don’t care about nutritional status, and most think detoxification is a joke. Instead, they blame germs, genes, or the unknown, ensuring the patient remains dependent on drugs and medical interventions.

Patients are told that illness comes from outside forces—viruses, bacteria, genetic defects, or just bad luck. They are never told that symptoms are purposeful detox and repair mechanisms. Instead of supporting the healing process, the system shuts it down with medications, surgeries, and vaccines, leading to chronic disease and repeat customers.

This cycle will continue as long as people keep believing in the false germ and gene theories. True healing only happens when people understand the body’s natural intelligence and stop interfering with its cleansing processes. The key is to remove toxicity, replenish nutrients, and support the body’s terrain, not fight imaginary enemies.

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About the Author

Dr. Amandha Dawn Vollmer is a world-renowned healer, educator, and advocate for true sovereignty in health and life. As a master herbalist, practitioner since 2008, holding a doctorate of naturopathic medicine, and biochemistry degree, she is an expert in DMSO therapy and has dedicated her life to teaching people how to reclaim their well-being through natural, terrain-based healing. Through her private community at Yummy.Doctor, she provides education, resources, and real solutions for those seeking to step outside the corrupt medical and political systems. Her work empowers individuals to take back control of their bodies, minds, and lives—because true freedom starts with self-reliance.

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Amandha D Vollmer (ADV)
BSc, Herbalist, Reiki Master,
Holistic Health Practitioner,
Degree of Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

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