HPV – The Virus that Wasn’t

There has been another wave of attacks on the fertility and intelligence of our youth across the country through the use of the poisonous and unnecessary HPV Gardasil vaccine. Misinformation and propaganda about this vaccine are being spread in schools by unpaid agents of the pharmaceutical industry, namely teachers, principals, and parents, as well as paid agents like politicians, doctors, and nurses. Not only is the Gardasil vaccine regarded as one of the most harmful on the market, but there also is no such thing as a human papillomavirus virus.
Firstly, if you have been living under a rock and don’t yet know that virology is a pseudoscience then you have some catching up to do. I welcome you.
The Shope Papillomavirus: The Precursor to HPV
To “prove” a “virus” caused warts in rabbits, Shope and co. minced and ground up glycerolated rabbit warts with sterile sand and added heaping amounts of physiological saline solution along with culture broth of B. Prodigiosus. They then tried every which way to infect the rabbits. They injected these rabbits directly in their veins, in their stomachs, in the fat layers of their skin, in their testicles, and in their brains and all attempts ended in negative results. They could only achieve results about 50% of the time when they inoculated the rabbits directly under their skin yet reactions only occured at the site of injection. They could not transmit infection from domestic rabbits to other domestic rabbits or to wild rabbits. They only succeeded when using wart material from wild rabbits. The only way they ever had success with this material was through scarification by using needles and sandpaper directly on the shaved skin of the rabbits. If they wanted a small amount of warts, the needle was used. If they wanted many warts, sandpaper was used. Never once did they consider the method of scarification as a potential cause of the warts, even in the face of numerous negative results attempting to inject an invisible “virus.”
Source and more: https://viroliegy.com/2022/04/23/the-shope-papillomavirus-the-precusor-to-hpv/
It is important to understand what cytopathic effect is. Let Dr. Stefan Lanka tell you in his own words:
“All claims about viruses as pathogens are wrong and are based on easily recognizable, understandable and verifiable misinterpretations … All scientists who think they are working with viruses in laboratories are actually working with typical particles of specific dying tissues or cells which were prepared in a special way. They believe that those tissues and cells are dying because they were infected by a virus. In reality, the infected cells and tissues were dying because they were starved and poisoned as a consequence of the experiments in the lab.”
Dr. Lanka performed these control experiments and proved his theory that cytopathic death of the cell created a host of endosomes, exosomes, vesicles, spores, somatids and other reactionary breakdown products misidentified as “viruses”. I suggest to click on the link and watch the entire video to better understand.
There is no virus. This means there is no cancer caused by said virus. There certainly is damaged tissue creating cytopathic effect as the cells expire. However, the Gardasil vaccine is completely fraudulent, from its design and theory. This is not the method to correct a cervical concern. It is a way to create one, however. Also, a way to create cancers.
HPV Madness
It’s one thing to show that the DNA claimed to be HPV does not belong to any physical particles assumed to be the human “papillomavirus,” yet it’s another thing entirely to tear down this insane narrative linking these fictitious entities to cancer. According to the official narrative, there are over 150 different combinations of A,C,T,G’s representing different strains of the same “virus.” The vast majority of these DNA strains are said to be harmless. For the random numbers they picked out as their cancer culprits, the vast majority “infected” never develop cervical or any other cancer. They also claim that the vast majority of the HPV cases are asymptomatic and that 90% of these cases clear up on their own within 2 years. It is well-known that HPV is not the only factor said to cause cervical and other cancers and that various factors such as pharmaceutical use, smoking, environment, and lifestyle choices also play a big role. In fact, HPV is said to be unable to cause cancer without these co-factors. There are cases of cervical cancer that are HPV-negative thus confirming that these random DNA sequences are not found in every case of the disease they are supposed to cause within 15-20 years of infection. According to the CDC, as cancer registries do not collect data on the presence or absence of HPV in cancer tissue at the time of diagnosis, they estimate the percentage of HPV cancer cases based on where they think HPV may be hiding in the body as well as if they think HPV would probably be the cause of the cancer.
It is obvious to anyone looking at the evidence critically and logically that the link between HPV and cancer is laughable if it wasn’t so tragic.
Source and more: https://viroliegy.com/2022/04/14/hpv-madness/
I welcome you to read this so-called HPV isolation paper. As usual, as we see in all other such claimed isolation papers, the methods section reveals a significant amount of contamination and a lack of proper controls. The science needs to be scrutinized.
They collect shavings from what is presumed to be an ‘infection,’ pulverize them, mix them with various chemicals, and then centrifuge the mixture to form a pellet they assume contains the ‘virus.’ However, they never demonstrate that this pellet contains particles that cause disease. Instead, they simply move on to ‘sequencing.’
They collected skin lesions, already assuming the presence of a virus. They centrifuged the sample, identified specific bands they assumed were the virus, and then added yeast and the chemical phenol. They extracted DNA from the sample, presuming it was viral DNA, without ever directly isolating the genetic material from these particles.
As you can see, this is not scientific at all. This is akin to a magic show. Are we wiser to rise above virology’s spell?
Peddling Poison to Susceptible Youth Behind Parents’ Backs:
Here is a video via our friend Courtenay from last year regarding the actions being carried out in response to the planned HPV jabbing of year 8 students at the high school. I have heard of many cases of covert methods used to convince youth to accept the shots or convince one parent.
Lead Gardasil Vaccine Developer Realizes the Dangers:
Were you aware that the lead developer of the Gardasil vaccine, Dr. Diane Harper, actually realized the side effects and lack of efficacy and began to warn people about the issues? What does that tell you?
HPV Vaccine also causes Erectile Dysfunction:
Liam Scheff Presentation:
The late, great Liam Scheff gave a presentation in 2011 called HPV: The “Virus” that Doesn’t Cause Cervical Cancer. Here it is, hosted by Robert Scott Bell.
Why are they targeting our youth? The primary goal is infertility. If you have been paying attention you would have noticed mankind has been under attack by the controlling billionaires who are eugenists and warmongers. They sell fears like climate change and manipulate minds to swallow every agenda they manufacture like lies about being overpopulated or that there are more than 2 genders. Everything is made to be emotional and polarized. They’ve been working on the dumbing down and numbing out of mankind for quite some time now…and many of the results are in.
We Know The Damage – So Why is Gardasil Still On the Market?
If you need any evidence that the pharmaceutical industry and politicians don’t give a rat’s ass about your health, remember that this disaster of a vaccine is still on the market. They don’t care about your children. They want your child dead, sterile, or a customer for life. We must stand up, we must remove our children from their wards.
Study: Behavioral abnormalities in female mice following administration of aluminum adjuvants and the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil.
How much more evidence do we need to prove vaccines harm the body and brain? It is interesting to note that the Gardasil Vaccine does more harm to the hippocampus than aluminum alone.
Vaccine adjuvants and vaccines may induce autoimmune and inflammatory manifestations in susceptible individuals. To date, most human vaccine trials utilize aluminum (Al) adjuvants as placebos despite much evidence showing that Al in vaccine-relevant exposures can be toxic to humans and animals. We sought to evaluate the effects of Al adjuvant and the HPV vaccine Gardasil versus the true placebo on behavioral and inflammatory parameters in female mice…
Study: A lowered probability of pregnancy in females in the USA aged 25-29 who received a human papillomavirus vaccine injection
“Approximately 60 percent of women who did not receive the HPV vaccine had been pregnant at least once compared to just 35 percent of women who had had an HPV shot had ever conceived.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29889622
My darling Sallie Elkordy (RIP) put this list together:
Study: [Demyelinating disease and vaccination of the human papillomavirus]
INTRODUCTION: Primary prevention by prophylactic vaccination against the major cause of cervical cancer, the carcinogenic human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16 and 18, is now available worldwide. Post-licensure adverse neurological effects have been described. The studies realized after the license are descriptive and limited by the difficulty to obtain the information, despite most of the statistical indexes show that the adverse effects by the vaccine of the HPV are not upper compared with other vaccines, the substitution must be considered.
CASE REPORTS: We describe the cases of four young women that developed demyelinating disease after the vaccination of the HPV, with a rank of time between the administration of the dose and the development of the clinical of seven days to a month, with similar symptoms with the successive doses. We have described six episodes coinciding after the vaccination.
CONCLUSIONS: Have been described seizures, autoimmune disorders such as Guillain-Barre syndrome, transverse myelitis, or motor neuron disease, probably adverse effects following immunization by HPV vaccine. So we suggest that vaccine may trigger an immunological mechanism leading to demyelinating events, perhaps in predisposed young.
<translated from Spanish>

Study: Behavioral abnormalities in female mice following administration of aluminum adjuvants and the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil.
Denmark Documentary on HPV Vaccine – https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/tv2-denmark-documentary-hpv-vaccine-shows-lives-young-author/
Study: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia With Chronic Fatigue After HPV Vaccination as Part of the “Autoimmune/Auto-inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants”: Case Report and Literature Review
The links here are a drop in the bucket of evidence of HPV vaccination harm and uselessness.
Warts? Treat the area with 50% apple cider vinegar. The tissue needs cleansing. Warts are a failed attempt at tissue repair (this is why scarification of tissue can lead to warts). Nutritional deficiencies are the root cause but chronic skin damage also is part of this picture. It could be from an improperly operating gut that is not absorbing and/or from a lack of nutritious food.
Still attending an M.D. for some reason and getting PAP Smears (not necessary, just a screening tool for the naive) and you are told you have “abnormal cells,” what do you do? Well, for one, fire your doctor and join us over at Yummy.Doctor where you can learn how to prevent illness, doctor yourself, and take charge of your health and life.
Here is how to clean up your cervix, ladies:
First of all, quit the PAP smears. They are useless and dangerous and even The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists no longer recommends yearly screening. The very act of scraping the cervix can lead to cervical disease. How many doctors inform their patients to abstain from sex for 2-4 weeks after a PAP? Anyone? Right, none. So when the cervix is damaged and sperm is in the region, healing times decrease. This is because there is a protein in sperm that instructs the woman’s body not to destroy it. So what can happen in this scenario? A damaged cervix that is slow to heal leads to the differentiation of cells.
Our vaginas are connected to our brains and nervous systems. That means systemic concerns can take hold when things go awry. If you are not sure of your condition, make sure the pH of your vagina is between 3.8 and 4.5. Use 50% apple cider vinegar as a douche to lower vaginal pH if you suffer from chronic, repeating “yeast infections,” BV (bacteria vaginosis), or are noticing abnormal discharges.
The causes of these imbalances are always going to be toxins coupled with a lack of nutrients, so the job here is to remove the toxins and put in the nutrition. Retrain your thinking in this way: your body is wise, now listen, and help it in its action.
You can test your vaginal pH with pH papers. https://yumnaturals.store/product/ph-home-test-kit/
Vaginal depletion packs (vag pack or vag-pack) have been in use since the 1800s and have a long history of effective use by naturopathic physicians in the treatment of cervical dysplasia and other concerns.
Vaginal depletion packs work by the action of the substances within the packs, which draw fluid and stagnation out of the uterus. These therapeutic effects make vaginal depletion packs effective in the treatment of such conditions as cervical erosions, acute and chronic cervicitis, abnormal Papanicolaou (Pap) smears, PID, and conditions of pelvic congestion.
The Vaginal Depletion Pack or suppository usually consists of:
- Magnesium sulfate
- Iron subsulfate
- Hydrastis
- Vitamin A
- Tea Tree Essential Oil
- Bitter orange essential oil
- Thuja essential oil
…in a natural base.
From Women’s Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine: Alternative Therapies and Integrative Medicine by Tori Hudson, N.D.
Cervical dysplasia sample treatment plans:
It is thought to work by promoting the sloughing of the superficial cervical cells, particularly those that are abnormal. It is effective in most cases of minor cervical dysplasia. These packs are available in vaginal suppository form and should be used weekly. For most patients, the vaginal depletion pack will accelerate the rate of normalization of the cervix.
One can purchase some of the suppositories here:
and here https://vitanica.com/online-store/v-fresh-6-suppository-tablets/
Also, consider the vaginal coffee implant:
https://drlwilson.com/Articles/COFFEE-VAGINAL.htm This is especially powerful for healing from sexual trauma.
Vaginal steams for yoni care:
Use vaginal steams for:
- stress
- depression
- hemorrhoids
- microbial imbalances
- infertility
- hormone imbalances
- headaches
- fatigue
- digestive issues
- generalized pain
If you are looking for a natural lubricant and spermicide.
If you have a candida imbalance, this can assist.
A probiotic can also be inserted vaginally overnight for a week to support the vaginal terrain.
We must become wise and aware. We need to protect our children from those who are amoral and selfish. Please use this information to help educate your family and older children so you, too, are not a victim of this false medical ideology that needed to change long ago.
More Resources:
Link to my Substack article: https://amandhavollmer.substack.com/p/hpv-the-virus-that-wasnt
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Amandha D Vollmer (ADV)
BSc, Herbalist, Reiki Master,
Holistic Health Practitioner,
Degree of Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine
Bringing the Wisdom of Nature Education: https://yummy.doctor/
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