The Illusion of Choice: How Modern Democracy Ensures No Real Political Change

Yummy Doctor Holistic Health Education - Blog - The Illusion of Choice How Modern Democracy Ensures No Real Political Change
Yummy Doctor Holistic Health Education - Blog - The Illusion of Choice How Modern Democracy Ensures No Real Political Change

In this video, RFK Jr. publicly stated that the MMR vaccine was unnecessary, emphasizing that measles is not a deadly disease and can be managed naturally. Now, in 2025, he is promoting the MMR vaccine (for those who want it), aligning with the very narrative he once challenged. So what changed? Allow me to explain.

But first, let’s talk about the media. It is not merely politicians who shape public understanding, nor is it science that determines what is accepted as truth. Public perception is engineered through a system of control that includes the media, education, corporate influence, and social conditioning, ensuring that people only see the reality that serves those in power. The media does not report facts; it manufactures narratives. It selects what information is amplified and what is buried, shaping public opinion in a way that benefits its true owners. It is not simply biased but a carefully designed tool for mass persuasion, controlling the flow of information to maintain the illusion of truth.

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Take the recent measles case as an example. The media aggressively pushed the story of a child’s death, repeatedly emphasizing that the child was unvaccinated. However, what they failed to highlight was that the child had multiple serious health issues, including pneumonia and a so-called positive test for RSV. They also claimed the child had “tested positive for measles.” But what does that even mean? In the post-COVID era, the machine has convinced the masses that humans are “silent carriers” and “super spreaders” of diseases they do not even express. Of course, they will continue using this blatant lie and affront to common sense to fuel more fear-mongering.

What they left out is that the faulty PCR tests and other methods used do not detect a disease-causing virus but rather cellular debris, fragments of broken-down tissue resulting from inflammation. There are no contagious viruses, THERE IS NO MEASLES VIRUS, only evidence of the body’s detoxification response due to toxicity, malnutrition, or medical interventions such as vaccines (ironic, isn’t it?) Instead of investigating the true cause of illness, the media constantly use incomplete and misleading information to create a fear-driven narrative, and in this case, reinforcing the false idea that measles itself was responsible for the child’s death. See my resources at the end to learn more.

The existence of viruses has never been scientifically proven, yet this is never up for discussion. It would never be permitted! Dr. Stefan Lanka, a German molecular biologist, won a landmark court case proving that no measles virus exists, yet his victory was ignored or ridiculed by mainstream sources. The ruling confirmed that no measles virus has ever been found or isolated. Full stop. But you will never hear this in the news because the system does not allow challenges to its foundational lies.

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Their deception did not stop there. In their rush to push fear, major outlets used a stock image of a child with a rash, claiming it was a recent measles case. The media was forced to issue a quiet apology, but by then, the damage had been done. All they need is to push fear and confusion, later corrections are mostly irrelevant. This is how the machine works. It floods the public with emotionally charged propaganda, and if necessary, issues a small retraction that barely anyone will read.

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The Illusion of Democracy and the Control of Dissent

I have said this before, and I will say it again: the only true political solution lies with the body politic, also known as the people. Yet, the system we call “democracy” is not designed to empower the people—it is designed to manage them. The political process, particularly in the Americas (not countries but corporations), is a carefully constructed illusion of choice, where candidates are pre-selected, narratives are controlled, and real systemic change is never allowed.

Take RFK Jr. as a current case study. Once a vocal critic of Big Pharma and vaccine overreach, he has now shifted his stance, endorsing the MMR vaccine—a move that seems contradictory to his past positions. Why? Because politics is not about truth, it is about power. And in order to maintain access to that power, politicians must conform to the system, not challenge it. The system is the disease.

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The System Works Exactly as Designed

Many believe that the political system is broken, failing to serve the people as it was intended. But this is a misconception. The system is not broken; it is functioning exactly as designed. Its purpose is not to create real change but to prevent it while maintaining the illusion of democracy. It exists to manufacture consent, trapping people in a perpetual cycle of believing that government is necessary, that the right candidate will one day fix everything and that participation in the process gives them a voice. In reality, the system is structured to centralize power, control opposition, and neutralize any threat to its existence.

At its core, this apparatus is about ensuring dependency. If people realized they could govern themselves, reclaim their sovereignty, and make decisions outside of state control, the entire system would collapse. To prevent this, it must keep people engaged, believing in elections, trusting in political figures, and investing in the idea that change can come from within the very framework designed to suppress it. The illusion must be maintained at all costs because a population that no longer believes in the necessity of governance is a population that no longer submits to control.

The United States, in particular, operates under what could be described as a pseudo-democratic, oligarchic system where elections are theater, and political figures are actors playing assigned roles to serve the interests of entrenched power structures: corporate, financial, and deep-state networks. Politicians, especially those who reach national prominence, are subject to immense pressures, incentives, and constraints that dictate their public stances. They do not act freely but must act within the parameters of what is permissible by those who fund, manage, and control the system.

RFK Jr. and the MMR Vaccine: So Why the Sudden Shift?

RFK Jr. historically spoke out against Big Pharma, vaccine safety issues, and regulatory capture within agencies like the FDA and CDC. However, in his new role as a presidential candidate, he has tempered or even reversed certain positions—such as his stance on the MMR vaccine.

To understand why, we must analyze:

The Nature of Political Power in the U.S.

The Pied Piper Effect

The Psychological Profile of a Politician

The Pressures and Incentives That Shape Public Messaging

The Nature of Political Power in the U.S.

Controlled opposition and political gatekeeping ensure that every high-level political figure who gains traction is either vetted, neutralized, or co-opted to prevent any disruption to the larger power structure. The presidency is not simply an office won through votes; it is a managed position within a broader apparatus that demands compliance. True outsiders never reach the top; if they do, they are either compromised or swiftly removed. RFK Jr. is being carefully managed to appeal to a specific audience: disillusioned voters who are skeptical of mainstream narratives but must still be guided back into the system. This is the Pied Piper effect in action.

The Pied Piper Effect

The Pied Piper effect is a method of controlled opposition, designed to capture those who see through the system and redirect them back into its confines. Figures like RFK Jr. are positioned as truth-tellers, drawing in those who reject mainstream narratives, only to gradually shift their messaging in a way that keeps their followers engaged but contained. By appearing to challenge the establishment while ultimately reinforcing its boundaries, they prevent real opposition from forming. This tactic ensures that disillusioned voters remain within the political framework, believing they have an advocate when, in reality, they are simply being guided down a different but equally controlled path. Politics is a game of power. It had nothing to do with truth.

The Psychological Profile of a Politician

The desire for power, influence, or legacy forces even the most principled individuals into pragmatic compromises, where ambition inevitably overrides conviction. RFK Jr., despite his past criticisms of Big Pharma, remains deeply embedded within the Kennedy political dynasty, which ties him to establishment circles and the social and political conditioning that comes with them. When ambitious figures shift their positions, they often engage in cognitive dissonance and rationalization, convincing themselves that these adjustments are necessary for their larger goals. RFK Jr. may now believe that endorsing the MMR vaccine is simply a strategic move required for political viability rather than a true reversal of his principles. But in reality, we don’t know his true intentions. Speculating on what his deep intentions are is a waste of time—politicians and policy makers are habitual liars, saying whatever is necessary to advance their position. Why bother guessing? Their words mean nothing when the entire game is rigged.

The Pressures and Incentives That Shape Public Messaging

Now in saying that, RFK Jr. likely understands that to be taken seriously as a mainstream political candidate, he must shed the label of “anti-vaxxer.” He knows he is dealing with a population that has been relentlessly bombarded with propaganda, their perceptions shaped by deep mind control, programming, and hypnosis. These are not people thinking critically or engaging with reality, but minds conditioned to react in pre-programmed ways.

Decades of psychological manipulation have ensured that their beliefs are not their own but the product of carefully crafted narratives, reinforced through fear and repetition. For many, the constant barrage of propaganda has not only shaped their perception of reality but also left them in a state of low-grade (or high-grade) trauma, with conditioned emotional responses overriding critical thought.

If RFK Jr. were to take an uncompromising stance against vaccines, the media would escalate their attacks, further cementing his image as a reckless conspiracy theorist. He is already being painted as a dangerous extremist, but a full rejection of the vaccine narrative would turn public outrage into a full-scale character assassination (or literal one). The establishment wouldn’t need to lift a finger. The masses, primed and ready, would do the work for them, tearing him apart with manufactured moral outrage, convinced they are on the side of truth when, in reality, they are simply defending the very institutions that keep them misinformed.

That said, I am not making excuses for him, nor am I an apologist. But we must always apply logic and deeper thinking when discussing situations like these, recognizing the layers of control at play without falling into reactionary thinking ourselves. I can’t even begin to imagine the insanity of wading through the cesspool of politics. I often say to those who mock or judge, you fucking try it.

The Illusion of Choice: No Real Political Situation

If all viable candidates must ultimately conform to the system, then there is no real political contest. Politics is nothing more than theater, a carefully scripted performance where elections function as a pressure-release valve to maintain mass compliance. People are given the illusion of choice, believing they have a voice in shaping their future, when in reality, the outcome is predetermined by the very structures that control the process.

This is why the rules of the game ensure that real systemic change never happens. Every candidate, no matter how rebellious they may seem at first, will ultimately serve the corporate-state apparatus in some capacity. Public figures like RFK Jr. will adjust their positions, not based on what is objectively true, but on what is politically necessary to remain within the system.

The so-called political situation in America is nothing more than a mirage. It is a self-perpetuating cycle that rotates controlled opposition figures, reinforces existing power structures, and keeps the masses engaged in a futile spectacle. The system remains untouched, and the illusion of democracy keeps the people distracted while guiding them toward pre-selected outcomes that ensure nothing of significance ever changes. We are at the end of an era and their next “great reset” on the horizon. Round and round we go…

Taking Back Power: A Call to Action

Recognizing the illusion is only the first step. The real question is, what will you do now? The system thrives on participation, and as long as people remain plugged into it, believing that reform can come from within, nothing will change. The only way forward is to step outside of it entirely.

Stop looking to politicians to fix your life. Withdraw your energy from the machine that exists to control you. If you truly want freedom, you must take responsibility for your own survival, well-being, and governance. Move into the private, take back control of your finances, and stop feeding the beast through taxation and blind compliance. If you grow your own food, produce your own resources, and disconnect from state dependency, their grip on you weakens. The less you rely on their systems, the less power they have.

Cut ties with mainstream media and the narratives designed to manipulate your perception of reality. Reject their fear campaigns, medical mandates, and financial traps. Learn the real laws that govern commerce and sovereignty. Build local networks, barter, and create self-sustaining communities that do not answer to their authority.

Most importantly, free your mind from the idea that you need permission to live as you choose. The system only holds power because people give it power. This includes your health. Learn how to doctor yourself, so you are no longer dependent on their broken medical model. True sovereignty means knowing how to care for your body naturally, understanding real healing, and stepping outside the pharmaceutical system. If you are ready to take control of your health and be part of a private community of like-minded individuals, join me at Yummy.Doctor, where we focus on real solutions for true freedom.

The greatest act of rebellion is to reclaim your autonomy, reject their false choices, and refuse to play the game at all. May you find peace and clarity in these unstable times.

About the Author

Dr. Amandha Dawn Vollmer is a world-renowned healer, educator, and advocate for true sovereignty in health and life. As a master herbalist, practitioner since 2008, holding a doctorate of naturopathic medicine, and expert in DMSO therapy, she has dedicated her life to teaching people how to reclaim their well-being through natural, terrain-based healing. Through her private community at Yummy.Doctor, she provides education, resources, and real solutions for those seeking to step outside the corrupt medical and political systems. Her work empowers individuals to take back control of their bodies, minds, and lives—because true freedom starts with self-reliance.

ADV’s Healthy Dose of Truth is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.


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Amandha D Vollmer (ADV)
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